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Hi Everybody!

Started by strontium_dog_90, 01 April, 2009, 06:50:05 PM

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Hey to all!

Finally taken the plunge and joined the board after visiting for ages and reading the comic for even more ages!!! (Since Prog 750, if anyone is wondering, can still remember it as if it were yesterday!) Hope everyone is cool and having a great Wednesday evening  :)


-A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion-

Richmond Clements

Another new fellow! Excellent!
Good evening and welcome to the board.


Paul faplad Finch

G'day and welcome. And Weds are always good - it's Prog Day
It doesn't mean that round my way
Pessimism is Realism - Optimism is Insanity
The Impossible Quest
Musings Of A Nobody
Stuff I've Read


Unless you are a subber- gotta love the saturday Prog.

Welcome to the board.


Hi, strangely Prog 750 was my first too.

flip-r mk2

Welcome, He covets the precious things of the shop!

It's all right, that's in every contract.
That's what they call a sanity clause.
You can't fool me, there ain't no sanity clause.

Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana

Devons Daddy

welcome to the board.
finest place in the entire WWW.

post often, have fun, its great here.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!

Gavin, interested to hear you started with Prog 750, too (sorry, don't know how to do quotes yet!) What are your thoughts on it, in hindsight? I know it's from a period of 2000ad that isn't very highly regarded, but I'm sure most people would agree that the Dredd Referendum story starting in that Prog is a classic, and at the risk of being controversial, the ABC Warriors Khaos story in that issue blew me away, too! I was snared instantly - and when I read Judgement on Gotham a few months later, I was hooked for life (hooked in a good way, though!)  :)

On a sort-of related topic, was anyone else inspired to start writing when they first read the comic? I know I was - I had people running around shouting 'hi-ex!' straight away, never realising that the 'ex' stood for explosive, instead just thinking it was a cool thing to shout as you shot someone . . .in my defence, I was ten at the time . . .


Quote from: "strontium_dog_90"What are your thoughts on it, in hindsight? I know it's from a period of 2000ad that isn't very highly regarded, but I'm sure most people would agree that the Dredd Referendum story starting in that Prog is a classic, and at the risk of being controversial, the ABC Warriors Khaos story in that issue blew me away, too!

Well what a way to be introduced to Dredd, "The Devil You Know" still is one of me favorite Dredd stories and was a perfect introduction to MC1. The rest , what can I say I liked ABC, and I don't think I got Strontium Dogs as I didn't know all that had gone before Universal Soldier was okay and the Miller Robohunter will not be spoken of here. Oh and a really cool cover. But despite a few years in the wilderness, I'm still here.


Can't disagree with the Robo-Hunter comments! I didn't really get Strontium Dogs at that point, either - but I got into it as the episodes progressed, and the ending of it was absolutely amazing; I think it was one of the first times that I realised a story could make you so emotional that you actually get a lump in your throat.


Hello and welcome.

Funnily enough 750 wasn't my first prog.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.