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Started by Robo-K33F, 06 April, 2009, 12:05:07 PM

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QuoteI think they fully understand how licensing works.

I don't ;)

QuoteHope they have Tharg introducing each episode a la "The Crypt Keeper" from the old EC comics. Shame about Dredd not appearing but give me Strontium Dog and I'll be happy.

I totally agree with you, there. Having Tharg. A well known identity and beacon of light to the readers of the magazine old and new. Hosting each episode from a virtual set up of the IPC in London with his script /art Droids working around him. Even though it's different these days.

Quotehereby solemnly promise to buy each and every piece of merchandising, at least three times (2 boys and me), so get them there sticker books, action figures, activity annuals, t-shirts, pyjamas, slippers, hats, underpants and whatnot in development NOW.

I like tha sound of that. Everything should be considered. Despite not having any chlidrenof my own.

Steven Sterlacchini

Great news!

Ditto on most things already said.

Great potential, lots of material and I promise to buy all the merchandise and DVDs!


This sounds great. Hope it actually comes to fruition, though. There's been that many false starts with things like this over the years.

Quote from: "pauljholden"Very cool - though the phrase 'motion comics' fills me with horror...

In this case, I think (and hope) they may just be calling it that to avoid at all costs calling it a cartoon.


This is awsome news, no DRedds a bit sad but with all the other characters so mkuch to choose from.  I'm hoping the whole MOtion Comic definition is in the way its presented (anthology format) or because they just dont want to call them Cartoons or Anime and not because they're going to be old Captain America style.  Still anything extra is great and the cement about the rest of the world getting it  is good news for me.

Thankyou Rebellion once again you have proven you know what to do with your comic (though wouldn'tmind an anouncement on the next 2000AD game?)

CU Radbacker


As of last year, I've been treated to episodes on the SCI/FI channel:-

"Ghost in a Shell',

"Comboy Bebop"

Black Lagoon"

"Blood Plus"

Not that I have been watching them that religously.

'Ghost in a Shell" might have been my favorite because of it's inspoiration for the "Matrix" films. I absolutly love those films.

"Cowboy Bebop" also became favoirte, because it seemd like such ripp-off of 2000AD's "Strontium Dog". NBot that I waould have like that exactly. Though similarities are noticable. Incedently, the main character is a dead ringer for 'Adrien Brody" Their faces and overall physical appaerance are a exact match.

Reagrding the level of violence.....

 Do you think they will have this in these new cartoons or will they be toned down.

I can't recall any really graphic violence in those cartoons above. I suppose there was some blood shed.

I now 'Wicked City" was pretty gruesomes in some parts.

Anyway, I just wonder if thats going to be problem with these new 2000AD inspired cartoons being optioned.


i hope it doesnt go the way DC and Marvel have been going, they were doing well with their animated series/specials but have gone back to KIDS CARTOONS wiwth the titans and mini marvel i hope 2000AD plays to a more mature teen/adult audience
"Save Trees, Eat Beavers"
"Animal Rights: Animals have the right to be tasty"


Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Colin YNWA

Out of interest and I know its difficult to compare the two BUT between this and the new Dredd movie which do people think will have the biggest impact on the long term health of 2000ad?

I genuinely think that the tv show if targeted right and produced well could have a genuine long term benefit to the comic. Particularly if it catches on enough for a young teen friendly comic to be released along side it. Just look at the number of Doctor Who products that grace newsagents these days. A new title launched off the back of this could be a gateway for future readers of 2000ad itself?

The movie, again assuming its done well, will bring a certain degree of credibility but I'd guess would most likely only really have an impact of trade sales and probably not too much impact on 2000ad itself?

Any better informed odeas out there?


This is really exciting news - probably more so than the Dredd film. If it's done right there are going to be plenty of non-scrots who are in for a real treat.
I don't know what other series they are planning on animating but can you imagine seeing things like the Termight Travel Tubes and Nemesis for the first time in full colour animation? It'll be awesome!
There are so many things I would love to see animated -
Slaine having a warp spasm,
Charlie of Northpool coming to shore in the fog,
Deadlock riding up the side of a building,
Old One Eye going on the rampage,
Joe Pineapples in the bath,
Boots and the rest of the household droids having a debate on Verdus!
Smokin' Joe playing Robopoly,
Johnny Alpha and Wulf in The Killing

... I could go on!

Pete Wells

QuoteI hope 2000AD plays to a more mature teen/adult audience

Yeah, I think this too. I know it's a double edged sword and our comic has to survive but I'd hate to lose stuff like Necrophim and the deeper, more mature Dredds and see my beloved prog turn into Lawman of the Future. It really could happen. I used to get the Star Wars comic (for my boy, honest guvnor!) and it was full of great Dark Horse stuff, now it's turned into The Clone Wars kiddie comic and it looks terrible and is an awful read. Beware Tharg!


Who on tyhis messagebaord woul like to see this seris done in similaer fashion to those animated shows that I mentioned up above.


Quote from: "ThryllSeekyr"Who on tyhis messagebaord woul like to see this seris done in similaer fashion to those animated shows that I mentioned up above.

No thanks.


I'm not sure if I dream't it or read it here ages ago on the board that a japanese company had the rights to an animated dredd series.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Congratulations to everyone involved with this one. As if we haven't got enough stress on our plates worrying about the film, now we have this to stress over ! Great news,although I too am concerned by phrases like "motion comics". I want to see the ABC Warriors on the TV guide when my son looks at what's on of a Saturday morning ! All in all though this is the sort of step forward that we should be applauding. I can put my hand on my heart and say I am bloody glad Rebellion own our comic.They are great.Keep up the good work ! Anyone fancy a weekend in San Diego in July ?Ha Ha
Building up a nice crust since 1969...


i am 9 and i would love to see dredd on t.v  it would be fab :D  :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!