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top ten ever stories in tooth

Started by Devons Daddy, 26 August, 2002, 03:39:45 PM

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What about TRASH? (I think that was it's name.) All about an ecological London bobbie. Or Inspector Ram in DEAD MEAT or something. Agreed, though, GOLDEN FOX and pretty all Fleischer ROGUEs were the absolute nadir. Which begs the question, why couldn't 2K just let Rogue go? Wht did they repeatedly insist on re-animating that stillborn creation?

Slippery PD

Dead meat definatley add that to my list.  That was feckin terrible.

Does anyone think in ten years  time well have the Retro prog from that time??  :-)




Red Fang. And the really bad one about the killer car from the same period.
Remember - dry hair is for squids


I was talking to my brother at the weekend & he said he liked Helltrekkers.  Personally I didn't.
Better set your phaser to stun.


No helltrek was a classic. Leave it alone!

I must admit the only story I really hated in recent years was Carver Hale. I couldn't stand that.

One of my all time worst 2k stories is poor old Carver.

Junker, Trash, Mean Team, Mean Arena 2, Babe Race, Killer, nearly all the Friday tales, most of Ennis' Dredd's, all of Millar and Morrison's Dredds - all stinkers.

I will add Shakara to the list, not because it was poor, but odds are it won't come back and had so much potential. What a waste.

Sin Dex has probably seen better days but may perk up. You never know! Then again horse, flogging, a and dead come to mind.:)

I couldn't stand the second part of 13, which just seemed an excuse for some lovely drawn breasts. Like these but better:

(  o  )   (  o  )


I'm the only one that liked Tao De Moto then?


The mind of Wolfie Smith
Black Hawk
Meltdown Man
Return To Armageddon
Mean Arena
Ant wars (beacause of the two drunk Scots guys being offed by eponymous Ants in Argentina after the world cup)
Bad City Blue
Black Light
99% of future shocks
All Rogue Trooper after 'The War Machine'

Plus lots others when I remeber them.


Can't someone just dig out the "Crown Court" thread's final list and make that a starting point?

FWIW, I'm *enjoying* Bison so far. Now, let me just settle down and read prog 1306 and Megazine 4.15 in peace, will you?

*opens bottle of wine, switches off PC*


Leigh S

Helltrekkers was a great story - I cannot understand why people would put this in a list of top ten worst - lets see

Millar Dredd
Millar Robohunter
Fleischer Rogue
Fleischer Harlem Heroes
Chronos Carnival
Zippy Couriers
Dry Run
Mother Earth
Soul Gun Warrior
Maniac 5
Babe Race 2000
Kid Cyborg
Space Girls
Kola Kommandos
Kellys Eye
Dead Meat
Medivac 318
The Clown
The Grudge Father

Do I need to go on?  Can anyone honestly say that any of these stories comes close to being better than Helltrekkers?

I know that the above list is actually mostly the work of about 5 or 6 writers, but thats no reason to besmirch the good name of Wagner and Grant - So Mean Team, Bad City Blue and Helltrekkers arent as good as Dredd or SD, but theyre a darn sightbetter than that list of trash (there's another one!) up there.....

Slippery PD

Watcher Id agree with the list But I have to say:
First series of Medivac wasnt that bad, I didnt mind maniac 5 that much, Zippy couriers was fairly harmless fluffy , tripe.

But yes that about covers it


How come nobody mentioned the daddy of all 'Tookay Turkeys'? The first strip given the dubious honour of being slagged off by Tharg personally in strip's and several Nerve Centre's.


W. R. Logan

>Has anyone mentioned Helltrek yet??

One of my faves, I know its a bit crap but I just can't help it. Just been rereading it so I can write a synopsis of it for someone.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Class Of '79 Yahoo Group">

W. R. Logan

>Bad City Blue

So I admit to liking HellTrekkers and now I'm going to put my hand upto likeing Bad City Blue, don't ask me why I can't justify it, I just do.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Bad City Blue">