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Twitter-pated ?!

Started by Marbles, 12 June, 2009, 08:36:47 PM

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Quote from: "pauljholden"Good grief. I'm not sure what inspires people to hate twitter so much

I think it's the vomitous interface, the mindless babble, the fact that it only seems to exist so Philip Fucking Schofield can talk about it on This Morning, Stephen Bloody Fry can tell us which coffee shop he's eating in and Angelina Jolie can squee like a little girl over Susan Boyle that did it for me. It is a truly appallingly designed thing- and the 140 character limit just makes me cry. Social Networking had no need for another go- MySpace tried it out, and Facebook refined it, Twitter is just celeb-driven overkill. I just wish it would crash.



Quote from: "pauljholden"if you're following someone who is boring you - UNFOLLOW them

Good suggestion in theory, but doesn't take into consideration the potential reactions of extremely boring and incredibly huffy friends and family members who might have sought you out on there.


Re: the interface, there's plenty of client apps out there that mean you NEVER have to use twitter's interface (currently twitapocolypse notwithstanding)

re: celebs on twitter - yea, celebs are on twitter, but they also have blogs that doesn't make all blogs useless! Just, you know... as I keep saying... don't follow them...

Twitter is what you make it - my twitter stream is made up of editors / comic creators - so I get minute by minute updates on lots of people in the industry as well as great (if somewhat random advice) from editors about breaking in to yankee land (and if some editor is using it as a tool for promotion for the company I simply unfollow). It's like a massive forum where you can pick and choose the people you want to interact with.

Not that I'm in love with it, it's not perfect (and fails constantly) and I'm as guilty of anyone for over using it for banal reasons - in some ways I wish you could filter out certain kinds of posts from people that you want to follow... but as a tool it's shaped by the user so it's as good or bad as you want it to be.

Still, you're clearly dead set against it, it just surprises me just how deadset people are agin' it.

Also: forgot one other 2000AD creator

re: people getting funny about you unfollowing them - suggest you start a twitter account with an anonymous name and follow people that way... or tell you friends/family to get thicker skin!


Matt Timson

Quote from: "SpookyTheCat"I've just deleted my Twitter account, as it was just making me angry. Horrible, horrible site. That it took me fifteen minutes of searching through the "help" section before I accidentally pressed a button and came across a teeny-tiny "delete your account" link says it all really.

At least Facebook's Destruct button is easy to find!


Thanks for the update!  Amusingly, this is not unlike the sort of thing that Twitter bashers seem to be moaning about.  What makes you think that anyone else gives a toss if you delete your twitter account or not?

Personally, I like Twitter- but then I mainly follow people that I already know- and most of those people post amusing and/or interesting links to stuff.  I would particularly recommend following New Scientist.


Quote from: "Matt Timson"Thanks for the update!  Amusingly, this is not unlike the sort of thing that Twitter bashers seem to be moaning about.  What makes you think that anyone else gives a toss if you delete your twitter account or not?

Personally, I like Twitter- but then I mainly follow people that I already know- and most of those people post amusing and/or interesting links to stuff.  I would particularly recommend following New Scientist.

What the hell gives you the right to jump in and dictate what others should write about on a thread dedicated to Twitter? A thread where a significant proportion of the posts are saying they don't like it, I might add.


Matt Timson

Quote from: "SpookyTheCat"
Quote from: "Matt Timson"Thanks for the update!  Amusingly, this is not unlike the sort of thing that Twitter bashers seem to be moaning about.  What makes you think that anyone else gives a toss if you delete your twitter account or not?

Personally, I like Twitter- but then I mainly follow people that I already know- and most of those people post amusing and/or interesting links to stuff.  I would particularly recommend following New Scientist.

What the hell gives you the right to jump in and dictate what others should write about on a thread dedicated to Twitter? A thread where a significant proportion of the posts are saying they don't like it, I might add.


Could you show me where I did that, please?  I think you'll find that I asked you a question.


Quote from: "Matt Timson"Could you show me where I did that, please?  I think you'll find that I asked you a question.

I have no wish to have this descend into bickering, but unless you are being deliberately obtuse, you know full well that when you ask "makes you think that anyone else gives a toss if you delete your twitter account or not?", you are saying "don't bother to post that here".

My comment was a completely reasonable follow-up to comments I had made earlier. I don't like Twitter, so I left (when it let me find out how to do so). Your tone was needlessly aggressive. Please don't take that tone with me in future, young man.


Matt Timson

Quote from: "SpookyTheCat"
Quote from: "Matt Timson"Could you show me where I did that, please?  I think you'll find that I asked you a question.

I have no wish to have this descend into bickering, but unless you are being deliberately obtuse, you know full well that when you ask "makes you think that anyone else gives a toss if you delete your twitter account or not?", you are saying "don't bother to post that here".

My comment was a completely reasonable follow-up to comments I had made earlier. I don't like Twitter, so I left (when it let me find out how to do so). Your tone was needlessly aggressive. Please don't take that tone with me in future, young man.


Well... you can read it that way if you want to- but the clue to the way it was intended is in the sentence preceding it.  You were essentially doing what most users of Twitter are doing- giving us an update on your life.  Any aggression in that is totally assumed on your part.  In fact, if anything, I'd say the aggression is all one-sided so far.


Quote from: "Matt Timson"Any aggression in that is totally assumed on your part.  In fact, if anything, I'd say the aggression is all one-sided so far.

Do you know what? I can't be bothered to rise to it.



Matt Timson

I don't know what else you want me to say.  You've obviously misunderstood what I posted and reacted badly to it.  Rather than go off on one, I've attempted to clarify my meaning for you- but you've chosen to ignore that and concentrate on another perceived slight instead.

Whatever indeed...  :roll:


I've recently started using twitter for Termight Replicas


I'm following a selection of friends, comic professionals, news sources and celebrities, and I'mn working on the basis that it's better to follow a few too many people to start with and then unfollow any that have a high amount of noise.

I'm hoping that friends and Termight Replicas fans will follow me, and I'm planning to use it as a news feed for the website (e.g. to say when I'm on holiday or details of new stuff). The #twitcomp that I'm running is an experiment to see if I can use twitter to reach Judge Dredd fans who might not know about me already -- so the more people who enter the comp the better (whether the want to win or just help me spread the word).

As PJ says, twitter is what you make it and I'm hoping I can make it into something useful and/or interesting for me.




Hi Ho Marbles and hello PJ, via whose Twitterings I found this thread!
  I quite like Twitter myself, although I think it's over rated as The Next Big Thing.  Like someone else said here, I just follow the people I enjoy following and unfollow the ones I don't.  It's lead to loads of amusing links to check out.  My biggest Twitter thrill so far has been getting a happy birthday from a Scott Thornbury (whose name means nothing here, but is a legend in ESL teaching).
  yours mooching-on-a-sunday-getting-over-a-cold-ishly,



As a slight aside, does it piss off anyone else that it seems to be counted as genuine journalism to simply follow someones Twitter now?

Its bad enough that every time I go to my yahoo email Im confronted with "What Katie Price is doing today" in the real news (as in not in the entertainment/celebrity section which I dont bother with anyway), but now every day there is a new full story based on one throwaway line Mily Frigging Cyrus or someone else equally pointless has put in their Twitter.

Really though, I know a lot of people love it. Good for you. If whats said in Twitter stayed in Twitter I wouldnt be so narked about it. Like I said its the synching it to other stuff that gets to me, same way Big Brother still invades my life despite never having watched a single second of it on the tv.

Well, that and the fact Im a grumpy old bastard of course   :lol:

Matt Timson

Ahhh... The InterNetz!  That magical place where nobody ever has to admit that they might be mistaken...

Anyway.  I find it interesting that half of the people I follow on Twitter (yes, I follow them- although not like messiahs or anything, you understand) used to post a lot here, but are only occasional posters now.  I see that as a kind of online evolution.  Others might disagree.