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THE WALKING DEAD: Volume 1, 'Days Gone By'

Started by Eric Plumrose, 21 June, 2009, 09:04:08 AM

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Eric Plumrose

Okay, so I'm only eight volumes behind the rest of you. I'm straggling but, assuming my brains remain my own, I promise to catch up as soon as.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

Paul faplad Finch

No rush. Take your time. Seriously, you won't, but you'll wish you did. I bought Days Gone By as my '3' in Waterstones 'all GNs 3 for 2' deal cos they only had 2 I particularly wanted but I wasn't about to turn down a free book. Had never heard of it before then and was't particularly looking forward to it although the guy in the store talked my ear off about its greatness. I actually took it home, put it on the side and forgot about it for a few weeks. Then came across it again, read it one afternoon and fell in love. I promptly rushed out and over the course of 2 paydays bought 2-8 and gorged on them.

Then waited an age for book 9. Then waited another age. Then it came out. Then I read it and am now waiting an age again, just like everyone else. Had I stuck to my usual system of buying 1 vol a month of each series I'm reading I'd still have. . . well actually I'd still have caught up by now but you see my point. Space it out, savour it.

You'll love every page.
It doesn't mean that round my way
Pessimism is Realism - Optimism is Insanity
The Impossible Quest
Musings Of A Nobody
Stuff I've Read

Darren Stephens

I just got Vol 1 yesterday. Looking forward to it....loves me a zombie comic! :D