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Potential for a Dan Dare Tv series?

Started by Dandontdare, 15 July, 2009, 06:11:12 PM

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OpusAndBill has just drawn my attention to the news that a new company has bought the rights to Dan Dare.

Now I know this is a looooong way from saying that a new series is coming, but it's an idea.

Could be ace, could be shite. Any ideas of who we think should be involved? Or who should have court order taken out to keep them away from it at all costs? Yes Mr Davies, I'm looking at YOU!


Actually, I've just re-read the story a little more carefully and it looks like we're in for a deluge of new merchandising rather than a TV series:

"Chorion will work to boost the popularity of the classic character through licensing deals. Agreements have already been secured with Simon Spicer for greeting cards and wrap, Somerbond for apparel, Day 2 Day Trading for figurines, and Russimco, who will be launching a master toy range in early 2010. "

Ah well, it'll happen one day!  :-[

Peter Wolf

Dont let the BBC anywhere near it.

As an aside it would be very nice if Rebellion could negotiate with the new owners and see if it is possible to reprint the Dan Dare that appeared in 2000ad in the early days.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Dont mind who does it (even Russel T who I've never had a problem with as a writer) but all I would say is make sure they read the recent Ennis run on the character to see how it can be done.

Professor Bear

The Ennis run was decent, but a retread of his own Enemy Ace work.

Put it on ITV1, Ross Kemp as Dan Dare, no stuff set in space, Treens look like humans because they're the enemy within and that's relevant now, and there are sex robots because that's adult storytelling.
That took thirty seconds to write, but a development firm will take six months to tell someone on the ITV network the same thing - then charge them half a mil for it.

Devons Daddy

The dan dare we had,
well in its day, it was wow look at this, with one of our greats on the art work.

but as a DAN DARE strip it was incorrect, then he went all space cowboy, then super hero with the claw,
each outing the art was outstanding, the stories great boys own sci-fi but never once really DAN DARE. so i would say it would not really work as a tie in to the original.

rename each chapter with a differing character and good stuff, but not a tie in.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!