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UK citizenship test

Started by Bouwel, 02 August, 2009, 09:24:15 AM

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Dan Kelly

67% - Do I get to stay?

Second guessed myself on a couple - and missed one question that wanted two entries and only put one (correct one)

Bad Andy

46%.  :o

My parents would be lucky to get 10% with some of the questions. I suppose you'd get between 20-25% right by accident though.

How many people under the age of 18 are there in the UK.


How would you know that? Bloody stupid last minute statistic crammers! Why are the only ones I get right to do with Europe?

Peter Wolf

Correction to question 13 out of 24 :

A Quango is :

 Answer B [correct answer] should have read as : A non -departmental unelected public body that decides Govt policy that wastes large amounts of public money and are comprised of Gravy Train riders.

I really like the way that Quangos are now so established in the British way of life that they feature in questions in citzenship exams.

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


I scored 8/24. I'll see you all in France.


34% on the UK one, 90% on the Aussie one  8)

Can I go now?


63% FAIL - what a ridiculous set of questions! I think I'd score better on the American test after a quick perusal of their (far more sensible) questions

Eric Plumrose

Quote from: satchmo on 03 August, 2009, 02:48:24 PMI assume you get a booklet to memorise before you take the test . . .

Yours! For only £9.99!

Currently unavailable on eBay
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

House of Usher

I took another test last week. I got the results today: 96% in the council temping pool's clerical skills assessment. They haven't got any work for me though.

The Enigmatic Dr X

63% here. Why do I care when women got the right to divorce their husbands? How does that make me a good or bad citizen?

Surely there's a Dredd storyline in this?
Lock up your spoons!

Adrian Bamforth

The best British citizenship test would be this: Put the applicant at the end of a long queue. If they are still in the queue 4 hours later when it comes to their turn, they're in!


I suspect that happens anyway, Ade. Over and over again.

- Trout


Bwahahahaha!  83% in 4 minutes 10 sec, Brit-bots, 20/24.  In your NHS-glasses-wearing faces, race traitors!  What would the Queen Mum think of you all, eh?  Eh?  Fancy not knowing the number of young people to the closest million, you pathetic plastic patriots.

That's a bizarre test.  You're less suitable for citizenship because you think kids can work 10 hours and it's actually 12?  If these lads set pub quizzes they'd be lynched.  Surely a few questions about Eastenders and varieties of battered food would be fairer?  Although I do think Adrian Bamforth has the truth of it.

In truth I had a lot of lucky guesses, but they always said I was a West Brit...

Adrian Bamforth

Just to clarify things, I should here point out I was refering to the endearing stereotype of the British to wait patiently in line, whether true or not, rather than making a Daily-Mail "the pendulum has swung too far" argument concerning any flaws in the immigration system, of which I know very little.



Think your meaning was perfectly clear, Ade.  Now where is this queue?