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Life is riddled with a procession of minor impediments

Started by Bouwel, 10 August, 2009, 11:08:13 AM

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Ah, Tips- that's a bloody good question. I'd have to say something like "I saw a Dracula movie before I read the book- or even knew it was a book, so in my head the Christopher Lee version (or possibly Scars of Dracula, as I think it was that one) would be my 'source'". But you're absolutely right, probably. I'd also have to say that I'm still at least notionally interested in horror films. If this Dredd flick had been a balls-out adaptation of Judgement Day, with wall-to-wall zombies, it would have engaged my enthusiasm- because zombie movies are my little nuggets of love. It's the styling as a 70s action movie that's killed my interest stone dead, I'm afraid. In much the same way as I've never been interested in the cinematic or straight to video adventures of Messers Schwarzenegger, Van Damme, Seagal, Chan, Stallone or Norris, except when they happen to cross over with my preferred genres (Predator, etc). I have, for instance, never seen Commando, or Cobra or Missing In Action 2: The Beginning, or Under Siege, or The Expendables.



And I just realised I didn't answer your question.

Source: Lugosi and Lee. Maybe Shreck at a pinch.

Bouncy Castle: Langella and his wobbly eyes/ sausage fingers/ massive hair, Jack Palance, the BBC one with that bloke from Hustle in it, Louis Jordan, Udo Kier.

Gary Oldman's version gets a pass at my house because, while being a nonsensical pile of old shit, it has the decency to look better than any movie before or since.

Any new versions would be judged on the talent involved, how closely they stuck to the novel (or the post-novel iconography) and whatever odds and sods made them stand out.



Zombies and vampires might appear as a bit old hat in the new Dredd film. We don't know yet, but maybe a stripped down version of Dredd without any frills might make a refreshing change to us brought up on the fantastic elements of the comic strip. It's hard to tell what the film's going to be like, but I'm not going to write it off due to lack of monsters.
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I think I get where SBT is coming from. I used to love seeing the latest films, but parenthood and related problems have killed that. I miss it, but it's not the end of the world.

As for comics-to-film, I'm just not bothered. Sometimes I see a comics-related DVD and enjoy it, but I certainly never feel huge emotions about this or that property being filmed. I just don't care.

My apathy for the Dredd film is overwhelming. I will see it, and if it's good I'll enjoy it, but I can't bring myself to get involved in a message board thread about it. I certainly cannot be arsed with the mahoooooosive discussions about it on here. Away and do the dishes, you fools. Stop slavering for a film that's months away.  :)

I like the comic, and that's enough.

- Trout



You wouldn't be able to afford a dishwasher then.
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because twitter are stupid idiouts there web sight is broken again it wouint lket me tweat anything or direct message which means im now forsed to uses there phone app now this is not bad but its anoying as hell when im atachily sat infrount of the computer and have to uses a touch screan to type out tweats
Pleases Vist My Blog

can you name the anime


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Batman's Superior Cousin

I can't help but feel that Godpleton's avatar/icon gets more appropriate everyday... - TordelBack
Texts from Last Night


I know it's a pain in the arse! Been sitting here opening cards and just realised the morning's almost gone.
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Client: Please can you send me the stock image you have used.

Me: We're not allowed to give away or share stock images we have licensed, but you can download it here for a couple of quid...

Client: If you're going to be awkward, we won't work with you again. Just send me the image.

Me: ~whimper~

It's so difficult to do the right thing sometimes...


Thats it The post ofice is scruing with me again theas boxies were dispached 2 weaks apart and they arive bouth on the same day year Im sick to death of the post ofice hording my packigies then they all arive at one some of my orderes are test orderes I need them quick im going to fila a complaint as this has to stop.

and befor you ask me what a test order is its where I order a chep japnises figer (or on ochion outher type of figer) from a set of figeres ive never ordered befor to see if I like them enouth to get the more expensive ones.

Pleases Vist My Blog

can you name the anime

Roger Godpleton

When I went to McDonald's today my coke was flat and towards the end of the cup it tasted of gas.

Prior to this, I attempted to pay for my meal using the touchscreens but they said my choice was sold out even though it wasn't when I asked the girl who I had been forced to talk to.

I wanted to see The Muppets Part 7: The Muppets but I forgot it was half term so even if it wasn't sold out I would still have been surrounded by stupid fucking kids.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!



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