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Life is riddled with a procession of minor impediments

Started by Bouwel, 10 August, 2009, 11:08:13 AM

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Colin YNWA

That's pretty damned sucky Mardroid, but glad to see you are chipper enough to put it in the 'minor impediment' bit.

are you in a field that currently has options? Either way good luck with the hunt.


Mainly data entry/admin work, so not too bad I guess. Also I've done quite a bit of warehouse work, but I think I'll avoid that if I can. 😁 I'm not best suited to it...but there seems a lot more if it.

The Doctor Alt 8

I love my cat Dorian but since I moved my PC to the only place in the house that can pick up an internet signal he has not developed the habit of sitting on top of the tower. This wouldn't be QUITE so bad but the little devil accidently keeps turning it off in inopportune times... usually when I am gaming ... I don't know how to stop the furry fiend!


This is only a minor impediment, as per the thread demands, and really I dont mind, but...

I've just spent the best part of six hours trying to pull fifteen hundred consecutive words- that make sense- out of my arse, on the subject of phylogenetic modelling, behavioural ecology and nonhuman primate modelling, with particular reference to A. robustus and H. erectus.

As I say, I don't mind too much as I wanted to do this course in the first place, I have loved every second (except the last six hours) and I have learned more than I ever thought possible for a fifty year old man with the approximate cranial capacity of a K. platyops. That's a self-deprecating anthropology joke, because after six hours that's all I can manage.

What really brings this into the realm of "minor impediments" is that I had the tv on throughout, muted. I closed my laptop, sat back, took a drag of my vape, enjoyed a minute of silent empty headedness, and Unmuted the telly.

...To hear David Attenbrough talking about exactly what I had been writing about, and hopelessly stuck on, two hours ago- and which had nearly driven me to bash my head against the wall and cry, until I finally worked it out.

It's now just after midnight. I can afford to sleep and have time to edit tomorrow, before submitting my writing in the evening. So while i appreciate the help, Sir David, you could have orchestrated it so you were on a few hours earlier, and I might have been able to spend a bit of time with that book I now won't get to read before Tuesday.



 :lol: :lol:

Reminds me of when I was on holiday in Croatia years ago with my (sadly departed) best mate, and we were in the hotel drinking and got to wondering as to how the feck concrete was made.  It being pre-internet-on-demand-times, we realised neither of us had a clue, switched on the telly, flicked through the channels, and found a documentary - on an English speaking channel - about how concrete was made.

A better outcome for us than for you, I'll grant you.

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Brilliant story, SBT!  But I can guarantee you'll remember all that far better than if you'd received it straight from the lips of the divine Dave in the first place.

Link Prime

Brexit finally becomes more than a LOL situation - l just received an email from Forbidden Planet UK - international shipping has ceased, and they "hope" to fulfill my existing pre-orders.


Well I wanted to replay C&C 3 Tiberium Wars,but the later patches overnerfed everything and the campaign is basically unwinnable.

Rara Avis

Heating broke in the house in October and wasn't fixed until December and then only partially (some of the radiators worked but not all of them) - has been totally fixed now but we've just received the highest bill ever for the period from December to January. Have been trying to explain to the water company that something's not right and been told

a) Your bill is around the same as it was last year (yeah but last year our heating worked for that entire period)
b) It's been colder so you probably had the heating on more (yeah i know it's been cold because I haven't had any heat in my living room, where I am working from, from Oct to Jan.
c) Oh you know you're being charged for your hot water usage too (oh you mean like I have for every other month for the eight years I've lived here, yeah thanks I know about the hot water charge).

<deep sigh>


Well, after an 'interesting' year of shifting back and forth between face-to-face and virtual teaching, having to completely repurpose materials to both situations due to timetable decisions that basically meant 100 minute rather than 60 minute lessons with mixed ability form 'bubbles' rather than sets, and a set of assessment requirements so obscure that Stephen Hawkins would have balked at them (whilst trying to manage the impact of one colleague's behaviour on my BPD)

... anyway, on top of all this, the head announces this week that they need to make one of us redundant because of the funding impact of the loss of the school 6th form (a process that was completed last year after 5 years).  Possibly we might all have been a little less put out by the announcement if she hadn't given someone a permanent contract last summer knowing full well this was coming.

Now I know that this is a situation that several million people across the country have become familiar with this year.  So its nice to know that even so called 'secure' jobs in core subjects at secondary can share the experience.  Just hoping that I can leverage my skill set into new, gainful employment at this ripe old age in a time of escalating unemployment.

Oh, why 'minor impediment'?  Well, arguably there are people in a far worse position than myself.   :|

The Legendary Shark

A guy I know is making a few bob tutoring at home, one student at a time.



Rough situation Tjm, and you're taking the right attitude to it.

Funt Solo

Summary: in a sort of intellectual equivalent of herpes, a "man" pretends to be baffled that trolling the living shit out of people annoys them.

See also: Noober from Baldur's Gate
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 05 May, 2021, 09:47:53 PM
Summary: in a sort of intellectual equivalent of herpes, a "man" pretends to be baffled that trolling the living shit out of people annoys them.

See also: Noober from Baldur's Gate

Jeebus Crisps, does he even know what humour is?
Not even a fan of Mrs Br*wn's B*ys would find this funny :(

Funt Solo

Turns out I'm the bigger idiot - I rattled the narcissist's cage and now he's stalking me IRL.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.