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Halloween 2009

Started by Noisybast, 27 October, 2009, 07:36:12 PM

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Well, it's only four days away. Is anyone going to any parties/piss-ups?
Fancy dress? What are you going as? As much as I'd like to have re-used last year's Hellboy outfit, my inner geek saw it as a cop-out, so I'm now putting the finishing touches to my new "trailing-the-zeitgeist-by-several-years" evil zombie pirate ensemble.

Go on then - what will the Hive Mind be doing for the season of the witch?
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!



I actually tagged on the YouTube clip with him in mind...  :)
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


You Drokker Noisyblast, I had to watch that clip and now I can't get the tune out of my head, aaaaargh!


Sadly, I have no plans, and therefore no desire to put together my cheap and cheerful costume.


I'm having a Night at the Maul...

...watching Dawn of the Dead in a shopping centre.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


BOOOOIIINNNGGG! You rang, sir?

Now then- obviously a major thing chez-the familyBlueThing, so I have taken Thur-Sun off work.

It will go something like this:

Thur: Halloween begins in ernest. By now, the front of the house should be mostly decorated, barring the Main Display- but I'll have put the frame up by late evening. We will go collecting leaves, with which to decorate our "graveyard" and path- and they will be stored in the back yard til the day. Mrs BlueThing will be in final rehearsals for Friday night, and so the boys and I will carve pumpkins while she prances about in her undercrackers. I'll shoot to the supermarket and buy £30 worth of sweets for Saturday night.

Fri: I will go into town to buy Halloween presents and get some of the last-minute forgotten things, like extra pumpkins, spotlights and such. Mrs will go off to the show at about 4, leaving us to find normality in chaos and crack on with the day. I'll make Halloween buiscuits and cakes. Babysitter will arrive at 7.30 and I'll tootle off to BURLESK!: NIGHT OF THE DROP DEAD DOLLS, the Halloween show, for 8pm. I will then get bladdered, probably, on far too little beer.

Sat: After exchanging presents, we'll head into town to go to various kid-friendly Halloween events, making sure we're back in time to watch a "scary movie" with the kids, during which I'll nip out and hang the drapes outside, arrange the leaves and affix the corpse to the door, before our special Halloween tea and Trick Or Treating. All that kicks off at about 5- some friends from out of town will come over with their kids and Mrs SmallBlueThing and myself will take it in turns to go Trick or Treating, while the other stays home to greet those that come to our door- and scare the crap out of them with the aforementioned (electronic) corpse. During the evening, Mike across the road will bake Halloween cookies, we will compliment each other on our displays, and we will compare notes and swop sweets. Last year we had over one hundred trick or treaters between 5 and 7.30.

Once the sweets run out, or it gets to 7.45, we'll stick the "see you next year" sign up, haul in the corpse, and, once the kids are in bed, settle down with a bottle of wine and a movie. This year, possibly, one that's "not even out yet", if you know what I mean.

Then I fall into a 350-odd day mope until next October.


Mike Gloady

Not a fan of Halloween as such, but there's something infectious about your enthusiasm.  Haven't celebrated my birthday this year and probably won't feel like Christmas either, but next year I think I'd like to live near you, SBT.  Sounds huge fun.
New in town?  Follow this link for a guide to the Greatest Threads Ever


We are round my brothers this halloween like every year as it is his birthday. The kids love Trick or treating but I don't know how little Sophie will cope. She hates anyone with a mask on, just bursts into tears.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Last year I did the old 'bucket full of sweets whilst my hand was in the bucket through a hole in the bottom routine.' The little monsters loved it, so I might do it again this time!


forgot: sunday- halloween party at our friends house, for all the children! phew.


Wow, SBT, I wish I'd been a kid in your neighbourhood!


heh. i meant to put together a judge death costume this year, but didnt. next year!


You could be Judge Fire and set fire to yourself, I bet you'd make it on the national news.
'Halloween fan sets fire to himself to scare trick or treaters.'

uncle fester

Wow. Halloween round at Small Blue Thing's sounds better than Christmas! That's how to celebrate!