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Started by John Caliber, 16 September, 2002, 04:54:36 PM

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John Caliber

DREDD: Hmm - another reason why it's perhaps not best to bring back artists from the classic era. Some of the worst art I've seen in the comic since Siku - hell, Siku is better than this :)

BISON: Thank crikey it's finally over!


Link:" target="_blank">THE JUDGE DREDD STREET SIM



It's over?  I notice Tharg hasn't bothered printing any negative views on bison...  Let's hope it's not because he's commisoned a second series.  bison - the Bitch is Back.  Sigh...

I didn't mind Dredd, I like Baikie.  The colouring was shocking, definitely time to smash the glass and break out the emergency Blythe.

More Sweary Rogue... Enthusiasm waning...

Scrap.  People are sort of like rubber I think.

I think Abnett only writes this to fuck people off now.  Does anyone have the number for a pair of reliable hitmen?  Someone's got to stop the man.

Ah well, all round a dissapointing prog for me.  Some of it plain bad, much of it not bad.

W. R. Logan

>DREDD: Hmm - another reason why it's perhaps not best to bring back artists from the classic era. Some of the worst art I've seen in the comic since Siku - hell, Siku is better than this :)

How can you compare the genius of McMahon with the B&Q paint buyer that is Siku?

Each to their own I suppose.

Well that's what I was going to post with the relevant links so that others could revel in the glory that is McMahon as I thought you were commenting on Prog 1308, then the postman delivered Prog 1309.

Have to agree with you slightly, but still, worse than Siku? Geez even Jim Baikie's artwork in this weeks Prog doesn't deserve that, just.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">McMahon">

John Caliber

I'm beginning to regret what I said about Baikie's art. If I had to choose between Baikie and Siku for artwork chores for the next mega-epic, o' Jimmy would win hands down.

My abject apologies to those who thought Siku had gotten another admirer .. heh-heh.


Link:" target="_blank">THE JUDGE DREDD STREET SIM


The Amstor Computer

---It's over? I notice Tharg hasn't bothered printing any negative views on bison... Let's hope it's not because he's commisoned a second series. bison - the Bitch is Back. Sigh...---

I could just about understand commissioning it once, but twice? I don't think even a green alien could be that daring. BTW - who thinks Tharg got some poor scriptdroid to write the Bison "fanmail"? ;-)

---More Sweary Rogue... Enthusiasm waning...---

Mmm - doesn't quite work, does it? I do like the tension between Rogue & the Southers though: it was always something missing from the original. Hopefully Lions & Overkill will be the lowest ebb in this set of stories and Nu-Rogue will finish on a bang - BTW, how many more episodes has the series got to run now?

---Scrap. People are sort of like rubber I think---

Still not completely taken with this. Never really been a fan of Elson's artwork, and I'm finding it a bit of a stumbling block in getting into the story. Still, it's only just gotten started...

---I think Abnett only writes this to fuck people off now. Does anyone have the number for a pair of reliable hitmen? Someone's got to stop the man---

I've really tried, but I just can't see what the appeal in this pish is anymore. A fiver for anyone who can point me in the direction of a redeeming feature**

To be honest, I'm a little less enthusiastic about the Autumn Assault than I was a couple of weeks back. The combination of Bison & Sinister Dexter seems to have sapped me of all my thrillpower :-(

**Not really, so FUNT OFF YE FUNTIN' FUNT! (oh, the hilarity - only cheap regional accents could make this more amusing...)


"To be honest, I'm a little less enthusiastic about the Autumn Assault than I was a couple of weeks back. The combination of Bison & Sinister Dexter seems to have sapped me of all my thrillpower :-("

This always happens, it's nothing new.  By about 8 weeks in, the shorter series finish and are replaced with 'filler' which never really satisfies like the other stuff did.  This just leaves us waiting for all new thrills in a few weeks.


I thought this weeks Dredd was really suspect considering the timing of current world events.

And Jimbo's art looks like he was either really rushed of did it in the dark, or both!!

Altogether a very poor dredd.

Link:" target="_blank">

John Caliber

I only noticed the 9/11 connection on the second reading as I tried to re-evaluate the artwork (yep, still crap). I wonder if the strip's publication was deliberately timed to coincide? It seems like too big a coincidence not to be.



Dredd - I agree with the general consensus that Baikie's art was pretty bad in this week's Dredd. Never a Baikie fan anyway.

Scrap - Quite good so far. I'm interested to see how this series develops. For a new strip it's certainly better than Bison (could anything be anyone?) Hopefully Scrap will have an ending that I can actually understand (unlike Avatar). I really like Elsons art and would love to see him doing more Dredd.

Rogue - I actually liked this Rogue story!

Bison - Thank Grud it's over! Now that the last episode is out I tried reading the whole series straight through to see if it's any better than reading it week by week and .....nope, it's still excruciatingly bad.

Sin/Dex - never a fan anyway, but this story is sinking to the level of a Bison. Heck if it sinks any lower, it will be sub-Bison in quality. Please let's have Dredd appear via time machine,or Dimension jump or whatever and blow these two morons away.

Overall 1309 was a very sub quality prog IMO. However, I still just renewed my subscription for both Tooth and Meg though!



OK, my 2p:

Bison started in mediocrity, showed possibilities of becoming interesting for 1 prog (forget which one) and then plummeted back into the depth. Glad to see the back of it.

SinDex - I usually enjoy this pair, but the current storyline is boring the tits off me. The "jokes" are all cheap accent- and TV-related gags, barely worthy of a crap stand-up comic.

Dredd - I liked it. But, then, I generally do. I'm looking forward to Orlock's Trial and the Aliens arc, though, to be honest.

Rogue - Again, I enjoyed it. Nice and retro (couldn't stand Friday) and, while it may be relatively unsophisticated, it makes for an enjoyable read. This week's was one of my favourite one-shots in the current run.

Scrap - too early to tell yet, but shaping up nicely.



I thought Jim's artwork was fine!  A good Dredd story - reminding us that he is a hero on an everyday-basis, & not just once a year for the Megaepic.  I also wondered about the timing of this story, a year & a week after 11/09/01.  If only America had Joe Dredd already...

Scrap - coming along very nicely, enjoying this one & it's currently in the #2 spot for me.

Rogue Trooper coming in third, pretty good story although I couldn't help noticing that Rogue totally fails to keep any of his comrades alive.  Better luck next time Rogue!

Hmmm who's going to take #4?  I'll go for Bison, actually.  Yes, it sucks beyond belief & the ending I did predict a few weeks ago so it held no intrest or tension it has the advantage over Sinister Dexter by being the final part.

#5 Sinister Dexter this story just sucks beyond sucking beyond belief, which is a serious amount of sucking.  SinDex has been brilliant previously.  It isn't at the moment.

And I'm on the letters page.  Yay!
Better set your phaser to stun.


Well, I'm going against the current trend here, but I thought the Dredd artwork was okay. The layouts and the figures were really dynamic, much more so than we've seen from a lot of a artists in tooth recently,  and I thought it told the story really well. The real problem seems to be that its rendered in a style that makes it look like it belongs in a 1980s Eagle annual. To me this doesn't make it bad so much as oddly-out of-date. Makes me wonder what the result would  like if the colouring and inking we're by someone else.

Slippery PD

Here my 2 pence worth:
Dredd - I liked the story.  The art was OK.  But the colouring seemed rather scratchy and Crayony.  As someone already said, its good to see Dredd as a proper hero, every now and then.
The Scrap - Im really beginning to like this.  Likable main character, nice background.  Chugging along quite nicely.  
Rogue - Old School rogue.  Giving you no surprises, its beginning to feel a little flat.  But the end was rather nice (in a nasty way)
Bison - Well its over.  The end was predictable. I disliked it intensely.  But its not as bad as
SinDex - God this is terrible.  Cliches abound.  Its not funny at all.  Although the Crater Manchester view nearly (I said nearly) made me smile.  You just know that the cast of coronation street is next.  Please someone do soemthing with these two, we need a change.....  Preferably their deaths.

A goodish prog again, keeping in line with the current run.  


Dan did such a good job with the VC's too, I've never liked Sin Dex, so I am completely biased.

Baikie's colouring seemed to me to be the sort of colouring job that used to be used when 2000AD wasn't on such good paperstock (when it was in colour, but not glossy).  Anyway, I have a lot of respect for Baikie as an artist, and would love to see him and parkhouse in on a few series.

judge dreddd

I like prog 1309 !

The cover is better than last week and the 9/11 tie in is obvious BUT at least its a change from the same old 'your  nicked' formula.

Bison RIP, sad to say but i was starting to get into it for the last few issues, however saying that scrap and dexter were ace from the start so perhaps some 'front loading' is needed to keep a story going.

Rogue - i am getting sick of this war,war,war, cant we have peace breaking out or at least a truce for a while ?

I wanna see rogue going AWOL after that general who is now a top minister for the norts or somet.

One thing that bugs me, mega city one... no cctv, my town is crawling with it so why isn't mega city one.  I want posters saying 'grass up yer neighbour' as well,, come on lets get some dark 1984 stuff in there.

never satisfied, because, if 2000ad gets massive we will get a decent film !

BTW - my newsagent has started stocking more copies so it must be selling well !