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Started by Batman's Superior Cousin, 13 November, 2009, 05:56:42 PM

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You know, I went to university in San Diego California and at first the consant sun and shine seemed wonderful (I'm from Pennsylvania where the winter lasts for 8 months, we get rain for spring, summer is oppressively humid and fall is all of two days long), but then it went on and on, same thing every day. Hot, bright, yellow, repeat. I much prefer the weather here in England. Today was a perfect day to sit and write and chat with you lot.


I new it would rain, as it's Friday and we have Fish 'n' Chips on a Friday and when I go to get them I get wet (just like in Kingdom). I would say that a good 75% of the time it's raining. A few times I have walked back into the house and had to strip off, I did put some dry clothes on before I ate the food, before people ask.


Quote from: TordelBack on 13 November, 2009, 07:35:35 PM
I really don't think Batson can fairly be classed "a tedious gobshite".    He has his ways, to be sure, but he's never less than an entertaining contributor. 


Jim really, deep breaths and that camp hand waving thing
DDT did a job on me

Dark Jimbo

These hissy fits do him no favours, though.


I'm sick of these people trying to hi-jack this thread while we're talking about the weather ;)

Mike Gloady

Agreed, CF!

If I'd not run out of cheese and bread (and wanted cheese sandwiches for lunch) I'd have stayed in all day and been quite happy.

Oddly I've never been bothered about being rained on during digs or while working.  Presumably the fun/mental stimulation help offset the grump that descends when cold rain is running down your face.
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I like to jog on a rainy day. I can do 6 miles on a warm day, but maybe 8 on a day like I did my 6 miles in 48 minutes and kept going. Returned home, did some more writing. Bliss.


When I went to the chippy I also had to pop into a (off the route) papershop to buy a loaf of bread as I had only two slices left and needed some for the meal and my sarnies tonight. This mean't I spent more time out in the rain.


Quote from: locustsofdeath on 13 November, 2009, 09:01:54 PM
I like to jog on a rainy day. I can do 6 miles on a warm day, but maybe 8 on a day like I did my 6 miles in 48 minutes and kept going. Returned home, did some more writing. Bliss.

Sheesh, I feel a bit tired just reading that. Mountainbiking fine, running, no thanks. Knees won't take it anymore anyway.


Run on grass and that will help in the knees department. It's all this road/pavement running that buggers them up!


I've been wanting to mountainbike for ages Kerrin. I'll wake up in the morning and get out and run just to clear my head, get my thinking straight. Come home, have a bowl of fruit and get at it. I've been taking classes to gain my teaching credentials here in the UK, and then I'll write stories or scripts until the wife comes home.

Mike Gloady

Yeah, grass is dead handy for stopping injury (says the man who's not running QUITE as much as he ought).

Had a thought earlier about rain and running.  If you're running, surely you'll interrupt (for want of a better word) more raindrops than you would if you were walking as you're running into them.  So you get wetter quicker.  But you also get to where you're GOING quicker, so you wouldn't get AS wet as you would if you were to walk the same route.  And you'd be warm, so you don't feel the cold and wet quite so much.  

I was trying to justify leaving off running by using dodgy logic.  I'll be going for one tomorrow, regardless of weather, but since I can't walk and run the same route at the same time tomorrow, can someone please help me out and discuss which way you'd get the wettest (and if it'd bother you with regards to chills, colds etc if you've got a hot shower waiting for you).
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Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 13 November, 2009, 09:05:56 PM
Run on grass and that will help in the knees department. It's all this road/pavement running that buggers them up!

Bit late unfortunately, had to have them both operated on to move the knee caps when I was 18. That was probably due to too much roadrunning and weight training. It totally buggered up my entry to Sandhurst after I'd already gone through the selection and pre-RCB at Browning barracks and I ended up going to art college instead. Loads more girls at art college and I'm not sure I'd have liked being shot at anyway, in hindsight.  ;)


Whenever I've been out running in the rain I just accept that I'm going to get soaked and just get on with it. In fact I prefer to run in the rain, not the monsoon stuff but just a normal downpour is always very refreshing and it stops me overheating.
So long as your footwear is of superior quality then you should just enjoy the emlements and deliberately run through deep puddles just cause you can!