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Absent friends

Started by Trout, 17 November, 2009, 11:22:42 PM

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Our recent spate of necroposting has made me feel a little sad, seeing so many names of splendid posters who have moved on.

I still speak to a few on Facebook, but it's just not the same. Where are you all? Are you lurking creepily, watching the new boarders and muttering about how things ain't what they used to be?

Will ye no' come back again?

- Trout

uncle fester

I've often wondered where some of the frequent posters have gone to. Some of even the recent gang. I thought the pact was never to leave? What price loyalty huh? Huh?   :-\

Paul faplad Finch

I was just thinking earlier today that we hadn't heard from the marvelously monikered Sefton Disney for a couple of months. I know he wasn't exactly an old timer but he was pretty prolific in his short time on the board ,before just dissapearing.

I actually had a quick squiz at his Profile page. He's not been logged on since September but there was nowt in any of his later posts to suggest he was pissed off or planning to take a break from the place.

Another 'post loads for a short time then dissapear' recently was Odd Bloke, someone to whom I'm very grateful for a thread that led me to some excellent new webcomics. Seems a shame for a board where so few registered users actually post regularly to lose its new blood like this.

I've not been around long enough myself to miss the same fellas as Trout but I reckon if Roger or Dandontdare or Mr Gloady and his lady friend were to drop off the radar it would be a sad day.
It doesn't mean that round my way
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Quote from: King Trout on 17 November, 2009, 11:22:42 PM

Will ye no' come back again?

Well, my appeal to DXB not to abandon us fell on deaf ears, but, then, he is a c*nt ...



(Yes ... I'm censoring my own swear words. Are you happy now? ARE YOU?)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Mike Gloady

I'm still in touch with Sefton on FB.  I noticed he'd not posted "much" (as it turns out "at all" is more accurate) for a while, but as I was chatting a lot to him in the other place, well, I guess it didn't make as big an impact.

Hope he, DXB, OddBloke and all the others come on back and truck tucker, ya hear? (No idea what that means.  Curse you Convoy/Ace Trucking Co.)
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Professor Bear

My old Yahoo account got hacked so I abandoned it a couple of years ago, but that meant I lost the password retrieval option for my old username (Bico, formally Professor Bear) and had to sign up again with the board.  Is it possible there might be a few old names we think are 'new'?  It can't just be me and Scott who forget our passwords and eventually have to create new accounts.

Yes, HAVE TO.  It takes a stronger will than mine to stay away.


I miss the wonderful paintings PVS used to do for the art comp. And well before my time (which was only June last year I admit) Carne's posts in the Get Fact thread were awesome. Don't know if you old timers realise but he did make a flying visit a while back...

QuoteRe: Get Fact!
February 16, 2009, 03:37:41 PM

Over 1000 posts to this utter nonsense?! That has to be worth a momentary ressurection at least...

As a child, JFK was enthralled by stage magicians and their super-human feats. His particular favourite was Harry Houdini, and after hearing rumours that his hero had at one time caught a bullet between his teeth, he vowed that one day he would also carry out such a trick.

By the time JFK reached adulthood he had perfected his stage persona to such a degree that he was inadvertently elected President of America. He initially saw this as a temporary setback to his plans of becoming the world's greatest illusionist before realising that his high profile would actually be of benefit to his stage career.

The final piece of the jigsaw came one summer afternoon when he popped into his local cinema to see a re-run of the 1959 hit comedy "Some Like it Hot". In that moment he knew instantly that his search for the perfect magician's assistant was over. Unfortunately for JFK though, Tony Curtis was unavailable at the time as he had more important things to do like chase girls half his age and star in films. Tony suggested his co-star, but when Jack Lemmon also decided to be unavailable the job went to their supporting actress and professional airhead, Marilyn Monroe.

Now that the line-up was complete it seemed like nothing could go wrong, but during a rehearsal on August 5th 1962, Marilyn asked if she could take a shot in the mouth. After the initial misunderstanding had been cleared up, JFK agreed, but only if he could replace the bullets with something less harmful in case anything went wrong. A search of the room revealed a bottle of sleeping pills, which JFK loaded into the revolver and then proceeded to shoot Marilyn in the gob with. After over a hundred perfect shots, Marilyn began to feel a little tired and decide to sleep. JFK being the perfect gentleman decided to strip her naked and leave her on the bed, little knowing that she had swallowed enough pills to send her off to the land of nod permanently. 

It's unknown whether or not this unfortunate little accident had any effect on JFK's judgement, but on that fateful day in November 1963, he instructed three of his most able marksmen to position themselves in a book depository, on a grassy knoll and within the crowd of bystanders and then shoot him in the teeth in an attempt to trump Houdini's previous one bullet record. As the history books show the trick didn't go as planned. But public sympathy was so high that the FBI decided not to reveal how stupid JFK had been to attempt such a mad stunt in case it sparked a revolution or, at worst, apathy at the next election.

Events became a little complicated two days later when one of the marksmen, Lee Harvey Oswald contacted Claims Direct and threatened legal action against the family of Harry Houdini on the grounds that it was their relative who had given JFK such a stupid notion. The FBI feared that if the case went public then the true facts would be revealed. But Houdini's family, fearing bankruptcy, had already taken care of things by hypnotising their next-door neighbour, local night club owning gun-nut Jack Ruby to shoot Lee Harvey Oswald and prevent the claim from being taken any further.

Had JFK succeeded in his trick it is highly likely that he would have gone on to become the most popular President in American history. And without doubt, certainly the most entertaining.

F*cking genius!

Come back fellas.

Mike Gloady

I sent Sefton Disney a message earlier on FB.  Will keep you all updated.
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One day people will be talking about us like this. I have told my wife that if I die she has to tell the forums that I visit that I am no longer with us.

Dark Jimbo

What happened to Funt Solo? I always enjoyed his contributions.

Likewise the Amstor Computer. And where's the Adventurer at? Sniff. Come back, guys!

Paul faplad Finch

Quote from: Dark Jimbo on 18 November, 2009, 08:40:09 PM
What happened to Funt Solo? I always enjoyed his contributions.

Likewise the Amstor Computer. And where's the Adventurer at? Sniff. Come back, guys!

Well Amstor Computer is on the active users list on the index page right now. Or at least he was as of about 5 mins ago.
It doesn't mean that round my way
Pessimism is Realism - Optimism is Insanity
The Impossible Quest
Musings Of A Nobody
Stuff I've Read

I, Cosh

This is not to be catty or snobbish or cliquey or in any way dismissive of the man/woman/entity, but the concept of Sefton Disney as a long-term poster who has gone missing is quite amusing.
We never really die.


Also, Floyd hasn't been around much recently.

Roger Godpleton

Oddboy, PVS, James Mackey, even Gart, I miss you all. Come to think of it, most of the Big 3 are quiet these days...
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


most of the Big 3 are quiet these days...

*paging eyebrows*

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...