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Death of Slaine

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 07 December, 2009, 06:18:02 PM

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From all your talk on the prog reveiw thread. It doesn't seem like Slaine would be meeting his maker just yet, or I could have misinterpreted you comments.

Anyway, if ever his death should happen. How might you imagine this to be so.

I was just thinking of Slaine dieing Matrix style.

If you know the trilogy like I do.

You might understand that it ends with a phone call.

The same way it began.

Warriors Sunset

Slaine is warped, the earth power flows through him, it is plentifull and he has grown to the same proportions of a dinosaur.

His growth merely a by-product of the excess of warp energy.

Any other time, Slaine, a master of this grand feat. Would have his Lon-Laith glowing brightly. His physical shape, no larger, no different.


A human sized dinosaur, walking bipedally in the exact same manner of a human and having vageuly human features. It was garbed in the outfit of a warrior. It carries a huge two-handed scimitar on it's back.

Approaching the giant warily.

Not far behind the evolved saurid. A bipedally walking rat/monkey with vagely human features scurries to his side and places something small and alive into his clawed hands.

The tiny thing croaks.

The small creature man whispers to the taller one in a broken corruption of the common tongue. Exact words, not clearly heard.

The taller one cocks his head to one side, grunting approvelingly, and then suddenly snaps his snout shut menacingly in warning.

Warped Slaine is hungry. He feels compelled to lunge at the samller scaled crtter dresssed as a man. While not noticing the how quickly the rat man dissppears into a nearby rock crevice.

So... lunging at the small tyransauranoid, now percieving his own slowed down reaction time by his size increase.

A giant hand, open palmed swings out and downward. It's frustrating for Slaine who feels like he his hand is moving through treacle. In fact his entire body does.

The t-rex descendant merely noticing the shadow over head growing longer as the hand descends towards him. He can avoid this if he sidesteps at the right time.


Enhanced by some physical legacy of his saurian ancestors, the tyranus-hominid or sapien leaps upward matching the height of Slaine's opening mouth and brushing past his large hand barely manking contact. His jump. Some imatation of the other's salmon leap.

While in mid-air, the taut scaled musles of his arm cocked with the body of the lethal expanding toad held in one of it's clwed hands. Carefully held, in such way as to not trigger it's defence mechanism.

Pivoting from the waist upwards, he releases the toad. Which flies into Slaine's mouth. Almost unperceptably. Whilest his legs spin around to catchg up with it's upper half and then reacching out with one foot. Tapping Slaine on the nose to launch itself backwards and back out of reach. Hitting the ground rolling back up into a fighting pose.

Tne Warped Slaine clutching his throat, his earth power had run over and out.

No longer in control, completly loseing control of his spasm, but dying.

His face turning purple, frothing at the mouth. His neck convulsing like bagpipes.

He falls, stiffly.

Everything shakes when he hits the ground and the dust rises

When it falls again, the saura-sapien man turns to his rodent-man companion who just emerged from the shadows of some nearby rocks. Again in a broken corruption of the common tongue. It exclaimed "Now that I have beaten the warped man-giant, I can return to my tribe!"

Slaine apparently choked to death on the expanding amphipian, mirroring a event in his distant past.

Slaine's head now face down in the mud.

And so it ends... The saga of Slaine Mac Roth
of the Sessair - Mercenary, Cattle- Rustler
and Battle-Smiter, who rose to become,
a legendary King of the tribes of the Earth
It had started in the realm of the Drune Lords
Whose dark sorcery had cast a shadow over
The Land of the Young, and whose use of the
Weird stones warped time itself.
it is I who told this story, because it was I who did.
Ukko the dwarf, his friend, and buisness-partner
on many strange and savage adventures. . .


Slaine's head face down....

The middied earth colesces into the damp table top inside a tavern.

It's close to closing time and the blind drunk and sobering patrons are starting to leave.

Slaine was neither warped or choked, but passed out, face down in a pool of ale at the table. .

His head moves and snaps up as he rocks back. Now steading himself with his arms. He's squinting, soaked in ale, hair half plastered down one side of his face.
He rubs the sleep from his eyes. Reaching for the tankard focusing on it. Made from metal beaten into a base relief of a familar looking toad.

The barman calls for last orders as he prepares to shut the bar. The barmaid automatically refills is tankard. While wiping the excess spill from the table infront of him. She and barman know him well.

He is Slaine and he always gets free refills.

He barely notices, still waking up, still focused on the mug shaped like a toad. It's mouth forming the rim, it's gullet the interior.

Ripples appear in the ale.

Rings are forming in the beverage, but it's quiet inside and practically empty. The bard and dancers had packed up and left.

Ukko pointing out the window, at a dark shape blocking out the stars on the horizon and over the hill down the village road, from the tavern.

The shape moves closer, getting bigger.

The rings in Slaine's ale are now forming in time with the sound of giant footfalls, Not only heard, but felt.

With village mitltita moving about stealthily outside.

Aroar issues from the dark shape and the window ukko was using is now framing dark glistening scales. A large red orb slitted vertically with gold blinks opens in the centre.

Another time monster......

Ukko has retrteated behind the bar with barmaid and barman.

Slaine stands now fully awake, hand outstreatched.

He bellows {b]Dwarf, my axe[/b].

The End

Some of this story is ripped straight from the first Slaine story.The Time Monster The passage nearly a third of the way up the page only has a few words changed here and there to account for it being part of mock-death of Slaine. The dream sequence is only a after thought. Intended toallow Slaine to survive yet again.

Well if you don't like my covuluted writing style, heavily detailed descriptions, big words, the exposition. Thats just me. I can't help it.

House of Usher

I say shoot him. In the back. With a machine gun. Like Chopper. Except he stays down.


I say, as he charges into battle he trips over a stone and breaks his neck, endex!

Roger Godpleton

Tharg comes along and kicks him in the balls in front of his girlfriend but Slaine's balls travel up into his body and he dies from shock. Then Tharg teabags his dead body for 10+ pages.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


One warp spasm too many, all of his internal organs are expelled through his arsehole and eaten by a dog. Ukko sells brainbiter to pay for a shaved donkey sex slave. The End.

Mike Gloady

He doesn't die, but hooks up with TS and they settle down together.  Ah!
New in town?  Follow this link for a guide to the Greatest Threads Ever

Roger Godpleton

Quote from: Mike Gloady on 07 December, 2009, 07:26:37 PM
He doesn't die, but hooks up with TS and they settle down together.  Ah!

And then Tharg comes along and kicks Slaine in the balls in front of his girlfriend...
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Slaine dies of DVT in his sleep. With all that time travelling he never wore his special socks or took his aspirin to thin out his blood.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Times change, Round houses become Square houses, and the Hounds of Tindalos move in for the kill... 


I say he just walks into the misty sunset and isn't seen again.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

Professor Bear

SLAINE:  I want a second opinion, you're only a blacksmith.

DOCTOR:  I'm still the finest doctor in Ireland and I'm telling you that you have celtic AIDS.


I liked it when he died in Dante.

No, not in Dante like that.


Quote from: HdE on 07 December, 2009, 11:20:53 PM
I say he just walks into the misty sunset and isn't seen again.

I wonder how many times he's already done walking into the sunset thing.

Only to return, because was he never physically destroyed.


Whut?  :o

You mean my suggestion wasn't the most astonishingly original one so far?  ;)

Seriously, I'm all for leaving Slaine's demise unresolved. It riffs nicely on the idea of him being a legendary figure, in my opinion.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


Think about it!

slaine's demise is always unreolved.

It always will be until it is reslved.

With the exception of a few of the Slaine stories.

He walks off into the Dardun forest with [Ukko[/b] at the end of Sky-Chariots.

He's flying north on the back of the Knucker, at the end  of Dragon-Heist.

He's flying to the nearest tavern on the back of the Light-El at the end of Time-killer

He's riding his horse to the edge of a cliff and Stopping there. for the veiw at the end of Carnival

Many of Slaine's adventures end with him renterting the time portal. Which is the next best thing.

Techically, none of them have been sunsets, if I haven't missed any that have been.

It's basically the same thing.

I think it's what you mean anyway, and that is about orignal as it is :-*

I'm quite satisfied with Slaine remaining unresolved. I would prfer not to see him die.

Quoting HdE....

It riffs nicely on the idea of him being a legendary figure, in my opinion.

Have uyou read White Trash. The one with the Elvis impersonator riding a Cadillac around the mid west with a Axl Rose look a like as his companion. Smuggling and robbing all the fast food stores. Pretty soon they have the F.B.I., Marines and K.K.K. chasing them. it soon turn out that he's the real Elvis who mighth ave faked his own death. Anyway has a coool ending thast very much what your talking about with Slaine riding off into the sunset.