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"Killing In the Name" for Xmas #1??

Started by Emperor, 11 December, 2009, 03:43:44 PM

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uncle fester

I've just heard the little ditty by Dog Deever's band entitled 'Terry Wogan's Cock' and can confirm it's great :)

Dog Deever

Hover over my bits and bobs under my avatar- the one with the picture of the world- it should say 'If you like music DON'T click here'. Clicking it takes you to our myspace, there are links there to our youtube channel- BLD TV with band videos made by the band...
oh fuck it... myspace youtube
(The uploads are all band stuff, the favourites are other peoples vids we promote coz we like 'em.)
Someone also made a page on last fm- I didn't even know this existed til a few days ago-'s+daughter
My home town is Elgin in Moray- yeah, google it!
The likelihood of any boarders being anywhere near there is remote indeed. However, we are playing at The Phoenix Bar in Inverness on the 23rd of January with some friends from Inverness- The Signal who are also a totally DIY band.

We also have no method of mail order, so buying or stuff is virtually impossible unless you see us at a gig. Which means I've sent out a fair few free cd's to folks from all over the place.
We recently had a DIY syndicate from Utah asking if it was possible for us to play there next year. Of course, it isn't- they have no cash for transport and neither do we. But it was great to be asked. It was also great telling a small but commercial label to fuck off when they wanted to produce our first four track and sell it. £5 for a four track by nobodies? Over my rotting corpse! We produced it ourselves and gave most of it away.

One of our mates said that the best thing about watching us was that you can't shake off the feeling that everything is seconds away from fall apart, which gives it an edge!!!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Dog, I had a quick blast on 'Terry Wogan's Cock' and enjoyed the hell out of it! :D

I'm on a Ramones kick, at the moment, and also downloading a worrying amount of tick-tock-tech punks, Suicide.

Keep up the fine work, man. And don't forget to pop over to Belfast when you're next touring.  :)

Dog Deever

Cheers, chaps- touring? That's a laugh- two dates in the same month constitutes a tour for us!
We have some friends over in Ireland and it's been a vague plan to play over there once we can fund getting over. It just hasn't happened yet.
Johnnystress has been in a few bands- there are some downloads on an Irish DIY punk blog he may link for you (hint, hint). I recommend 'Stress' and 'The Backhanders' both totally different sounding, and both great if you like a bit of punkass DIY- they're both on my mp3 player.

So yeah- fuck X-factor, get into 2000ad Board bands for a scrotnig xmas...
cue board members band pimpage...
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Fucking ace Bruce! You've got your myspace link twice up there mate, for more Bin Laden's Daughter fun on youtube CLICK HERE

So not only can you draw a mean strip for Dogbreath, you can fucking rock man. Terry Wogan's Cock is a miniature masterpiece.  :D



This thread has taken a nice "DIY music is best" turn

Good man Dog

Stress in dodgy don't really know the song footage on youtube


a song available here-the whole EP is on the net somewhere though ..i think

loads of great Irish DIY punk available for download there

Buy RATM- because I'm still hurting over Jedward

Toni Scandella

Unsure of what to do - I really wanted to do something that might vaguely annoy Simon Cowell bevcaue it's just funny, but I already have the RATM album, which is quite a dull album like most metal - I decided that my personal xmas number one should be So What? by Crass, as it's seasonal in that it is about Jesus.  So I downloaded it illegally for free.

I think Steve Ignorant would approve.  (it's OK - I have already paid money for Crass songs in the past, including that one as I have the album on vinyl, so that's all fine...)

Dog Deever

Early Crass were fucking great- Merry Crassmass, though cheesy, was a good laugh. Think I've still got that vinyl somewhere...

anyway- Johnnystress' Stress demo EP:

I'm still trying to track down the Backhanders ep downloads. I think it was on the now defunct site.

Youtube: oops! Stoopid. Cheers, Kerrin- just as well someone has a brain around here! Dog Deever: jack-of-many-trades, master of absolutely nothing!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Must get Ed to upload the Backhanders stuff

out of all the bands i was in I'm happiest with that

current bands excluded ;)


on topic

Jedward we will never forget

Toni Scandella

Incidentally, am I allowed to dislike X Factor on principle even though I have never watched it and have never heard the songs in question as I don't listen to the sort of radio stations that might play Joe Mcthingy?

I wouldn't even know what he looked like or what his name was (I never read any papers, either) if the few forums i post on hadn't been talking about this, so Cowell isn't really having any impact at all on me.

But something about X Factor just by default makes me want to dislike it. And hating Cowell is the 21st century equivalent of hating Stock Aitken and Waterman, isn't it?

Mike Gloady

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Quotecue board members band pimpage...

well, if you insist  ;) South Coast Ska-punk at it's most shambolic. Recording quality is crap mind you

We're off on tour in the spring, pimpage nearer the time in the unlikely event thus raises any interest x

Matt Timson

The Beatles didn't pimp their wares on a website.  You scabs are doing it wrong...


James Stacey
Nice to see Morello is donating some of the cash he makes to charity too.

On another note WTF is Cowell on.
QuoteI think we all have this belief that the Christmas number one was just amazing, a real special occasion, but actually when you look at them over recent years, it was Bob the Builder one year, Mr Blobby...there's a tradition of quite horrible songs.

"I think I've done everyone a favour.
Who the fuck was responsible for Mr Blobby then Mr Cowell? You certainly made money off it.


Keep watching for the guest appearance by Susan Boyle ...


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