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What's you claim to fame?

Started by wild-seven, 14 December, 2009, 09:20:50 PM

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We've all done something amazing. Did you once sell a sausage roll to Kylie Minogue? Ever tell Simon Cowell to get knotted in front of a busy bus queue? Were you third-bloke-on-the-left in the latest Angelina Jolie blockbuster? Share with us dear hive mind - you know you want to...
I was going to procrastinate but I think I'll leave it till tomorrow

Colin MacNeil

Well, my claim to fame happened many moons ago when I were a lad of seventeen. There was a national tour of "Educating Rita", the stage play, starring Tom Baker, of Doctor Who fame. In each town it played in they gave away tickets to the local schools, and I was lucky enough to be given one of these.
Anyhoo, after the show we(a bunch of kids from my school and I) were taken to meet the actors at the after-show party, in the theatre's bar. We all got Tom Baker to sign our programmes and whatnot. And then Mr Baker says to us. "Would you like a drink?" Others in the group said such things as orange juice, lemonade, a coke and the like. And when he asked me, I said "Can I have a vodka, please?". He didn't bat an eye and promtly ordered me alcohol! Wow! Not only had I met the REAL and BEST Doctor Who, he had bought me my first proper alcoholic drink in a posh bar!
It's sad I know, but when your young it means a lot to you, that sort of thing. It led on to many happy and blurry alcoholic momments in later life.
Thank you Tom Baker!

uncle fester

Had a nervous pint with Richard Harris (nice bloke though)
Had several very enjoyable pints with Chewbacca (well, Peter Mayhew, but it's the same thing)
Had way too much gin and tonic deep within the walls of St James' Palace. Slightly surreal, but memorable all the same.

There are other meetings and slanderous/funny tales but they don't count as most of them were during a stint at the BBC and it was all fields round here.

Colin YNWA

Well my Mum's claim to fame is being knocked on her arse by Paul McCartney in 1963 outside 'Fox's' in Heswell on the Wirral but not realising until she had crossed the road to see her speechless, agog friends.

Mine isn't as good as that.

House of Usher

Fame? Hmmm. I was once a contestant on 15 to 1. William G. Stewart is a gentleman. The set was very cheap. The reimbursement of expenses was generous. I didn't win, but I didn't lose all my lives and I was still there on the podium at the end with the winner, a lovely old lady who was a septuagenarian, a maths teacher and either a nun or an ordained priest, so she had a bit of an edge in the game.


Well aside from spelling faux pas with subject headings...About two years ago I went to a public recital by popular beat combo 'The Young Knives', they'd decided to make a musical feature that evening and thus I'm in a music video!

3.21 - look for the sulky bird on the far left of shot
I was going to procrastinate but I think I'll leave it till tomorrow


Years ago while working at the BBC, Rolf Harris held a door open for me and he was holding his didgeridoo and he said to me "G'day!" No lie.


House of Usher

Quote from: wild-seven on 14 December, 2009, 10:09:38 PM
About two years ago I went to a public recital by popular beat combo 'The Young Knives', they'd decided to make a musical feature that evening and thus I'm in a music video!

That's a cute video and a very perfect little piece of wistful jangly guitar pop.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: satchmo on 14 December, 2009, 10:17:57 PM

He's my boss :)

Damn you Satchmo! You beat me to it!.

He's my boss too. And a thoroughly nice guy.


Quote from: SuperSurfer on 14 December, 2009, 10:15:43 PM
Years ago while working at the BBC, Rolf Harris held a door open for me and he was holding his didgeridoo and he said to me "G'day!" No lie.

The dirty bugger ;)

Van Dom

I made the front page - full name and photograph - of the Blackpool newspaper when I was 3 or 4 years old. That newspaper is still framed and hanging in my mum's house. The headline is - replacing real name with user name -"Van Dom Streaks Through Blackpool!" The photo is a full body shot of me completely starkers, balling my eyes out because I was lost and naked on a beach having my photograph taken by some wanker!!! Seemingly I'd wandered off from my family and ended up three or four miles away down the beach. It was obviously a very slow news day....

Other than that, there was one time years ago when I went on a holiday to UK and ended up staying in the same hotel that ZZ Top were staying in after a gig or something. I didn't know ZZ Top, I didn't know their music or anything, I had absolutely no interest in the fact that they were ZZ Top. Nevertheless I got locked and ended up puking in the bathroom. Two of the guys from ZZ Top - the dudes with the beards - very nice gentlemen indeed, very kindly looked after me and helped me upstairs to my room.

Not so much a claim to fame as a claim to mortal embarassment but howonever! I was aided and assisted by ZZ Top in my hour of need! Somebody somewhere would be impressed by that!! I think.
Van Dom! El Chivo! Bhuna! Prof T Bear! And More! All in Vanguard Edition Three, available now. Check the blog or FB page for details!




being a graffiti tag in dredd!!!

Richmond Clements

QuoteTwo of the guys from ZZ Top - the dudes with the beards - very nice gentlemen indeed, very kindly looked after me and helped me upstairs to my room.

Y'see, I love ZZ Top. I'm impressed and jealous.


I once stood next to Michael Franti at a gig. He is huge.
My grandma is related to Alan Titchmarsh.