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What's you claim to fame?

Started by wild-seven, 14 December, 2009, 09:20:50 PM

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Wait for it this is going to blow you all out the water, I served Sid Little and his family in the Wimpy in Newcastle. I rock I thankyew!

Also I am related to Billy Wells the Rank Gong Man. That's a bit cooler right?


Confusion is Better Than Sex


I've got a few, each more pathetic than the last:

I used to live next door to Eric Sykes' brother. I've met Ken Dodd (greasy hair), Ian Gillan (top geezer) and Weird Al Jankovic (twat).

I've been interviewed on local radio in Griffin, Georgia USA (for the celebritastic fact of being an English visitor!)

My mate's cat was in an episode of Cracker

House of Usher

I once served Robin Bailey in a book shop. I'll bet Dave Brunt is the only other person signed up to this message board who knows who Robin Bailey is.


Quote from: House of Usher on 15 December, 2009, 10:16:54 AM
I once served Robin Bailey in a book shop. I'll bet Dave Brunt is the only other person signed up to this message board who knows who Robin Bailey is.

If you mean this Robin Bailey then it's a good job you didn't bet any money on it!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.



Doug Bradley bought me the pint in Bristol last year that lead to me having far too many.

When Chris Ecclestone was killed in Cracker- that was the alley at the back of my house, that was.

When I worked in Manchesters Piccadilly Train Station (WHSmiths- long gone) I sold a copy of Playboy to the ARP Warden from off of Dad's Army, Sold a copy or two of something like Mizz, Smash Hits or Just 17 to the Take That lads (who did indeed have a crowd of girls following them, even then) and best of all sold a copy of the Manchester Evening news sports final to the one and only Shaun Ryder.

Oh, and I spent a wonderful evening in Inverness one year with Colin Macneil getting drunk, and another time watching various people trying to get Frank Quitely to draw Superman with his knob out.


I once served food to Tony Blair when I worked as a cook back in the day. Sadly I didn't put any fucking arsenic in it.


I was going to procrastinate but I think I'll leave it till tomorrow

Richmond Clements

Quote from: wild-seven on 15 December, 2009, 10:46:27 AM
Quote from: das on 15 December, 2009, 08:11:10 AM
i got to play live on stage with daevid allen;

das, is that Frank Zappa in your profile pic?

Tsk. You're non-nerd genes are showing!

You should be asking how that guy is with Jack Kirby!

Dark Jimbo

American fantasy author Raymond E. Feist is my fifth cousin (twice removed).

I was good mates at college with Max Bygrave's grandson.

My nan used to go out with Titch of Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mitch and Titch fame.

I live down the road from Charlie Dimmock off Ground Force.

And I've served various vaugely famous people at work - him with the hat off Time Team, Samantha Fox, David James, and lots of random cast members off Eastenders and Emmerdale.


Firstly, Turn Tail is an amazing tune that I've not heard in ages, thanks for sharing ;D

I've been involved in music all my adult life and have done reasonably well out of some of it, so I'll add a couple of my favourites so's not to look like an arsehead  ;)

My 'I'm in a music video, me' moment: The Darkness - Get your hands off of my woman...
Sadly, this appears to no longer be on youtube. Nuts.

Nicest people in rock: Rob Flynn (Machinehead), Ginger (Wildhearts) and Joe Strummer have all taken the time to have conversations with me over a beer or three.

One comics related one - did very well in the open auditions for the Tank Girl movie (urgh!) and ended up in a lot of press.


My hands have graced the local news on two occasions,along with a few over the shoulder and 'a scientist pretending to work, yesterday' shots.

In one I was weighing some flat worms (hands only).

In another, there was an over the shoulder shot of me cutting up a seal brain,and then my super star hands were shown doing the rest of the process (making slides).

In the third I was filmed doing some antibody staining on brain stem sections - they filmed pretty much the whole process and some of it's been used once or twice as 'stock'. You couldn't see my face (luckily for some) as I had a surgical mask on etc.

Your celebrity tales are nothing to the power of lab rats on telly!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Mike Gloady

Colin, you set the bar VERY high indeed.

Wild, I know, I've seen it already, but then I would wouldn't I?

Supersurfer, that's brilliant.  I've met him too in an audience for a telly show, his wife sat beside me (I didn't know it was her) and during warm up he and I had a chat about something or other.  A real gent.

Van Dom, my mate Adam would be impressed - the world's biggest ZZ Top fan who, inexplicably, passed up the chance to be a guitar tech for them on a tour because he was due to start an ancient history degree at Swansea.

Peter, they're all really quite interesting.  Now you've trotted them out, you need never do so again, just direct people to this thread.

My ones?  Me and my mate were driving up the hill in Harrow, past the school, during the filming of "SpiceWorld", the awful Spice Girls movie.  We naturaly channeled Withnail and I and bellowed "SCRUBBERS!".

Was nearly run over by Alice Roberts (her off those medical shows, Coast & Time Team - I was also taught by her and spent time on digs in the same trench and got a compliment for finding and identifying the first human remains of our first dig).

Had a chat with Bob Monkhouse in Forbidden Planet London (about the time of his book going missing).  I spurted out, accidentally I might add "bugger me, it's Bob Flamin' Monkhouse" - he replied "Funt me, it's a skuzzpuck in a comicshop (edited for politeness)".  We ended up chatting for about half an hour, he seemed to know his Dredd.  Same with Brian Molko (Placebo) just before release of their second album, he was pretty nice too.

I also sold all the members of McFly their first of their chosen instruments.  They came back to the shop after their success asking for me (BY NAME NO LESS) to thank me.  Just as well I wasn't there.....
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I've worked with Christopher Lee and Robert Englund, albeit briefly. I've played pool with Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. And I very, very briefly dated an unnamed starlet who went on to be "quite famous", but whom I'm not going to name, so don't ask. But you'd be impressed, if you're a geek. Honest.



Mike Gloady

Oh, I also sold H from Steps a guitar. 

I promise I also sold instruments to DECENT musicians too, but the rubbish ones are better stories.  Courtney Pine bought recording gear and effects off me too and would regularly sort me out for free entry whenever he played in London. 
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