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Attempts at the sample scripts

Started by Emperor, 19 January, 2010, 08:08:19 PM

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Nick Shepherd

Forgiveness is a 6 gun. Teach me how to shoot.  The truth is like a moving target.  Forgiveness is a 6 gun!!!

Nick Shepherd

Forgiveness is a 6 gun. Teach me how to shoot.  The truth is like a moving target.  Forgiveness is a 6 gun!!!

Nick Shepherd

Well, I finished the pencilled version.  Go nuts with the feedback guys!  Comments and criticisms are much appreciated!  Next I am going to redraw this, with any necessary changes, onto Bristol board and ink it.
Forgiveness is a 6 gun. Teach me how to shoot.  The truth is like a moving target.  Forgiveness is a 6 gun!!!


I'd say maybe go with the current Lawgiver design from the comics, but aside from that i wouldn't change a thing. Looking forward to seeing it inked  :)
Your last panel of Dredd is pretty [spoiler]fuckin[/spoiler] awesome!


It does look good.

If you want Dredd refernce pix, Google has blummen loads!
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Karl Stephan

Hey guys.
Please see below my pencils using the John Wagner's 'Gunrunner' script. I've got one more to do but figured it would be good to start showing this stuff around before I commit to inks. I hope the pencils aren't too muddy. Please let me know what you think!


I think there's a whole lot to love on this sample- reminds me of Boo's first Dredd for class of 79. (which lead to his work on 2000AD)

Be interesting to see what it looks like inked.

The good stuff:

Not afraid to draw backgrounds. There's a couple of panels that look like you've glossed over the pencils, but as it's pencils for yourself to ink that's not a problem. But many of the panels are really nice and tight and filled with life - I especially love that second from last page, panel 2- with the guy with the TESKO bag. Lots going on but none of the story telling is lost. great job.

Good variety of angles - camera moves around a good amount, not just a pedestrian side view on things (and there's close up shots and full body shots) these are all good signs.

To my eye it looks like you've clearly got better over those few pages - there's weaknesses in the earlier pages that aren't as apparent in the later - a good sign again, of someone improving and growing.

And the only really bad point (though it's a biggie, I think) is I'm not sure if you've quiet nailed Dredd. He's fairly akward looking on those first few pages - it may be something you'll correct in inks, or you may want to rethink those poses (though, to be fair, Dredd is easy to draw but hard to really get spot-on - god knows, I don't think I've ever nailed him, really)

Anyways, good stuff and I look forward to seeing the inks.



That kicks the living arse Sparkonaut I'm in love with that, I truly am. Would like to see what it looks like with some inks on it and maybe some colours. OOH IMAGINE THAT BEING COLOURED BY TOM BERRY.


Wow! That's great stuff, Sparkonaut! Somehow you've captured "fun" and "gritty" in the same strip...easily some of the best work in this thread. I look forward to seeing it inked.

Karl Stephan

Thanks guys, and big thanks PJ for taking the time to look and comment. I'll work on Dredd and get some consistency going. On to page 6! :D


I really like how you manage to make some quite cartoony characters look like they fit right in and not out of place at all. It's something I'm always afraid to try myself. As someone said in one of the previous posts, some of the best work in this thread.


Always really exciting to see such obvious talent in the raw.  Love the style, love the depth, keep it up and keep improving!


Quote from: Woolly on 29 January, 2012, 01:13:19 PM
I'd say maybe go with the current Lawgiver design from the comics,

As I recall, this is a flash back, so a mark one is what the script calls for.

I'm liking the reflection of Dredd in the knife.


Quote from: Nick Shepherd on 28 January, 2012, 12:15:48 AM

Very nice.

I would suggest that you flip the reflection of Dredd in the knife. As it is, it looks like he has his back to the action.
Did you know Christ was a werewolf?

Bat King

Quote from: Cthulouis on 29 January, 2012, 10:02:05 PM
Quote from: Woolly on 29 January, 2012, 01:13:19 PM
I'd say maybe go with the current Lawgiver design from the comics,

As I recall, this is a flash back, so a mark one is what the script calls for.

I'm liking the reflection of Dredd in the knife.

This is indeed a flashback - 20 years thereabouts. So when doing the later pages remember to age Dredd, adjust uniform a little.
