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Mass Effect 2

Started by Satanist, 26 January, 2010, 10:01:16 AM

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What no love for this sci fi epic? Im playing through the first one again just to get in the mood for Friday. Some top notch reviews coming in and I managed to bag the free dlc yesterday.

and there should be more alien intercourse.

I am so hyped for this its kinda like being a wee kid again.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


I bought  the Mass effect comic and twas good. looking forward to this one. Hopefully not a disappointment like the last Wolfenstein.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.

The Enigmatic Dr X

I'm really looking forward to it.
Lock up your spoons!


I haven't played the first one, but it's on my list.

Does the second allow you to full customise the character? I think the first one curtails such, somewhat?

The Enigmatic Dr X

It's the same character from the first, so I doubt it. The games are very story driven (and the plot is VERY Chasm City), so there isn't any real scope for varyng characters.

The thing that makes the game stand out is the blend of shooty-shooty and talky-talky. It's not a turn-based RPG, more Gears of War with stats. And all the better for it.

Anyone with a hint of sci-fi in their DNA (ie everyone on this board) should be up for it.
Lock up your spoons!


At the start of the first game you can choose your class (soldier,psychic,hacker, etc), sex and physical look.

I've read that in the 2nd game you can import this character and the decisions you made in the first have an impact on the 2nd. You can also change your class and look for the 2nd.

If you aint played the first then it will ask you a few questions as to how you would have handled a few situations and the game plays from there.

However this could all be bullshit so I'll let you know on Friday. ;)
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


With my finger firmly MILES from the frigging pulse I'm only just installing Mass Effect 1. Looking forward to getting stuck into it tonight thought.
Listened to a cool interview with the developer on the AWESOME IGN Gamescoop podcast yesterday which made me want the second one and think "You know what, theres no rush, get the first one first so you can fully enjoy the second". They said you can play 2 cold, but you'll miss a lot of the resonance of certain events. Fair enough with it being a sequel to such a story driven game. Plus of course its cheaper if I dont get into it   :lol:


Mass Effect 1 really put me onto third person shooters. Up to then I loftily dismissed them as PS rubbish. It's got a good story and I still haven't visited all the planets yet despite playing it for a while.
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


I generally prefer 3rd person games (shooters and otherwise) to first person.

I've yet to play either of these games though.


I've got to get myself some Mass Effect, then.  :D


Did about 2hrs on the first one last night.
Really is as good as the reviews said. Loving it so far. Actually pissed I've agreed to go to the pub tonight as would rather nerd up in front of the pc

Darren Stephens

Reeeaaally can't wait to play this, but still enjoying Demons Souls on PS3 too much to wrench myself away. This is defo on the 'to do' list though!


It's out tomorrow! Eeeeeee!

Already preloaded it on Steam and cleared a backlog of work, so I'll have most of Friday and an entire weekend to delve into it. So excited.


How is the original on Vista? I know it supposedly works according to the specs on the site, but I'm also aware from other games that this doesn't always prove true.

I haven't bought a new game in a while, and this looks like it would be my cup of tea. Pardon the cliché. Or not. I like tea.


I'm playing the original on Vista and it works.

Well... it doesnt work from the desktop shortcut it installed for some reason, but running from the exacutable in the binaries folder of the game runs it fine. It lets you setup graphics etc in game then so no big hassle.
Not sure if thats a general Vista problem or just one due to all the other crap I have on my pc