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Suggestions for New swear words for 2000AD?

Started by blakaam kaplow, 19 March, 2010, 08:47:18 PM

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Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 19 March, 2010, 11:24:42 PM
I think "The Thick of It" is the best for creative swearage.

"Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off" - the best response to a knock on the door!



As in "Hey Dognuts, go stomm on someone else's lawn", or "Take a shower, you smell like dognuts".

Roger Godpleton

Quote from: HdE on 19 March, 2010, 11:23:20 PM
Ick. No thanks.

I'd far rather see more creative an appropriate use of inappropriate language, you low-down dirty snarkflepstinator!

That's because you are afraid of cunts.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

blakaam kaplow

Quote from: Roger Godpleton on 19 March, 2010, 11:12:46 PM
Before we go around making new swears I feel it's necessary that we see "Cunt" appear in the Prog. Let's start a petition.
Maybe a recurring character 'Judge Cunt'?
He could be a loose cannon maverick Judge who plays by his own rules.
Judge Dredd- Gordon Brown, Judge Cunt youre meant to arrest the custard eating Bunt!
Judge Cunt - Why? I'd prefer to Snatchweasel the nerf herding narkflepstinator



Some where between dirt and shit (presumably from a mix of merde and dirt).

As in:

I'll kick the murt out of you, you sick murtbag.

And remember, you can't say "murt" without saying "mmmmm".
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Peter Wolf

Cock snaffling shut fickers

Fudge drokking cock nibblers

Arse drokking knob gobblers
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Darren Stephens

A woman at work said the word "CUMP" the other day. It was a slip of the tongue/mistake but we looked it up on the urban dictionary....oh dear!  :-[

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

House of Usher


Jared Katooie



Did you know Christ was a werewolf?

The Doctor Alt 8

Concidering how I keep getting blaimed for technical errors I wouldn't be at all surprised if I ended up as a swear word.

The Doctor Alt 8

Oh wait. I have one.... "Semprini"

(Sees if anyone gets the reference.

El Chivo


As in 'Scrat you, Alpha!'


'Scrat this, i'm outta here!


Chi (Chi's not a swear..yet)