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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour

Started by Jim_Campbell, 03 April, 2010, 07:47:29 PM

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Quote from: Adrian Bamforth on 05 April, 2010, 03:02:42 PM

There's nothing the Mail reader like more than outrage and arousal at the same time.

Best quote ever...many thanks.

Colin YNWA

Only just got around to seeing this (at last!). Not had time to read the thread yet but a little too excited to wait. I liked it, I liked it quite a lot. Ok so it was far from Moffat's best but enough in there to get me excited. Things I didn't like first.

Opening title sequence, well it was good except that lightening hiting the Tardis stuff - bah. I'm a little worried about the monster effects the fella in this one didn't look good and the Silurians look terrible (if that's what they are). The score was still a little too meladramatic and sweeping... that's about it I think.

I liked, Amy Pond, Matt Smith, the fact it felt new yet old all at once, the cool Star Wars nerd nod, Olivia Coleman was very creepy, Amy Pod and Matt Smith again - cos lets face it that's what this one was all about and damnit if they both didn't work out just fine.

Looking forward to things to come.


Just watched it. I liked it.  Hadn't seen many of the last few, mainly because people on this board said it was shit, but the Matt Smith is excellent (and I'm now old enough to accept that the Doctor can be younger than me.  Well, the chap playing him, anyway.)  And the girl is someone who I'd really like to meet for a good hard cup of tea and a chat. Had no problem with the storyline myself; though like i said i missed the last batch.
 Anyway, the trailers looked great - looks like the Daleks will be used in an original way, which is great.  I don't have a TV but by Christ I'm going to watch this bastard somehow
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Paul faplad Finch

No internet all weekend so I get to have my say after everyone else has finished. Bugger.

Anyway, Matt Smith won me over after about five minutes, Gillan from the moment she arrived on screen, and the extended 'family' seem a much more likeable bunch all round than what we've seen previously. No problems there.

The village was a nice change of pace from everything happening in London and I wouldn't mind a couple more stories set there.

The whole 'cracks in the universe/silence will fall' thing is very intriguing and I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes.

All in all, a very successful episode for me and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Except for the new titles/music.  Awful. But you an't have everything and in the grand scheme of things thats a pretty minor complaint. 
It doesn't mean that round my way
Pessimism is Realism - Optimism is Insanity
The Impossible Quest
Musings Of A Nobody
Stuff I've Read


Jesus Christ, after reading all these posts, I realise that I must have fallen asleep for a lot longer than I thought while I was watching this, oh well.


Don't worry CF, there were no soldiers to get wound up about this time, looks like they're all in later episodes!



Right, just grabbed a spare hour to watch this and it was BRILL SKILLS. The new Doctor nicks stuff, runs about and is completely irresponsible, but not in a "OOOH look at MEEEEE, I'm completely irresponsible BUT NOT REALLY actually I'm quite deep and broody and hunky now listen to my sad tale of WOE" way like Tennant was. There was a moment right at the end when I thought Patrick Troughton had come back from the dead only someone had shot him up with Red Bull and given him acromegaly. Not a single EMO MOMENT in the whole thing, even when poor old Amy got jilted twice. AND WHICH ONE IS SHE [spoiler]MARRYING[/spoiler] EH? What a soap opera plot! Nice to see that - while she does ogle the Doctor's SEXY SPACE BOTTOM and possibly his rude parts as well - her actual emotional arc for this series is nothing to do with him.

Not-Tharg Matt Smith is ACE as far as I'm concerned - looking forward to more THRILL POWER next week!
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Liked it.

Liked the spitting food bits, custard & fish could really catch on!


a couple of times he sounded like someone....and its been bugging me until i figred out it was the guy who played the chef on "carry on cruising"


Quote from: Buddy (previusly Uncle Umpty) on 06 April, 2010, 04:47:10 PM
Liked it.

Liked the spitting food bits, custard & fish could really catch on!

Wonder how many kids were loudly demanding fish fingers and custard on Sunday? I'd make it, but they'd have to bloody eat it, that'd teach 'em.

Probably just as well I'm not a parent really...

House of Usher

Quote from: mogzilla on 06 April, 2010, 04:54:01 PM
a couple of times he sounded like someone....and its been bugging me until i figred out it was the guy who played the chef on "carry on cruising"

Lance Percival


Quote from: House of Usher on 06 April, 2010, 08:23:10 PM
Lance Percival

I thought he got promoted to full Percival ...


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.



Quote from: TordelBack on 06 April, 2010, 08:27:26 PM
Dear god.

Bdumm-tish! Ay thangyeww, ayyy thangyew! I'll be here all week -- try the Chef's Special.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.