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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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One of the problems identified with the most recent UK and US elections (and the Brexit referendum) was targeted ads on social media.

Unlike TV, print and billboard ads, you were seeing ads tailored to your personal concerns and nobody else knew you were seeing them (or who was paying for them).

I just got this. Feel free to share your own targeted ads and lift the lid off the closed box - clicking on Zuckerberg's transparency link about the ad doesn't yield anything useful, but a search reveals it's a front for a Boris Johnson minion who only left government a few weeks ago and has already been fined for violating Facebook's incredibly lax ad regulations.

How old do they think I am? And is she wearing black lipstick? Do they think I'm emo? I never even owned a wallet chain.


Now, THAT is what I call a manifesto!! 

Wow, if a Labour Government can pull off even a quarter of that it will revolutionise the lives of millions of people.


I like your manifesto, put it to the testo.


Quote from: JamesC on 21 November, 2019, 01:10:00 PM
I like your manifesto, put it to the testo.

Oddly, I'd had that song in my head all morning before reading this.  Now that I think of it, it was because I couldn't find my jumper when I came out of the shower.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JamesC on 21 November, 2019, 01:10:00 PM
I like your manifesto, put it to the testo.

Do you know any Latin?

Professor Bear

Obviously the big stuff will get all the attention to prove it's unworkable Stalinist pipe dreams - flattening long stretches of ground and then laying a solid layer of material over it so that vehicles can traverse the land in an attempt to create some kind of daffy transport infrastructure paid for through a sort of tithe is some kind of crazy madman's lunatic insanity because I have consulted people in the know and they say it can't possibly work - but I audibly gasped at the policy of banning MPs from having second jobs or receiving money from lobbying or special interest groups, which is genuinely a great idea on its own but also top trolling.
Banning ATM charges - also good.


Quote from: sheridan on 21 November, 2019, 02:20:29 PM
Quote from: JamesC on 21 November, 2019, 01:10:00 PM
I like your manifesto, put it to the testo.

Do you know any Latin?

Nil illigitimo Carborundum ...

Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant. 

Amavo, amavi, amavit, amavamus, amavatis, amavant. 

Salve deo. 

uno, duo, tres, quattor, quinque. 

Per Ardua Ad Astra.

It's amazing what six of the best pants down does for the memory!

The Legendary Shark

Sic transit gloria mundi.



Targeted ads are weird - for instance Youtube seems to think I am a US military veteran for some reason.


Quote from: radiator on 21 November, 2019, 08:21:03 PM
Targeted ads are weird - for instance Youtube seems to think I am a US military veteran for some reason.

You did move to the Pacific North-West


The Tory Party manifesto turns out to be more interesting than I ever thought it could be.



EDIT: Actually from 2017.

I don't think this is Dominic Cummings messing about with Photoshop or something from a parody site, but at this point who can really tell the difference:

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Can someone please tell me if Corbyn is an anti-semite or not?

I usually listen to the Today programme on my way to work. It's probably my main (or at least most regular) source of news. This story comes up time and again - they're always interviewing so called experts and discussing it. Over the course of how ever many months I'm yet to hear any specific examples of anti-semitic behaviour from Corbyn.
I could google it but the question is - should I really have to? If they're going to trot out this accusation time and again they could at least be specific about what the accusation actually is.


Quote from: JamesC on 26 November, 2019, 12:02:38 PM
Can someone please tell me if Corbyn is an anti-semite or not?

It's nonsense. There is literally no data to support the idea that antisemitism is more prevalent amongst Labour supporters than the general population and what data there is suggests it's far less prevalent, and decreases the further left you go politically.

Corbyn supports Palestinian rights and a two state solution in Israel, which has given a a chunk of the pro-Israel lobby (not code for "Jews" before anyone suggests it — there are lots of non-Jewish people in the pro-Israel lobby) and the political right a common cause and anti-semitism is the stick with which they've chosen to beat Labour in general and Corbyn in particular.

Corbyn personally has a long record of defending Jewish rights including, ironically, supporting a campaign to stop the sale (and in the view of orthodox Jews, desecration) of a Jewish cemetery to property developers when planning permission was granted by the council run by Margaret Hodge, who has been among the loudest voices screaming "antisemitism" at him.
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Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.