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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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Professor Bear

Trump will be fine when he steals his election, much as GW Bush was.  2024 is where things will get interesting.

Funt Solo

Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 30 July, 2020, 02:19:13 PM
The current President of the United States is now calling for a 'delay' in the forthcoming November 2020 election. 'The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.' Thomas Jefferson.

Attempts to subvert the democratic process in order to remain in power are certainly worrying signs of despotism - but on the other hand it's also a clear sign that he's expecting to lose the election.

Delay would, of course, serve him well - he'll be hoping that the Covid crisis will have a real cure (as opposed to the bullshit ones he promotes) in time, and the economy will recover, and then he can win again.

In the meantime, he just needs to be stopped from adopting (more) emergency powers with which to cement his claim to the throne.


In related news (by which I mean: Republicans are Scunthorpes), the mask-avoiding congressman Louie Gohmert has caught Covid. Rather than fess up to the fact that it's his own damned fault for not wearing a mask consistently, he's instead decided that those rare occasions when he did wear a mask are when he must have caught it. Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


This article makes for some interesting reading about the dangers of the election result not going Trump's way, or more importantly, not clearly enough. 

Considering the problems we've seen here in the UK with a wafer thin result things are looking disturbing for November in the States.

I reckon the next few months are going to be some of the most 'interesting' in American Electoral history.

Professor Bear

QuoteThe Thick of It's central proposition – that both major parties were essentially the same – wore thin as Cameron and Osborne's cuts became harsher. It collapsed when Corbyn assumed the Labour leadership on an anti-austerity platform. Suddenly, the 'both sides' framing British comedians had often used no longer rang true, instead implicitly siding them with power.

While this is an interesting overview of why so many on the left can be heard mourning that they can't enjoy any comedy made in the 1990s anymore, I feel it could have gone beyond the Corbyn-centric stuff (though fair play, that is it's central premise) and examined how some comedy figures like Robert Webb and Graham Linehan brought about their own cancelling through a belief that their dated and toxic opinions didn't need to be modified or guarded anymore.


Quote from: NorvezhskiyDommoomb on 01 August, 2020, 06:34:55 PM
A bathhouse or a bathhouse - repeated several times because bots are crap!

Not the best argument regarding current Politics but I appreciate the effort. I would say though that you haven't included enough Bathhouses.

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


A polite reminder: please do not respond to spam on this forum. It just creates extra work for the admins/mods in cleaning up those messages along with the original posts/accounts.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 02 August, 2020, 10:19:26 AM
A polite reminder: please do not respond to spam on this forum. It just creates extra work for the admins/mods in cleaning up those messages along with the original posts/accounts.

Apologies! I shall refrain from being an idiot.


"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"



"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


The absolutely, sphincter-tighteningly terrifying reality of that interview is:

a)  it does not need parodising, the reality is a joke itself;

b)  the man making the inane remarks is in charge of the American military, including its nuclear arsenal.


Robin Low

The image with the giraffe is clearly fake news.

If the claim is that Trump wrote it, then why is the spelling correct?

If the claim is that it was written for his benefit by an aide, then the sentence construction is way too complex for him to understand.

And he'd never get that pun.



Professor Bear

The USPS (United States Postal Service) has been steadily gutted over the years and its services have nosedived and created massive delays in delivery times, so fair play to Trump for choosing now - during a pandemic when the presidential election looks to be decided by mail-in and absentee voting - to fire 23 postmasters with decades of experience and replace them with one of his private sector donors.
Finally the free market will fix what the socialist postal service has broken, and ensure a fair and democratic election for the greatest country on Earth (citation needed).


Quote from: Professor Bear on 08 August, 2020, 02:12:04 PM
The USPS (United States Postal Service) has been steadily gutted over the years and its services have nosedived and created massive delays in delivery times

Managers are being specifically instructed to delay the mail rather than pay overtime to delivery staff. The financial crisis is the direct result of Republican legislation that decreed that USPS had to have cash on hand to fund its pension commitments for seventy-five years. There is no other employer in the US, public or private, with a pension fund that has this obligation — it was specifically designed to bankrupt the postal service.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Whilst we have spent quite a bit of time lamenting the slow, slip from democracy that seems to be afflicting our American cousins it would seem that there is much to concern ourselves about this side of the Atlantic too.  It's worth reflecting on how far we've come in such a short space of time.  It is less than a year since we had the highly dubious proroguing of parliament, accompanied by the shenanigans that led to Labour shooting the country in the other foot with the December GE.  The last few months though have seen quite a few acts that need to be kept in mind too.

Today sees reports of the dissolution of Public Health England and the establishment of a replacement body.  The Telegraph is making much of the 'failings' of the 2016 war game and laying the blame at this body's feet.  The bigger question though is what is going to replace it.

When you consider the recent expansion of the Lords and the latest local government reorganisation together with several clauses in the recent Trade Bill that hobble the devolved governments and moves to limit the powers of the London Mayor there are some rather disturbing headwinds forming.  All this on top of a plethora of unscrutinised contracts over the last six months that appear to start at unethical and plunge headlong into territory that should be prompting legal action.

... and speaking of legal action, certain law firms in the City are starting to promote the idea of using the sorts of legal powers integral to TTIP to sue for lost profits. 

It is looking more and more like Covid-19 has been used as cover for the wholesale plunder of our nation with the contrivance of our government.  Like Johnson said (in one of his 'stopped clock' moments ...)  "Stay Alert"!

Professor Bear

If we had PR - like Australia does - we could have a much less racist and nakedly capitalist government - like Australia does.