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a judge dredd lorry !

Started by judge dreddd, 03 October, 2002, 12:50:32 AM

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judge dreddd

Walking into town today to pick my prog ( ace prog by the way, perfect ) I bumped into a judge dredd lorry !

Judge Dredd in big letters over the front screen and ace dredd artwork on the side panels.

Amazing, never a camera when you need one.

As anyone else seen this ?


Now is that cool or what?  Surely there must be pictures of this?

When I was fifteen I promised myself when i got a car I'd paint it in Judges colours like a lawmaster.  How I've betrayed myself :)


When I was at top music festival T In The Park this year I decided to go for a wonder around the fun fair. Lo and behold right in front of me is Dredd's face staring down at me, 2000AD artwork all over the ride, I was aghast it was actually pretty good and I recognised most of the images which had obviously been copied off of 2000AD covers.

almighty mat

++When I was fifteen I promised myself when i got a car I'd paint it in Judges colours like a lawmaster. How I've betrayed myself :)++

It's never too late.



Mat, I can't even bring myself to paint over the rust.  And a LawVWPolo isn't the latest in perp busting tech.

To be honest, I'll just file that in my things I'll do when I win the lottery file.  i.e. forget about it.

I always wonder if Anthrax had any permission to trace pictures of Dredd, I have an anthrax poster and a patch featuring dredd.  I suppose like the carnival ride it's all free publicity.

almighty mat

++I always wonder if Anthrax had any permission to trace pictures of Dredd, I have an anthrax poster and a patch featuring dredd. I suppose like the carnival ride it's all free publicity.++

I don't know if the band would agree now, but it's kind of cool that recording a song about Joe was probably the high point of their careers. And I've got the patch too!



I saw it on the M3 yesterday...didn't have time to see the artwork though as I did a double take at the last minute.

"Hang on, I'm sure that said Judge Dredd"
 I wasn't sure til now....cheers!


judge dreddd

Have to admit i was impressed at the time then thought, oh no, been out of circulation, bet everyone knows about this thing.  Tharg if your watching why not ask in comic for the owner to send in a pic ?

BTW as i am on - dredd on the zoom, kewl... er. where is the cctv everyone says their are loads but i don't see em.  No face recognition software of perps , get real


While Judges like to keep a high visability to deter crime, it's unlikely that the cc cameras will be easy to spot.
How much fun is it to black out the lens of cameras while on the piss nowadays?  It's an obvious target for vandals.  Also - remember that story about the terrorist organisation on powerboards who were taking out cameras?  One had a baby in her back pack, I can't remember the name or the prog but it was in the last 2 years at least.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Maybe it was the tour van for well-known 80s indie band Dredd Lorry Yellow Lorry.

Ummm....I'll get me coat...


Using the Thrillseeker to search for Judge Dredd stories between 1200 and 1300 with art by Cam Kennedy, I quickly found the answer:

Judge Dredd
SABs 3 episodes (Progs 1200 to 1202)
Script: John Wagner, Artist: Cam Kennedy, Colour: Chris Blythe
Thrill Power: 7.50 (6 votes)



BTW, is the Judge Dredd lorry actually the Judge Dredd fair ride?

Link: Prog 1200


Ta Wake!  I couldn't remember who drew it so there was little way for me to track it down in a hurry.
Good job it wasn't one month earlier or your search would've drawn a blank!
Better set your phaser to stun.

judge dreddd

no fair ride, just artwork on the cab and stuff, then again perhaps the guy is doing some freelance work.

I shoulda put the company number in my mobile.



"I shoulda put the company number in my mobile"

This sounds like a cue for an Eddie Stobbart-esque lorry tracking project...



...possibly the road crew for that legendary bunch of has-been pop-soul chancers, Simply Dredd.

...or maybe those bizarre proto-grungers, Judgetunnel...

...or, you never know, coulda been something to do with Mega-City Four.