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Victory of the DALEKS !

Started by mogzilla, 14 April, 2010, 02:23:11 PM

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Those are some saucy looking Daleks. I'd let them exterminate me, if you catch my drift.  ;)


F*cking awesome!
Love the new Daleks - well scary!

'Broadsword to Danny Boy' - nice ref for the dads there.

Steve Green



Did you see the ref from 'The Sands of Iwo Jima' near the end  ;)

I did notice that on the roof the sandbags seemed to have been built by idiots. Remember one row of stretchers, one row of headers and repeat. Apart from that I was happy with the squaddies aiming straight at the doctor, well done lads, protect the PM, FUCKING LOVE IT!

By the way those Space Spitfires managed to climb to the spaceship rather quick, as the bombers were only 10 minutes away.

Looking forward to the squaddies next week and what they get up to!


Pretty paper thin plot, enlivened by some 'Spitfire's In Space' sexy action.
Everything moved so fast there's was little time for character development.
Nice quote, "Broadsword to Danny Boy", from 'Where Eagles Dare' though.
Still, sexy Spitfire's In Space.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

House of Usher

Quote from: JamesC on 17 April, 2010, 07:14:56 PM
'Broadsword to Danny Boy' - nice ref for the dads there.

I've no idea. Maybe because I'm not a dad.

It was a reasonably good episode. A great idea, but frittered away as a maguffin to give the washed-up Daleks another boost. That 10 minutes' worth of schmaltzy-talky business at the end could have been put to better use dragging out the suspense of the Daleks' true purpose in being around during the Blitz. I'm sure the old Doctor would have waited a bit longer to see what they were trying to pull before having it out with the Daleks right away in a big 'nu who'-style shoutfest. Some very expensive footage of Daleks preparing to lead an advance in northern France wouldn't have gone amiss, or even just some Daleks on a troop train headed for Dover.

Not keen on the new Dalek design. I'd have been happier with the new ones if they hadn't wiped out the old. It was cool how the 'inferior' Daleks resigned themselves to their fate. My only reservation is there appears to be no going back, and the new ones look like a Renault Megane.

My last gripe is I don't know how the Spitfires managed to fly in space. Their propellors were working, but that won't get you far without an atmosphere to pull on.

Top marks for internal story logic [Edit- apart from, as Commando Forces points out, they were able to put Bracewell's plan into action in under 10 minutes!]. I think we can forgive the lack of explanation for how the Spitfires worked - I saw them and they definitely did work, so that'll do. Maybe the script never meant for the propellors to turn, and they just carried away with the CGI? The best bit was Amy's lack of knowledge of previous alien invasions, which is quite conscientious story editing.


broadsword to danny boy, wasnt that dambusters? excellent episode apart from the sci fi spitfires in ten minutes and it was one episode that warranted a it felt rushed, but the new daleks are arsom with a capital A!!! cant wait to see how davros will fit in the new dalek plans...if at all!



For such a new big sturdy design of Dalek (must be designed to appeal to a girl, all those big curves and pretty colours -as Ush says, like a Megane) why the hell do they shake when they talk? Are they excitable 4 year olds?

I hoped for better than this;
I like the new on screen team, but the stories so far have been very slight - almost aimed at the children in the audience rather than the full family. Hopefully things will improve next week with the return of River Song and the weeping angels

ps. Mog, it's from Where Eagles Dare
An old-school, no-bullshit, boys-own action/adventure comic reminiscent of the 2000ads and Eagles and Warlords and Battles and other glorious black-and-white comics that were so, so cool in the 70's and 80's - Buy the hardback Christmas Annual!

House of Usher

Yep, a two-parter would have been great. One part with the Doctor saying "I don't like this; I don't like this at all," and "what are you up to, eh?" and then another episode that kicks off from the Doctor yelling "You're aliens, aren't you? You're the Daleks, and I'm the Doctor!" I think all we got tonight was part two of a two-part story.


It would have paced better as two episodes.  Needed longer in the build up to the Daleks actioning their plan...would have created more menace.  Loved the new Daleks though.


Quote from: mogzilla on 17 April, 2010, 08:18:48 PM
broadsword to danny boy, wasnt that dambusters? excellent episode apart from the sci fi spitfires in ten minutes and it was one episode that warranted a it felt rushed, but the new daleks are arsom with a capital A!!! cant wait to see how davros will fit in the new dalek plans...if at all!


Definitely Where Eagles Dare.


Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


where eagles dare ...i knew that ;)


Ya, I really enjoyed it, but as others have said it need more suspense. Maybe not a two parter as I've a feeling that at least one of the parts would fall flat. The new look Daleks have another fan here, but it was the Space Spitfires that stole the show.  

Colin YNWA

Really wasn't keen on that one at all. Same problem as last weeks too much in one go. I really enjoyed the first what 10 minutes of the Doctor being a fish out of water and really not understanding why the Daleks were behaving themselves. Then it all flew along and nothing got the chance to breathe. There were bits that just didn't hang together.

Didn't even like the design for the new Daleks.

Still next week looks interesting.


I didn't understand why the Doctor let the Daleks leave. He seemed to know that they would detonate the bomb anyway, hence him running in and punching Bracewell, so why didn't he just blow up the Daleks THEN go and stop the bomb? Anyway, I didn't like the new Dalek design at first but it grew on me. They look like ipods.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...