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2000AD May/June Art Comp: Page 100!

Started by Jim_Campbell, 11 May, 2010, 04:28:09 PM

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I can't put this month's competition any more succinctly than the Prof hisself, so here's the brief for the new art comp:

QuoteOpen any 2000ad-related story at page 100, then capture the essence of the page any way you see fit.  If the story has less than 100 pages, draw page 50.  If the story has less than 50 pages, draw page 24.

If the tale is shorter than that you go with ... page 12, page 6, or even page 3 if your favorite tale is a one-off.

Obviously any spin-off novels and fanzines are fair game, collections of stories are fine, as are Case Files - you can open up individual stories or treat the collection as a whole, whatever gets your creative juices flowing.

Even as I type, I can hear progs and collected editions being thumbed through ... I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

This comp will run until Sunday 20th June, with the usual voting thread kicking off on the Monday immediately following.

Ladies and Gentlemen ... start your pencils!


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


No page numbers! Where's P14 when you need him?



Apologies in advance for my rudeness!

I do have an idea for this brief, and it's great to expand the horizons of the comp, but ummmm... couldn't we do a poster for the Dredd film instead? Or something related to the film?


Quote from: CraveNoir on 12 May, 2010, 01:16:03 PM
but ummmm... couldn't we do a poster for the Dredd film instead? Or something related to the film?

Win this one and make it the subject of the next comp, then!

(By that time, we might actually know something about the film, rather than have a comp whose subject is basically "draw a picture of Judge Dredd" ...)


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.



Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

The Monarch


Does it have to be directly 2000AD linked as page 100 of the 1992 Collins Gem English Dictionary on my desk has some rather delightful words, including would you believe 'Comic' - now could that be perceived as a tangible link to 2000AD?

Sorry if I'm being a cunt.

Rio De Fideldo

It might be quite interesting if there was a short list to choose from as its often interesting to see different takes on the same thing

The Enigmatic Dr X

I think p100 of a 2000ad title good idea. THe more general the better. Some of the topics have been a bit restricted.

Sadly, I cannot draw.
Lock up your spoons!


I've been looking through some of the collections for inspiration. To try and find a p100 that you can get your teeth into is harder than it looks. Even p50's on the shorter stories are a bit uninspiring!

I've also been having a look at the one off stories (Future Shocks etc.) too, but many are 5 pages long, so do you choose page 2 or page 3??

Anyway, I think I've finally found 2 which I'm going to have a go at!!

uncle fester

Well if it's a five pager...

"Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out"



Cheers UF, that's as clear as fog!  :lol:

Professor Bear

With shorter strips you just keep halving the number 100 until it fits the page number of the story you want to illustrate, ie: 100+ pages on a story, you illustrate page 100, less than 100 pages and you illustrate page 50.  Less than 50 pages and you illustrate page 25, less than 25 and you illustrate page 12/13, and so on.  If you're doing Al Ewing's Future Shorts - I have no idea.

I think the best approach if you're stumped isn't to pick a different story and hope you land on a page with a zombie massacre, but to capture dramatic tension between characters, foreshadow events yet to happen, reference past events, or take the most dramatic incident on the page and stage it as dynamically as you can.
Possibly it would help if you treat it like you've been asked to draw a cover image for a strip that just happens to be entirely exposition that week, like that Dredd cover where he's screaming "I quit!" and waving his badge like a looney, yet the strip behind that cover was an introspective piece with no action.