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Flesh book3 goahead

Started by rogue69, 14 June, 2010, 05:47:40 PM

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sorry to hijack this slightly but does anyone know if the Flesh TPB ever came out? I can't find a copy of it anywhere - online or in shops. cheers

Kev Levell

Quote from: skurvy on 16 June, 2010, 10:18:53 AM
sorry to hijack this slightly but does anyone know if the Flesh TPB ever came out? I can't find a copy of it anywhere - online or in shops. cheers

It is out, last year I went to a signing Pat Mills was doing at Orbital and they had it...
FP "has" it currently but a lot of other places do seem to be out of stock or showing the wrong cover.
Hope that helps.


It's probably sold out at present - I'm sure it will be reprinted at some point.

IIRC the original version had some printing errors, so perhaps it would be worth waiting for the 2nd edition?


thanks guys, I may be in that London next week so I'll check out FP.


Just stumbled across this thread while googling my surname and can categorically say that'll, it's not me.


Quote from: pauljholden on 14 June, 2010, 11:10:32 PM
according to Pat, something of an  expert on dinosaurs (iirc, pat said "there was one bit where I asked for a pterodactyl to bite a guy in half, but the artist said it couldn't really do that, but we figured out a way anyway, there's always a way" - not exact quote, but the gist of it is right)

Pfft! An expert would have pointed out to Pat that it wouldn't happen because pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs!  :P

But if them cowpokes are a fightin' them scaly sumbitches, with a hollerin' and a visceratin' an such, ahm thar. Yessir.

(nobody mention Tubal Cain though)


To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


Showed The Boy his first CGI dinosaurs last night (Walking With Dinosaurs, the mid-Triassic opener*), having over the past few year carefully indoctrinated him with books, models, museums, fossils, excavation sites, theme parks etc. before sullying his imagination with computer graphics.  

He absolutely loved it.

We then spent a very pleasant bedtime discussing which dinosaurs were likely to appear in the upcoming Jurassic episode, as opposed to the Cretaceous one, and how exactly Cynodonts 'turned into people'.  This is why I wanted kids in the first place!

The time has come to start him on Flesh.

*I'm still racked with guilt that I didn't start him on (the Willis O'Brien) King Kong or Valley of the Gwangi, but one is too scary yet, and I inexplicably don't own the other.  All in good time.


And via super-sleuth Stacey:

QuoteFlesh returns! Dinosaur artist James McKay just green lit by 2000AD! It took 30years to find the right successor to the brilliant Ramon Sola,29137.msg532286.html#msg532286

Please take a bow Mr McKay.

Quote from: Emperor on 15 June, 2010, 02:07:27 PM
Sooooooo who could it be?

There is, for example James McKay who draws a superb dinosaur:

Presumably the same James McKay appeared in the Smallzone part of the Meg writing City of Secrets:

and contributing to FutureQuake and Zarjaz (but as a writer so I might have the wrong man):

I should add this wasn't a shot in the dark from me as a separate super-sleuth emailed me to suggest this James might be the best candidate but it was still guesswork, until now.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Colin YNWA

Absolutely great news. James McKay is a great artist and he draws a mean dinosaur in 5 minutes flat. I'll try to get a picture of the one he did for me a couple of years ago on here.

REALLY looking forward to this. I mean REALLY!

Colin YNWA

NO I mean REALLY REALLY (look capitals!)


Yay! Bring it on! And i nice second edition of the trade, minus printing error, please, to tie in. And the nineties strips are Meg floppies. And a movie. And a tshirt. And a cartoon series. How fantastic would a twenty minute animated Flesh be?


2000ad just posted this Liam Sharp (cover?) image on facebook...

Colin YNWA


Yes, well, as if i could be any more excited about a new pat mills strip in the prog, mr sharp comes along and reveals this... I take this is for the start of the spring offensive? How long do i have to wait? Tapitty tap, tapitty tap, tapitty tap...


Too cool.  An amazing cover.  Didn't realise Angelina Jolie was going to be in it!