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Started by Satanist, 15 June, 2010, 12:53:06 PM

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Its been ages since we did this and I'm no longer under house arrest so hows about a meet up.

My hopes for this evening are that Proudhuff & Buttonman can fight to the death Star Trek style but I'll settle for mildly drunk and a kebab.

Stick yer names up and if there's enough interest we can sort something out, if not I'm gonna go eat worms.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Your idea has been up for nearly two hours and not one of your fellow Scots has replied.
This goes against that survey that came out the other day that 97.5% of all Scots will die early, due to excessive drinking, smoking, bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Obviously Buttonman and Proudhuff are in that 97.5% because I have seen them in action  ;)


sorry CF, but the pub doesn't have wifi...

I'm game* if only to pinkie wrestle Buttman!

Domestic arangments allowing
DDT did a job on me

Keef Monkey

If it happens I wouldn't mind meeting some folks and grabbing a beer (one beer is about all it takes for me these days)! I'm socially inept mind you, I hope that doesn't disqualify me.

Richmond Clements

QuoteI'm socially inept mind you, I hope that doesn't disqualify me.

I've met some of these popel- if anything, it makes you over-qualified.

Wouldn't mind getting down for this either, but it depends on dates, work etc.

I, Cosh

We never really die.

Dog Deever

Hmmm... Glasgow.
Despite being in the 97.5% 'Coronary Herd' my indolence precedes me- there isn't a lot that would drag me down to Scotland's (other) black(ened) heart. I can't think of a worse place to wield my super-powers of 'accidentally getting up somebodys nose' (which Proudhuff can attest to first-hand) than a weegie drinking-hole. Besides- the water tastes like shit- ye canna get a decent coffee anywhere!

The last time I did an overnighter in Glasgow I had no fixed abode and ended up staying at somebodys house in Govanhell. Needless to say- I didn't sleep, just waited a few hours for the first Megabus out. Safest to stay here, in God's country- this sun-kissed northern kingdom. Wi the coos an' tractors and nae sign of Blue Angels, homicidal gadgies or squalid 'accomodation' (even if reports of their existance are greatly exaggerated. I'm a parochial Northern Bastard- no real surprise!

Much as it would be great to meet up wi' fowk- I'll see yez at Hi-Ex 4.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


How long ago was it you stayed in Govanhell? I lived there for 15 years and its always been a shitehole but lately its went right downhill. :o
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Dog Deever

Hang on- I think it was about a year ago- I went to see Conflict/ Subhumans at the barras for the Scottish leg of the 'Gathering of the Thousands'*- I'm sure it was about May. Nice folk that offered us a berth, like. But Govanhell? Whit a place! It's just as well we were rubbered!

* couple o' hundred anyway.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

The Enigmatic Dr X

I'm up for it. So long as it's a 7.30 kick off - gotta put the kids to bed!
Lock up your spoons!


Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Monarch

depends on when and where I may be able to make it


oh I think I've frighten Button off!! ;)
DDT did a job on me

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Run a bit as well Roger and you might just make it in time for last orders.
Hang on a second, last orders in Scotland  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: