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About Dreddcon...

Started by SovietSam, 13 October, 2002, 11:04:34 PM

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Andy Diggle

Mine's a Guinness...

Having just seen your promo piece for You-Know-What, I'm buyin'!

Link:" target="_blank">

Andy Diggle

So, not much change from last year, then?

Not much change from last night, me old mucker.

Link:" target="_blank">


Ah yes.  How much I still treasure the memory of the drunken haranguing you gave me in the hotel bar last year.

Something along the lines of "if you and the rest of those lazy arseholes actually wrote more, then I wouldn't have to commission so much crap from the likes of [name deleted for the sake of diplomacy."

Have you chosen the topic for this year's drunken late night rant yet?  I think you should be giving it some serious thought.


"Have you chosen the topic for this year's drunken late night rant yet?"

Try dogsh*t. A lot of people complain about that. It's a disgrace, apparently.

- Trout


This is sounding more and more like it might actually be worth paying money for.


>>Try dogsh*t. A lot of people complain about that. It's a disgrace, apparently.

Heh.  A billboard for my local paper informed me today that the local police had "declared war on dog's dirt."

Will this be the new enemy after the war on terror?  I think we should be told.

W. R. Logan

>What have the last 2 dreddcons been like? I didn't go but am seriousley considering going to this one. Is it worth it? (cue about a million responses saying "of course")

Can't remember, usually get to pissed and talk crap at the bar allnight.

If you don't want to take part in the usual festival routine of getting pissed and talking crap at the bar then don't buy this man a drink or ask him anything.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.">

El Spurioso

The man in the photo above, it should be explained, is a DANGEROUS and DRUNKEN individual.  He is believed to represent a hitherto unknown subspecies of vampire (just look at the bite-marks on his neck) who sucks the blood of frothy Irish stouts and is allergic to all forms of garlic, sunlight and reasonable, quiet debate.  He can lulled into a false sense of security by asking him questions about the science of spatial storytelling, the rubbishness of the slushpile or how much better comics were in "the old days", whereupon he will wax-lyrical with such focus that he won't notice the sunrise and will explode in a drizzle of soot, fangs and polystyrene.   ;)


"A billboard for my local paper"

"Dog mess," I can wearily inform you, is THE single most complained-about topic at a local level in the UK.

IM (fairly well-informed) O, it an issue that takes up more time among British public servants than Al Quaeda.

I'm not kidding.

- Bored Trout


By the way, I'm seriously considering Dreddcon as a winter break because it does, indeed, sound great fun.

However, I'd much prefer it is someone on the board would offer to get pished with me during/after the event.

So, ehere's the inevitable (sorry if we've done this and I missed it) question:

Who's going?

Anyone think they can stand up to mutant fish drinking-like-a-fish powers?

- Trout

Andy Diggle

Have you chosen the topic for this year's drunken late night rant yet?

Oh, I usually prefer to make 'em up as I go along. Ideally, accompanied by Henry Flint on piano - as has been customary since the Manchester UKCAC...

Link:" target="_blank">

W. R. Logan

>Oh, I usually prefer to make 'em up as I go along. Ideally, accompanied by Henry Flint on piano - as has been customary since the Manchester UKCAC...

Ahh, the memories, if only I could remember.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.">


Sitting here in a networked, logged and monitored computer as I avoid work, hearing about this almost makes me want to be in the Uk.  Dammit.


>Heh. A billboard for my local paper informed me today that the local police had "declared war on dog's dirt."

>Will this be the new enemy after the war on terror? I think we should be told.

Wonder if they will be blowing up suspicious turds with controlled explosions.

Mind you, round our way (back when I lived in Cambridge) the council proclaimed they were planning on stamping it out, which would have been fun, if messy, to watch...


I reckon I'll be going then.
Still think anyone in London (or thems that are coming up for the weekend) should meet up for fun & games & booze on the Friday night before hand.
Better set your phaser to stun.