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Robocop axed

Started by kraken, 27 July, 2010, 09:50:54 AM

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I see that the reboot of Robocop has been dumped. Hope this gives Dredd a better fighting chance.


Too bad...this was a reboot I thought would work. I recently purchased the first two Robocops on Blu Ray and found they really held up well against despite all the advances in effects.But if it gives Dredd a better chance, cool!

Judge Olde

Perhaps they'll give Robocop another go, like every other possible sci-fi or comic book film waiting to be made or remade or re-remade when Dredd turns out to be amazing!


Robocop really didn't need remaking anyway - the first movie nails the concept so completely it's hard to imagine how a remake could have added anything. It would have ended up being a poor imitation of the original.

Dredd on the other hand is definitely a property that deserves a second chance.

Keef Monkey

I'm actually massively relieved at that news, couldn't see how a Roboremake could possibly justify its own existence. Its bad enough that there are so many ropey straight to dvd/tv pilots mascerading as Robomovies without another pretender to the throne.


Robocop's one of the very few films I'd like to see the Star Wars-style SE treatment done on. Sort some of the effects (ED-209, mostly) and clean up the print. Glad to hear the remake isn't happening though.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 30 July, 2010, 09:28:13 PM
Robocop's one of the very few films I'd like to see the Star Wars-style SE treatment done on. Sort some of the effects (ED-209, mostly) and clean up the print. Glad to hear the remake isn't happening though.

I sense a conflict in you.

Jared Katooie

The best film in the history of mankind will remain unsullie by the hands of the remake brigade.

This is a victoy for humanity.


Must admit I'm glad it's not going ahead. Gives Dredd a pretty clear run
in the futures toughest Lawman stakes.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Quote from: Jared Katooie on 30 July, 2010, 10:15:37 PM
The best film in the history of mankind will remain unsullie by the hands of the remake brigade.

This is a victoy for humanity.
:thumbsup: Right there with you!
ROBOCOP is my #1 favorite Film of ALL TIME (so far) I was really nervous of them screwing things up.
I mean how can you improve upon perfection?
The soundtrack especially can't be topped.

Jared Katooie

Exactly, you can't top perfection.

You are also right to praise the soundtrack - it's brilliant.

My favourite.

You'll go far Mr. 9.8. I'll remember your name when the revolution begins.


Damn this would have actually been cool.

and on the Dredd front...let's hope they don't go for all that Hollywood money grabbing no heart or soul TOSH like they did before, and maybe choose a British/European director with a bit of a bite?

Withnail's liver

Robocop was one of the seminal films of my formative years (I'll never forget the time my best mate at the time told me he'd managed to buy a copy from our local Woolies -the weekend couldn't come soon enough).  The film is damn near perfect as it is.  So I'm glad H/wood hasn't taken the opportunity to shat on childhood classics once again...
I have a heart condition.  If you hit me it's murder!


I'd say it's a strange childhood that includes viewing Robocop.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: radiator on 30 July, 2010, 04:44:14 PM
...the first movie nails the concept so completely it's hard to imagine how a remake could have added anything...

Now, do you see where you're going wrong with that kind of thinking? I could count on one hand (actually, one finger...) the number of remakes that have added anything of value to the original concept...