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What are your hopes & fears with the new DREDD film?

Started by Dreddzilla, 05 September, 2010, 03:28:01 AM

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With the DREDD movie officially happening I'm hopeful that this movie will be at least a moderate success (at least make a little over budget) and make other 2000AD properties come to life on the big or small screen.

That this movie will usher in a whole new generation of ''fans'' to the world of Judge Dredd & the entire 2000AD Library (Strontiom Dog, Slaine, D.R. & Quinch, A.B.C. Warriors)
and that related merchandise clogs the arteries of toy & comic/specialty shops everywhere (ala Iron Man, Batman) & that Dredd finally gets the attention he deserves (outside of Europe, no offense :D ) Just imagine some kid with a Judge Helmet, Badge & Lawgiver Mk.II ''Judging'' the family dog? :lol:

That being said I fear this movie could also be the end for any more possible 2000AD properties if it fails. I mean it's taken 15 years for this movie to even get to the pre production stage, just imagine how long it could take if it bombs!

Definitely Not Mister Pops


It at least looks good.


Too much fan service could kill this film
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: pops1983 on 05 September, 2010, 05:33:35 AM

It at least looks good.


Too much fan service could kill this film
Full frontal Female nudity and panty shots?


Quote from: pops1983 on 05 September, 2010, 05:33:35 AM

It at least looks good.


Too much fan service could kill this film

I think that all counts as one hope: "It's not like the Stallone movie".


Hopes: The movie will be done 'right'(you all know what i mean, no need to explain further  ;) )

Fears: The wont be enough budget left to properly promote the film  :(

Toni Scandella

That it will do well enough to justify a sequel.
That it will do well enough to have one of those porn remakes with the funny names.


Fist of Dredd

Srontium Doggy Style

Harry 20 and the Hard Cock

etc etc

I just hope it's a well made film and it doesn't have Rob Schenieder in it

Peter Wolf

I dont have any as it matters not what i think as i am not making the film and i unconditionally accept whatever the film makers offer without any criticism.Any opinion offered would be myself imposing likes or dislikes and prejudices or whatever onto the finished product and we cant be having that.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


I hope that it does well enough to warrant a sequel (and fast track Button Man into production!).

I hope that it increases awareness of and interest in Dredd (especially in the US) and the work John Wagner has done with the character finally gets the recognition and audience it deserves.

I hope it makes enough money that John and Carlos each get a fat royalty cheque!


HOPES: Brad Pitt as Max Normal, Jason Statham as Mean Angel, Jet Li as Stan Lee.

FEARS:Too small a budget. Depth being replaced by old school mindless violence.

Solomon Kane was pants by the way.


Hopes: A rewrite.
Fears: "Trying to ape The Dark Knight" by making it something its not supposed to be. Mega City One losing its distinctive look in favour of a 'realistic', 'serious' depiction of a city grown to enormous size.


hopes: They keep the spirit of the comics basically. I don't mind if they go down the gritty realistic route. A good story.

Fears:  That it has nothing to stand out against other basic thrillers. [spoiler]And that nudey Anderson sex scene sounds really tacky. To be fair, I haven't read it in the script but it comes* across (no innuendo intended) gratuitous just for the sake of it.[/spoiler]

Jared Katooie

 :'( NOTE: Do not look at Mardroid's spoiler. :'(

I hope it'll be a great film that doesn't mess around with the character or the world he lives in. I say "hope", but really it's more of a wild fantasy.

Failing this, I hope it'll be a great film.

Failing this, I hope there'll at least be some boobs and/or lashings of gratuitous violence.

My fears are that Dredd the movie character will bear little resemblance to Dredd the comic book character. I'm also worried that it might be a bland, predictable action/sci-fi flick trying to cash in on the rapidly waning popularity of comic book adaptations.


Quote from: Jared Katooie on 05 September, 2010, 06:37:49 PM

My fears are that Dredd the movie character will bear little resemblance to Dredd the comic book character. I'm also worried that it might be a bland, predictable action/sci-fi flick trying to cash in on the rapidly waning popularity of comic book adaptations.
That's a great fear of mine.
I feel that they are going to make this movie SIMON BISLEY'S JUDGE DREDD & not Dredd proper (Wagner)


Until the film is post production and I am happily watching it at my local cinema (in 3D) I will not cast any sorrow comment (if any is needed) over this project. Lets just give this the positives it deserves.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.