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The 100 Goofiest Computer Hacking Scenes In Cinema History.

Started by Keef Monkey, 21 September, 2010, 09:21:20 AM

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Keef Monkey

With clips!

Haven't had a chance to watch them, but I know it'll keep me entertained when work gets quiet later.

Edit: 10. Make that 10. I wondered where the rest of them had gone.

Mike Carroll

Nice one, Keef! The scene from Independence Day is so utterly stupid that for me it's spread like a virus and infected every movie Roland Emmerich has made, both before and after. I can't watch any of them now without getting annoyed!

-- Mike

James Stacey

Adrian Bamforth

Although I dearly love Wargames, there is a moment at the end when the big battle computer suddenly decides it's going to speak aloud for no reason. This is at least partially made up for by the immortal Broderick line: "Learn, Joshua, learn!"

Watching Salt recently I noticed that no Basil Exposition's job has been taken by a computer running a sophisticated Exposition program, which helpfully tells us exactly what is going on and who everyone is by simply flashing it on-screen. Just goes to show no-one is immune from automation in the digital age.