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Why did the Robocop sequels SUCK?

Started by Dreddzilla, 24 September, 2010, 01:04:22 AM

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Re: Why did the Robocop sequels SUCK?

also designed by Dyson?
DDT did a job on me

Jared Katooie

Professor Bear

I think Robo 2 holds up better than Robo 1 given how stupidly brutal and then brutally stupid it gets at times.  Robo 3 I want to like because it has some genuinely good ideas and funny moments (Robo cruising in a pimpmobile is awesome), but it all falls apart from really static direction and a lack of focus: Robo vs Ninjas, OCP getting bought out and trying to realise Delta City before the takeover is official in order to save the jobs of the people at the top, Robo becomes an unstoppable anti-corporate terrorist, the cops turn on OCP and barricade Old Detroit - it all sounds good on paper, but falls apart onscreen and none of it feels tangible.

The tv show sucked, it really did and there's no getting around that, but it did have a nice line in subverting capitalist dogma.  The episode where they have to get a heart for little Timmy or some shit like that savaged private medicine and became scary rather than funny, particularly the doctors who refuse to operate on patients in case they die and lower the doctor's place on medical league tables - a personalised scoring system which has recently been touted by the government.  To reiterate: an episode of the Robocop tv show is smarter than the people we didn't elect.