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Prog 1704 Spirited Away!

Started by JAMESCOR, 25 September, 2010, 12:52:57 PM

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Cheers, will have a deek when I get home...
DDT did a job on me


QuoteI'm looking forward to getting Burns back on art duties

I'm pretty sure he's back on Dante next week.

Judge Olde

Waiting for Wednesday, someone post the cover?

James Stacey


Wow, that's nice.  If I was still in my wilderness years I'd have bought that Prog on cover alone.  I might have been subsequently disappointed to find that Ketch wasn't a steampunk robot, but still...

House of Usher

The only story that lit my fire this Prog was Defoe. I wasn't that struck on the druid chap. You can tell he's a friend of Slaine's (that should become a new euphemism) because all back-to-front, his syntax is.

Even Judge Dredd was a bit limp this week, which can be extended retrospectively across all 5 parts of The Skinning Room. I thought it was a bold move though, playing out a Mega-City serial killer scenario the way it would play out; [spoiler]i.e. the bad guy is apprehended by accident because the judges are having a routine poke around on the off-chance anyone is up to anything criminal, rather than because they are actively looking for one of his victims to begin with.

A nice touch also to build up the villain into a potential long-term adversary only to give him such a (literally) throwaway ending.[/spoiler]

the shutdown man

I'm not sure whether it was the artwork in Dredd in this story, or the general concept, but I had forgotten how creepy Resyk could be.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


Simple but dynamic cover. The colours work well too.

Dredd: Didn't expect it to come to a close so early, but this was a strong finale. great splash page. Hope to see more of the ploitcal implications of the Crackdown next Prog.

Defoe: I'm still uncertain about the past proffesions of the characters, but I found this quite gripping and packed with cool moments/ ideas.

Age of the Wolf: Probably preffered this to the last 2 installments, now that it looks like something will actually happen. But I still find the propechy slant a bit lame.

Low Life: Every page is a treat. Prefectly paired art and story. Can't pick a single fault with this. Easy to follow and enjoy, but still keeps you guessing and it's packed with ideas.

Nikolai Dante: I love this, but at the same time think this series has lost a little something. Maybes as it builds to it's real epic finale I will be back on baord fully.

Top Thrill: Low Life = perfect.

"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."

Roger Godpleton

COVER: Great Stuff.

Droid Life: SIMPSONS DID IT. Very Good Stuff (DL Scale).

Dredd: YEE-HAA FASCIST TIT-AYYYS. Unfortunately she's a bit flat. Maybe like this ending? Good Stuff.

Defoe: Best thing in the Prog. Like, maybe one away from getting a "Really". Great Stuff.

AotW: Moving towards more mystical stuff. Vaguely glowers in their direction with betrayed sentiments. Good Stuff.

Low Life: Bit expos-much this week. Good Stuff.

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Groovy prog all round- Tharg's racing along nicely. Liked all the strips, but particularly Age of the Wolf again, which is both lyrical (to me anyway) and beautifully drawn. Did i see JD-H referencing Dave Gibbons's werelox from The Dogs of Doom in the facial grin of the attacking woolluf on the last page this week?
But top thrill for me was the letters page. Now my five ignorers are forced to read my foul opinions. Hah!

Old Tankie

Really loving the Prog these days.  Top marks to all.  Especially enjoying Age of the Wolf, which is beautifully drawn and coloured.


It's good to see the Judges not getting killed willy nilly. Injured squad leader, injured rookie and naked Judge :P found.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


still not getting into dante but trying to read without all the backstory isnt helping probably...if i'd seen it from the startwhoknows?
dredd arsom as always
defoe only grates with the "intelligent talking" super zombies but thats just me i didnt like the runners in the dawn of the dead remake.
age of the wolf is interesting ,not blowing me away but im hanging on in there ...


Check out the secret origin of Judeg Riggs' ladygarden (second panel):


Quote from: TordelBack on 04 October, 2010, 01:53:21 PM
Check out the secret origin of Judeg Riggs' ladygarden (second panel):

The other alternative is that it is a Justice merkin, so they can be recognised as a Judge even when they are in the nip. As in "was that Judge Dredd?", "Even though he was nekkid, the helmet is a give away", "Oh yes and the Justice merkin above it".

This should be made into official merchandise (merkindise?) as CF would buy one and we could have another "proud we are of them" with boarders taking photographs of them wearing theirs out and about in public. Could be the start of a range - Johnny Alpha's S(T)D, Lobster Random (with the tag line: "100% lobster, no crabs"), Dirty Frank's dirty merkin (like an untrimmed hedge, possibly with wildlife in it) and so on.

Anyway ignore me, I'm lust merkin about ;)
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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