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Captain America (2011)

Started by Goaty, 28 October, 2010, 06:22:34 PM

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Humble is he who wields the shield.
Feel My Hate!


So has anyone watched this yet? Any good etc etc?


Seen it last night.

Good but not brilliant.

Hugo Weaving is a bit distracting doing an Arnald Swarchenegger impresonation.

Effects are amazing.

Stay until after credits to see The Avengers trailer.

Steve Green

Not as good as Thor IMHO...

A nice retro feel, and the weedy Steve Rogers is very well done - the first half is better, although it does pick up a little in the final battle.

The middle felt a bit flat, with identikit Hydra fodder and I thought the rest of the team were a bit wasted.

[spoiler]The whole "all my friends are dead/ancient" on his revival is very glibly dealt with[/spoiler]

The Hydra salute made me laugh... they're Nazis, but doubly evil...


Saw this today and eally enjoyed it. Spotted a couple of throwaway fanboy references too - the first sight of Zola is through a big magnifying glass, looking just like the comic robotic Zola; and at the World fair, there's what looks suspiciously like the original Human Torch in a glass cylinder in the background.

I admit I was disappointed when I heard it was going to be almost entirely set in WWII, I was hoping for a 'thaw out with a few flashbacks' story, but it worked - I think it actually needed that to get to grips with the character.

I was distracted by spotting the Manchester streets standing in for New York - considering they only had a few streets to work with, they CGI'd them up pretty well. I remember seeing the same doorway go past about five times on the car ride though!


Of all the Marvel movies to come out this year. X-Men: First Class was my favorite.
Feel My Hate!

Steve Green

To be fair, the cinema was pretty stifling, so that didn't help...


Quote from: HatefulCactus on 04 August, 2011, 06:08:10 AM
Of all the Marvel movies to come out this year. X-Men: First Class was my favorite.

Totally agree, superb film, Magneto stole the show for me. Captain America and Thor are both good movies, but are a long way off the being as good as Xmen First Class.


Just back from this- the little ones loved it. Youngest was scared by The Red Skull; especially when he ripped his face off. Eldest was slightly disappointed by the lack of Baron Zemo ("When O When O When is Baron Zemo going to be in a marvel movie?! It's like he doesn't exist!"/ "Well, I don't know if too many people know who he is, Bram, he is a bit obscure."/ "I bet he's not even in The Avengers is he?"/ "No, I think it's a team up between Loki and the skrulls."/ "Oh NO, not AGAIN! It's always the skrulls!" At this point I realised, well, he's eight, and probably imagines more Marvel movies in his head than they could possibly ever make, so I let that one go).

But Captain America was superb- great action, a convincing story that throws back to all those magical war movies I grew up on, like 'Where Eagles Dare' and 'The Guns of Navarone', excellent design and use of 3D (especially the slide onto the train) and- brilliantly- a fantastic song ad dance number- 'Star Spangled Man', which almost made me cry it was so perfect. Witty editing, thumping fights, no sloppy love stuff to bore the kids and the baddest baddies ever, with (as someone pointed out, maybe here) a "Heil Hydra!" salute that makes them twice as bad as ordinary Nazis. Loved it.

I'm not really interested in The Avengers movie, to be honest- Marvel pumping loads of cash into a period piece set in World War Two was always going to be more interesting, and they pulled it off with flair to spare.
