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Started by Cyber-Matt, 19 November, 2010, 05:01:01 PM

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Quote from: vzzbux on 22 November, 2010, 12:19:07 AM
The lycra suit with matching jacket didn't work either for the 95 Dredd and those clunky boots were utter tosh.

So we have apart from the helmet, the cod piece, the boots and the suit, the uniform was OK in the 95 Dredd. And mustn't forget the clipping that held the shoulder pads on the suit. Yeh they got the 95 uniform spot on.

You may have guessed I am not a big fan of the 95 uniform.


I wasn't saying the 95 film got the uniform spot on if you look.  I think they got the shoulders, badge and chain pretty good but I wasn't keen on the helmet, lycra suit and boots myself.  And I certainly didn't like the codpiece.  The Judge Minty uniform is nice but the eagle shoulder pad on that looks a bit clunky and I think the eagle shoulder pad in the 95 film was better, again as it looks impressive and has good movement at the same time.


I for one am very happy so far. It feels better every time I look at the pic.


Karl Urban looks the business in the helmet ( and he's a good actor ) but I think the uniform needs a bit of work to be more like the comics.


Lookin' good, I'm pumped! Next, I'm curious to see how Urban plays it, what kind of voice he'll go for, preferably something awesome.


While I like the weathering and authenticity of the helmet. I'm not so sure about the rest of his uniform. I'll need to see the entire uniform from top to bottom, with a film trailer before I'm fully satisfied.


Confusion is Better Than Sex


I want to know how the  judges are going to move about,are they having some sort or training off a military advisor?
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.


Yes, Dan Hirst is the military advisor on the film, and I think that some cast members have been involved in combat training over the past month or so.

Both Karl Urban and Langley Kirkwood have had this kind of training for film and TV roles before.


I fudgekin love it. Thanks to LARF for cleaning it up a bit. Totally McMahon vibe. I keep imagining it to be at the Aggrodome. The add o0ns really do support the base uniform. Helmets not too big at all. Karls got the Esquerre skinny neck off to a tee.
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.


Quote from: Krombasher on 22 November, 2010, 11:53:36 AM
Karls got the Esquerre skinny neck off to a tee.

I wonder if he's been on a rigourous neck training program?
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


Hi guys, I just registered so I could see the picture Mr. Ezquerra posted but I thought I may as well share this.

I actually quite like the design they've done and I'm looking forward to the movie, but in case anyone was wondering what the design would look like with just a few tweaks to make it look more traditional, I whipped up this:

No huge changes, but I think it shows that something closer to the traditional design (closer than this even) would have worked fine. I don't think this looks any less acceptable or plausible for a "proper" movie, and the jacket/torso could be even simpler/more form fitting without losing any realism.

Again, this is from a guy who really likes the actual design, I just thought people might be curious. Maybe something closer to this in a sequel if there is one?


what, uh, what have you actually done to that photo?


I think he's taken the 'biker bulge' protective gear off Dredd's back.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

James Stacey


He's reduced the helmet to about 95%, scaled up the shoulder pad, removed the pad on the upper arm, curved the bottom of the badge, and gathered in the big collar. It certainly doesn't make it look worse.