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Pick three(3) Judge Dredd TPs that will make anybody a fan...

Started by The Adventurer, 23 November, 2010, 08:55:57 AM

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The Adventurer

With DREDD the movie about to drop like a hammer from the sky, getting new readers interested in Judge Dredd the comic has never been better.  But of course with the last four years there is a proverbial abundance* of Judge Dredd material out there in print, and new readers can easily drown in that sea.  So, I pose the question, if an interested new reader came up to you and asked for three (and only three) Dredd TP recommendations, which three would you pick? In what order? And why? Remember, you're trying to create a new fan who might stick around a while.

I've put some thought into it, and settled on the following myself...

Judge Dredd: MANDROID - A superb stand alone story that in my opinion exemplifies everything that is good and interesting about Judge Dredd.  Its an action story, a police procedural, and a tragedy; all the elements that make up a memorable Judge Dredd tale IMO.  I feel of all the JD TPs out, its the most accessible, no heavy continuity or Dredd's extended family. Just Judge Dredd doing what he does best.


Judge Dredd: BROTHERS OF THE BLOOD - After giving my new reader a hit of what makes Dredd an icon, I figure time to give them a taste of what makes Dredd interesting as a character.  I find exploring Dredd's 'extended family' and how he deals with them to be a great way to do that.  That and BotB contains three of my favorite Dredd stories; Blood Cadets, Sector House, and Brothers of the Blood.

And finally...

Judge Dredd: TOTAL WAR - With BotB giving him the background necessary about Dredd's clones and Vienna his niece, understanding every aspect of Total War is a snap for a new reader. Kicking off, Terror is a generally all around great story (I'd even go so far to say its the true sequel to America, at least thematically, over Fading the Light) but Total War itself is just wall to wall excitement that really showcases why modern Judge Dredd is a series worth paying attention too.

*well.... I say this, but I've been doing some checking and Rebellion TP availability in the US is really lacking. You can't find JD trades avalible from just a few years ago on Amazon, or any of the big comic sites like Midtown or InStockTrades.  Its a little annoying...


Grant Goggans

James Stacey

I'd definitely say Total War for one. I actually gave it to someone to read recently and they really enjoyed it. They did however say it was very much a product of its time. I'd offer them 'The Pit' for some procedural Dredd fun, and also Necropolis to counterbalance it with the more action / fantasy side of Dredd. Necropolis was my first introduction to Dredd and it worked for me.


The Adventurer


James Stacey

I did think that originally :). I guess he meant post 'September 11th' terrorist fear, which after a way it is. Doesn't stop it being a stonking read though and a favourite of mine.


Good topic Adventurer.

It all depends on the impression you want to give of Dredd I suppose. There are multiple moods and tones with Dredd and his world so  to cover all that, you'd need some one offs.

I'd go with,

1. Mandroid
2. The Art of Kenny Who?
3. America

Mandroid and America are my favourite modern Dredd epics and The Art of Kenny Who? because I love Cam Kennedy's stuff and it's got a nice mix of comedy, action, 1 offs and multi-parters.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

Aaron A Aardvark

Quote from: James Stacey on 23 November, 2010, 10:55:39 AM
I did think that originally :). I guess he meant post 'September 11th' terrorist fear, which after a way it is.

Yeah, like the threat of terrorism has totally gone away since then.

Anyway, my totally boring choices:

Total War
The Pit


Yeah, the Kenny Who? collection is a good call - a great mix of stories.


Case Files 3 (? the one with Judge Death in it)
Case Files 7 (? The one with Cry of the Werewolf and The Graveyard Shift)

Good mix of one-offs, definitive art from Ron Smith, McMahon, Bolland etc, and then a serious story to balance out the comedy.

And it seems I need to go and reread mandroid, which is getting a lot more love than I'd have predicted based on the question!


I'd have to stick with the classics.

1; Judge Child. The complete story gives a compartmentalised vision of Dredd and Mega-City 1 with all their belief systems and hierarchy near fully explained. Not only does it do this but in the same vein as the popular adventure fantasies of the time from the big screen, (Clash of the Titans, Warlords of Atlantis) it broadens the scope of how Dreddverse can be as expansive as its competitors and more so.

2; Apocalypse War. This is just a thrompingly good war epic, full of original ideas that no other comic could do. Unless they also had this or a similar universe.

3; City of the Damned. Well, it gives a good sense of continuity that may make your reader wonder what had gone on in between the two sagas. It also brings in Anderson, on top of seeing how a more experienced Joe Dredd approach the changing face of the same threat to Mega-City 1.

"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.


A little bit different for me;

1) America- it really is just that good. A chilling story, but Wagner being the genius he is still manages to cram it full of black humour.

2) Mega City Undercover (does this count?) The big guy only shows up in a few panels, but is suitably bad-ass and menacing in each. But this is more about making them love Mega-City One.

3) Tour of Duty -  Another cheat since it is more than 1TPB but I think this is some of the best 2000AD, hell comic book writing I've ever seen. Shows the mastery Wagner has over the 5page (-ish) format, and again the versatility of Dredd and his universe.

"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."

Colin YNWA

A real tricky one this. I'd try

America. As I think its the story that none Dredd fans will buy into most.

Total War: Because it gives a nice counter point to America and has the most amazing Henry Flint art

Cursed Earth: To provide a sense of the strips wild and crazy history

Greg M.

America – the magnum opus
Casefiles 5 – The Apocalypse War (Necropolis is my favourite epic but the Apocalypse War is more accessible)
The Pit – For the birth of 'modern' Dredd?

Honorable mention - The Cursed Earth / Judge Cal - is that Casefiles 2?

I'm not as sold on 'Total War' as most of you, but that is probably because I didn't experience it in weekly doses.

The Adventurer

I see lots of picks for America, and there is no doubt in my mind that its one of the best if not THEE best Dredd stories. But the reason I don't pick it for a newbie is because I think it has more impact if you've some Dredd experience under your belt.  It'd certainly be my fourth or fifth pick.

Also the reason I stayed away from 'classic' stories like Judge Child, Judge Death and/or Apoc War is I'm more interested in making a fan who will pick up a copy of 2000 AD TODAY.