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Started by Last of the V8's, 08 November, 2002, 12:03:30 AM

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Last of the V8's

Has anyone received their Dreddcon tickets yet?
I ordered mine through the website the day they went on sale and nothing yet.


Yeah, I've not seen mine either. i keep on menaing to phone up about it. Natsan hasn't seen hers either.


Yes,I would have appreciated it if we'd been told in the first place that there were going to be delays in the tickets arriving.I bought mine just after I'd been paid for the month and therefore knew the money was available.The last thing I want is for the payment to be processed at a later date only for it not to go through:(


Last of the V8's

Thanks guys, at least I know I'm not alone.


They're not going to go all Digital Archive on us again are they? *shudder*

Who's going for the VIParty bit?  Who's getting regular tickets?
Better set your phaser to stun.


Who's going for the VIParty bit?

I ordered the ticket for this, but if they process it when my account's at it's nadir, all I'll be getting is a letter telling me off. Like Nat, I ordered mine when I could guarantee that there was money available.

It's also a bit worrying that absolutely no mention of a hotel has been made this year. Even a suggestion would be nice so people who are travelling down aren't scattered all over London.



I suppose theres a possibility that we could end up picking up tickets at the door, but as I recall there was no mention of this when I purchased them through the site. i haven't checked to see If I've been charged, though I assume form other posts that I haven't.

Has anyone ordered by phone?

Last of the V8's

Tried to order by phone originally but kept getting '' you have reached the offices of 2000ad,we are not available at the moment'' so ordered via the website.


Its a bit worrying that theres no word from Wake on this, usually he's very quick to post a response on this kind of thing.


The tickets are being produced this week and we will dispatch them next week.

Sorry for the delay, we have been working on the artwork which will be finalised this week. No money has been taken from your account, it wil be as soon as the tickets are ready.



Last of the V8's


Oh, how lovely it all worked out in the end.