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Meg 305

Started by Zarjazzer, 05 December, 2010, 01:23:45 PM

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Great Meg, it's firing on all cylinders at the moment and well out-shining 2000AD at the moment. All the stories were great, and the articles were well-written, informative pieces. Even the movie reviews, which I haven't always been a fan of, were great (and have been a worthy inclusion in the last few Megs).  I enjoy this writers'/critics' style much more, offering context and background rather than just straight up good/bad reviews.

I am genuinely looking forward to the next issue, to the continuation of the rather good Samizdat Squad (surely how Stalag 666 should have been done!?), the debut of the very interesting looking Numbercruncher and more from the excellent, brilliant, can't believe-it's-not-longer Insurrection II.  Oh, and then there's Dredd!


Forgot to add that I like the second Gronk story in the reprint, the one about how the Gronk got his heartses.  A pleasant, friendly little story - barely recognisable as the same writer as the other Gronk one.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


QuoteLike the first Strontium Dogs GN, I believe this is all for the return of SD in the prog. Seriously looking like the Gronk will feature in the upcoming continuation of Alpha's resurrection.

I doubt it. Wagner pretty much ignored and contradicted everything post-The Final Solution when he wrote The Life and Death of Johnny Alpha, so I don't see that changing in the next Strontium Dog story.

Liam Sharp

Cheers all for the warm welcome back to Dredd (21 years! That's half a lifetime!) and the kind words about the art, even the description of my art as 'spongy' made me smile. (Robin, if you read my interview my constantly varying art might make a little more sense to you, but I don't expect everybody to like what I do. Bear in mind, though, I was just a kid when I was drawing that stuff all those years ago. I think it's hats off to Tharg for giving a young upstart a chance! :-))
So great to be back - very much enjoying returning to UK comics after so long (Event Horizon aside.)

All my very best, and Merry Christmas!



Cool! Look everybody! Its Liam Sharp! :) Merry Christmas Liam. Your PJ Maybe is inextricably evil. :)
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Liam Sharp

Thanks Krombasher, and Merry Christmas to you too! :)

Incidentally you guys might enjoy the fact that the guy in panel 3 is Mr. Kidd from Diamonds Are Forever, as requested by Chris Weston. He and his special friend Mr.Wint are Chris's favourite Bond villains. I also built the gun-barrel motif into a couple of the pages, and the fembots are also reffed from Bond movies. The cars are based on Aston Martins too! I loaded it with nods for anybody really into Bond. Al's script was extremely clever, and funny. I thought the rhyming verse was a great old-school technique you will almost never see in comics these days - a real tribute to Alan and John.

Cheers all!


James Stacey

Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 02:06:36 PM
Incidentally you guys might enjoy the fact that the guy in panel 3 is Mr. Kidd from Diamonds Are Forever, as requested by Chris Weston. He and his special friend Mr.Wint are Chris's favourite Bond villains.

Certainly gave me a giggle. Great to see you back on Dredd, don't leave it so long next time please. As the definitive PJ artist, it would be good to see your take on his Ambrose persona.


Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 11:39:28 AM
Cheers all for the warm welcome back to Dredd (21 years! That's half a lifetime!) and the kind words about the art, even the description of my art as 'spongy' made me smile. (Robin, if you read my interview my constantly varying art might make a little more sense to you, but I don't expect everybody to like what I do. Bear in mind, though, I was just a kid when I was drawing that stuff all those years ago. I think it's hats off to Tharg for giving a young upstart a chance! :-))
So great to be back - very much enjoying returning to UK comics after so long (Event Horizon aside.)

All my very best, and Merry Christmas!


Great work on that Dredd tale!
Don't make it another 21 years until your back in The Meg or 2000ad please Liam!

Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Liam Sharp

Aw, you guys! Appreciated, seriously. You'll be glad to know, then, that I'm working on another Dredd right now, and I also did a Hammerstein pin-up (see it in my gallery: and a wraparound cover for 2000ad. :)


Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 05:02:32 PM
Aw, you guys! Appreciated, seriously. You'll be glad to know, then, that I'm working on another Dredd right now, and I also did a Hammerstein pin-up (see it in my gallery: and a wraparound cover for 2000ad. :)

Frikkin' gorgeous!
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Liam Sharp

Cheers! I did it just for fun (and I NEVER do comic-related art outside of work usually, so that tells you something!) and Thard waved his mighty hand and decreed it would be a Star-scan. And so it shall be. :)


Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 05:15:03 PM
Cheers! I did it just for fun (and I NEVER do comic-related art outside of work usually, so that tells you something!) and Thard waved his mighty hand and decreed it would be a Star-scan. And so it shall be. :)

Christmas has just come early!

Nice one Liam! Keep up the amazing work!
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Liam Sharp

Will do my best. :)

(Sorry, Tharg oh mighty one, for the typo there...)

Robin Low

Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 11:39:28 AMeven the description of my art as 'spongy' made me smile.

I wanted to make a loose comparison with, I think, Jim Murray for some of the pictures, but at the time I couldn't remember his name!

Quote(Robin, if you read my interview my constantly varying art might make a little more sense to you, but I don't expect everybody to like what I do. Bear in mind, though, I was just a kid when I was drawing that stuff all those years ago.

Yes, it's a depressingly long time ago... and you're right, art can change a lot (I can name a few who I used to love, but who have since become so polished that they've lost much of the roughness and originality that made them exciting in the first place).

But on the basis on your latest story, my only real criticism is the one about it being a bit static, a little too photographic in places. But then I did quite like the picture of the shark and the legs!

And while I think about, do you remember doing a starscan or something of Nemesis and Purity Brown? I remember liking that because it wasn't just a copy of someone else's Nemesis.



Liam Sharp

Quote from: Robin Low on 14 December, 2010, 06:50:13 PM
Quote from: Liam Sharp on 14 December, 2010, 11:39:28 AMeven the description of my art as 'spongy' made me smile.

I wanted to make a loose comparison with, I think, Jim Murray for some of the pictures, but at the time I couldn't remember his name!

Quote(Robin, if you read my interview my constantly varying art might make a little more sense to you, but I don't expect everybody to like what I do. Bear in mind, though, I was just a kid when I was drawing that stuff all those years ago.

Yes, it's a depressingly long time ago... and you're right, art can change a lot (I can name a few who I used to love, but who have since become so polished that they've lost much of the roughness and originality that made them exciting in the first place).

But on the basis on your latest story, my only real criticism is the one about it being a bit static, a little too photographic in places. But then I did quite like the picture of the shark and the legs!

And while I think about, do you remember doing a starscan or something of Nemesis and Purity Brown? I remember liking that because it wasn't just a copy of someone else's Nemesis.



Cheers Robin. Let's not get into how long we've been looking at 2000ad... We go back a ways don't we? :)

And I agree, my story was a little static because of the subject matter. To me the key thing was the likenesses - hence the photorealistic thing! - and getting some neat Bond references in there (The robogirls are based on Bond girls, there's also the gun barrel and a famous bond villain.) I think the pages where it wasn't so Bond were less static (Dredd being attacked/Dredd taking out the robogirls.) And as for the Jim Murray comparison - I'm delighted you think so! Makes a change from Jim Less or Simon Bisley!

Here's the Nemesis image you were talking about. It remains a piece I'm very proud of, especially given how young I was. Sometimes things just work, but back then I was much better at single images than strips. Strips are so bloody hard - even now! It's something I have to really work at to get right.

Thanks for the reply, and Merry Christmas!
