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middenface sucks !

Started by judge dreddd, 09 November, 2002, 01:03:49 AM

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judge dreddd

I hate it, i hate it, I hate it !

Is it just me, it really gets up my nose that strip.

Most strips I don't like I can accept but that excuse for a 'lets get down and discuss social problems' thing is just soooo bad.

feel better now.


Thank goodness for that! I thought someone had taken exception to ME!

Oh and by the way, I don't suck.

Link:" target="_blank">The A-Z of Cal-Hab


I could be wrong, but I think you may be up for a roasting from a certain boarder by the name of "McNulty".


"Middenface sucks" -- ?

"Gets up my nose" -- ?

Are these more references to Randy?


- Trout

(PS I quite like it)


Hmm, that was somewhat spoiled by you posting just before me McNulty.


Aye he may do laddie, but ye wouldnae say it to his face!

I've really enjoyed these recent runs of our favourite nobblyhead (I didn't been Randy).  I'd much rather have slices of what its like to live in a mutant in Alpha's world than some of Middenface's more vomit based experiences we've had in the past (or did I dream that?).  

I think it shows up the injustice of the times fairly well without being too preachy.  certainly if you just want to see Killin, Killing and possibly some vomit related Killing, then you may be dissapointed.

The combination of a coherant artist and a subject Alan Grant obviously enjoys has produced a corker of a strip I reckon.  A fecking corker.


Sorry Karne for stealing your thunder.

I still dinnae suck...


That's quite alright McNulty. Now if you've finished with my thunder, can I have it back?

judge dreddd

If he got a gun and just shot the drug dealer then that would be ok in a kind of vigilante type of way but all the poncing around.... get a life.

Jayzus B. Christ

I think ii's quite a good story too. I like the SD-based strips that are set on earth rather than the ones in space or other planets. I also like Alan Grant's less sentimental stuff (stand in the corner, Judge Anderson). Although I'm not mad about the art.


I like the current strips but one thing vaguely bothers me and that is in 'Portrait of a mutant' middenface lloks about 30 whereas in these strips he is depicted as being about 14 or so. Just a small annoyance though.

Leigh S

Dont think thats a problem continuity wise MAlky...

Kreelman is in power when Alpha is born in 2150, so these stories are set probably mid 2150's - Alphas probably around 5 at this point!