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If YOU were going to make a Dredd movie, what era/characters would you include?

Started by thelawgiver, 17 December, 2010, 02:40:14 AM

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Start with Day the Law died (Judge Cal) At the End of film have Judge Death appear.

Second Film Judge Death + Dark Judges, at end of film have Orlok Breaking into water plant.

Third Film Apocalypse war.

Release Robot Wars, Cursed Earth and Pirates of the Black Atlantic as DVD releases.

Basicaly see how it goes from here. :D

Definitely Not Mister Pops

If I were to make a Dredd Movie, it would revolve around Whitey (Danny Trejo) escaping Devil's island. The pre-credits would show Young Joe Dredd (Jason Statham) chasing down and catching Whitey, before dumping him on Devil's Island. Then the opening credits: Camera zooms out from Devil's island to and takes us on an aerial tour of the Big Meg. In time lapse to create the impression of time passing. Sun and moon racing across the sky, torrents of rolling clouds, that sort of thing. All the while it will show major events from MC1's history. Nukes going off, Sister's of Death towering over it all, giant robots striding across the Landscape, ye get the idea. Aerial tour ends on Hall of Justice, Old Dredd (Clint Eastwood, who else?) pulls up outside.

The plot's simple, Whitey escapes, Dredd hunts him down. I'd throw things in like Anderson (Charlise Theron), interviewing PJ Maybe (Kevin Kline), Silence of the Lambs style to try and get an idea of what a killer like Whitey would be up to. There'd be just one Lawmaster chase, but it would be massive, involving sky-boards and a Fatties family trying to cross the road. And many many many explosions.

If I resurrect Roger Corman, he could probably make it for 59p.
You may quote me on that.

Toni Scandella

It would be a sort of Goodfellas, but with Don Uggo Apelino's gang.  Maybe some Judges.


I'd have Cyborg Guthrie as Dredd's sidekick, and have him f***k Batman with Judge Death, before he and Joe get it on with McGruder's corpse.

I'm missing Godpleton.

judda fett

Id do it a la 'Cops' tv series where we follow Dredd and Giant around answering APBs on Futsies, scrawlers, block wars, jay walkers, hunters club, rouge robots etc. Not mad original but a good introduction to MC 1 where you could have a good mix of tension and drama and also some of the weirder and more comedic elements of Dredd. It'd be called 'The Graveyard Shift', lots of opportunity for Wally Squad, and various other Judge divisions to make appearances and loads of room for easter eggs and references for fans of the comic and with enough happening to keep the average moviegoer entertained.


El Chivo

Quote from: ruud316 on 17 December, 2010, 08:39:47 PM
Start with Day the Law died (Judge Cal) At the End of film have Judge Death appear.

Second Film Judge Death + Dark Judges, at end of film have Orlok Breaking into water plant.

Third Film Apocalypse war.

Release Robot Wars, Cursed Earth and Pirates of the Black Atlantic as DVD releases.

Basicaly see how it goes from here. :D

Agreed, u'd have to start with Cursed Earth to set Judge Cal up tho
(or maybe have a prequel later on)


Not exactly an inspiring choice, but I think Block Mania/Apocalypse War would be perfect.

the radio version was brilliant, just adapt that!
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Quote from: ruud316 on 17 December, 2010, 08:39:47 PM
Start with Day the Law died (Judge Cal) At the End of film have Judge Death appear.

Second Film Judge Death + Dark Judges, at end of film have Orlok Breaking into water plant.

Third Film Apocalypse war.

Release Robot Wars, Cursed Earth and Pirates of the Black Atlantic as DVD releases.

Just about perfect. Midnight surfer/chopper would be cool too.


Quote from: ruud316 on 17 December, 2010, 08:39:47 PM
Start with Day the Law died (Judge Cal) At the End of film have Judge Death appear.

Second Film Judge Death + Dark Judges, at end of film have Orlok Breaking into water plant.

Third Film Apocalypse war.

Release Robot Wars, Cursed Earth and Pirates of the Black Atlantic as DVD releases.

Basicaly see how it goes from here. :D

I think that the epics are the most unsuited of all the Dredd stories to translate to the screen something which I think has been reflected in the fact that the nature of Dredd stories has changed since those "epic" days ie Satan's Island, the Pit, America etc. The Day the Law Died bares too much resemblance to the the '95 film so don't expect that to be revisited too soon. Any experienced film-maker/screenwriter will automatically filter out the epics when tackling Dredd, the adaptability issues are obvious to them. They could work for spin-off, more indulgent animated flicks but not high profile large audience films.

Certainly the shorter stuff like Midnight Surfer could be conflated and expanded and are more about Dredd and the city which is really what we all want to see and these are the stories which have proved the most dramatically effective and representitive of what makes Dredd great.

When you think about it, the Epics where there in the early days to give us a break from the everyday lawbreaking stories of the Big Meg which are of course the real meat of Dredd.


Quote from: Alski on 18 December, 2010, 02:36:22 PM
Not exactly an inspiring choice, but I think Block Mania/Apocalypse War would be perfect.

Call me a filthy heretic if you will, but I actually never thought much of The Apocalypse War as a story. It just didn't hit the spot for me.

But Block War - HELL YES!!! As a movie, it'd be the perfect excuse for watching Dredd tear around dishing out tough justice.

Somebody mentioned here a little while ago how the early part of the 1995 movie did that stuff quite well, and I think that's spot on. I could definitely go for that sort of thing (with the cheese factor of '95 dialled down) in a modern Dredd movie.
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


Quote from: HdE on 18 December, 2010, 03:28:46 PM

Somebody mentioned here a little while ago how the early part of the 1995 movie did that stuff quite well, and I think that's spot on. I could definitely go for that sort of thing (with the cheese factor of '95 dialled down) in a modern Dredd movie.

It did it quite well until Stallone, looking bizarrely smug, in his disco gear squatted into frame.


If only there was someone on the internet with an alternative screenplay... ;)
