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Post Apocalyptic Films...

Started by locustsofdeath!, 14 January, 2011, 09:13:26 AM

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Hello all,

I've taken on an assignment to write a massive exposition on the post-apocalyptic film and television genre, and I'm compiling a list of films that absolutely have to be included. The films can include your standard 'Mad Max' films or even your 'Zombie Apocalypse' movies and everything in between - the only criteria being that in the film society has broken down. This would exclude say 'Mad Max', as there are indications that some form of society, however tenuous, still exists, but include 'Mad Max 2'. I'll list what I've got so far and if you can think of any others please let me know!

Mad Max 2
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
The Book of Eli
The Road

Stephen King's The Stand

Dawn of the Dead (Night...being excluded because society has not yet broken down)
Day of the Dead

Anyway, I've got many more but my list is on my work computer - feel free to add those you can think of - I wouldn't want to leave anything off the list! Thanks!

Richmond Clements

What about Terminator Salvation?
True, there's the resistance, but does that count as a society..?


Ah yeah, that would count in my eyes - which I guess would let me use the scenes from the first two films! Good thinking Rich!


28 Days Later (OK, so at the end it is reveled that the outbreak is limited to the UK, but still post-apocalyptic for most of the film)


Bit of a stretch but... The Matrix Trilogy?


Salute of the Jugger is a pretty good example I think - great old Rutger Hauer film


A bit of Googling reveals these - not sure if they all fit your criteria...

Quiet Earth
On the Beach
La Jetée
Logan's Run
Day of the Triffids

The Omega Man (Also the Will Smith version of I Am Legend, and The Last Man on Earth)
The Postman
The Day After
A Boy and his Dog
The Book of Eli
Night of the Comet
Resident Evil: Extinction
The Taint
Tank Girl
Twelve Monkeys
The Stand
The Blood of Heroes

Damnation Alley (The basis for Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth)

uncle fester


...Does Planet Of The Apes count??


There's always Threads to boost your spirits, the ultimate in societal breakdown.


Dont forget any film or tv show made and set in britain after the general election in may last year. Snort. </satire>


uncle fester

Still haven't seen Threads. I remember the trailer on the BBC at the time scaring me silly.


Nice list radiator - thank you!

On my list I do include the Planet of the Apes films, Waterworld, the Postman, Twelve Monkeys, Hell Comes to Frogtown (heh), Doomsday and the various I Am Legend adaptations. Obviously there remains quite a few more to consider...

Richmond Clements


Luc Besson's Le Dernier Combat is very good.

Would Zardoz fit the criteria?

Van Dom

Warlords of the 21st Century (aka Battletruck)
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There's a really bonkers live action version of Fist of the North Star that I saw on late-night Channel 4 many years ago - that's quite Mad Max-y.

If you're including anime I'm sure there's a lot of post apocalyptic stuff there.