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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: Tiplodocus on 14 January, 2019, 12:29:38 PM
Nice to have it all back to personal stakes (I take it this was set before but released after Infinity War)

Did you not see the 'bit' at the end of the credits?


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 14 January, 2019, 12:29:38 PM
Nice to have it all back to personal stakes (I take it this was set before but released after Infinity War) and I thought Rudd and Lily have a nice chemistry.

No idea whether it was faithful to any comics or not but it thrilled me and made me laugh.

Job done, surely?

But no... couldn't put finger on it but vaguely unsatisfied at the end.

I watched this on a flight recently and it was perfectly suited to that. There a bit of humour, some action and likeable characters. In six months time I probably won't remember anything about it, but it was perfect to pass two hours on a dull long-haul.

I haven't seen Infinity War so I found the credits sequence very confusing.

Professor Bear

Legends of the Fall - Brad Pitt is such a brooding and dreamy bad boy that it actually kills people or sends them insane.  This is literally what this film is about, and the old Native American guy narrating even says "he was the rock on which they broke themselves" near the end.
I enjoyed the first 90-odd minutes of it, but then it descended into an - admittedly very funny - parody of Hollywood melodramas with its shootout finale, Pitt becoming a sort of Prohibition-era Batman, and then the supposedly mythic ending [spoiler]that made me genuinely laugh out loud when it turns out Pitt's character, after having lived a long and fruitful life, has merely been lulled into a false sense of security by a bear he stabbed in the paw 60 years earlier, who promptly ambushes him and when the camera turns around for a DUN DUN DUNNNN reveal I was in fucking stitches.[/spoiler]
Anthony Hopkins is on top form among a cast of reliable hams, but I'm surprised that bit where his elderly post-stroke character is flipping the bird hasn't become an internet meme.


I caught a few things on the plane from CES last week, so in order of what woz best:

Incredibles 2 is of course, the best of all possible choices. Heroes! Doing their best in a world that hates and fears them, a world crafted of 60s retro-tech and fantastical powers! Far from a cheap sequel, it was bleeding marvelous.

Hereditary weird, off-putting and incredibly dark. I wondered where it was all going on multiple occasions and could never have predicted the final act and its glorious waking nightmare. Will be harvesting for a Delta Green game in the near future.

Hail Caesar Not much actually...happens? Or at least, what happens doesn't matter much. But it's of course, lots and lots of fun. The dialogue is incredible and the style, immaculate. George Clooney playing a buffoon is always fun too, particularly when said buffoon is also playing the charismatic leader of the Roman forces.

The Predator this was bad, but good. Fun but really stupid and lame in so many ways. So many points that jumped up and screamed STUPID at me; the baddie humans and their utter stupidity (which ends with [spoiler]one of them literally blowing their own head off with an alien weapon [/spoiler]); the alien dog; the predator's evil plan of... exploiting our self-guided extinction in a hands-off fashion; the 'good' predator's plan of...what exactly? And lots of things that were just painful - the superpowered autistic kid who gets told to 'reign his psychosis in', and the lechery 'tourettes' sufferer played by Tom Jane - but despite all that, it was still an enjoyable watch. But this abortive franchise should really stay limited to the first movie and the Dark Horse comics.

I also watched The Emperor's New Groove and Alien, but the statute has passed on those I think.

Funt Solo

Quote from: Professor Bear on 16 January, 2019, 04:27:14 PM
Anthony Hopkins is on top form among a cast of reliable hams, but I'm surprised that bit where his elderly post-stroke character is flipping the bird hasn't become an internet meme.

It just needs to be picked up...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



The pilot. Bloody good it was too, like if Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid as a mid-2000's HBO series, looking forward to binging this and the potential news of the sequel movies means I better get a wiggle on.


Strap yourself in Hawk.

I've watched this 3 times through now, and it gets better each time.



I'm sorry, the spirit of Al Swearinjun compelled me.


Hold the Dark

New Netflix film by the director of Green Room. It isn't a patch on that film, sad to say. Very well shot and acted and it's a more ambitious film, dense with arty farty symbolism. But the plot, such that it is, is a confusing trainwreck of muddled motivations and characters doing very implausible things for little to no given reason. I was so confused by certain plot developments that I actually had to pause the movie about halfway through and check the Wikipedia plot summary to see what I had missed, but I hadn't missed anything - the script really is just deliberately vague on the context for basically everything that happens in the film, so in my mind not an effective or involving mystery/thriller. Avoid.


Thriller about some spoiled upper crust kids and a murder plot gone awry. It isn't a 5/5 smash and it won't be for everyone (I personally think it could have benefitted from leaning more heavily into the low key black humour) but it's a brisk watch (clocks in at under 90 mins) that is admirably restrained (it leaves a lot up to the viewer's imagination - there is very little graphic content and it's really only an R rated film because of it's thematic content rather than anything that happens on screen) and I really enjoyed for what is was. The cast (including The Witch's Anya Taylor Joy and British actor Olivia Cooke as well as the final performance of Anton Yelchin in full sleazeball mode) are really strong, and writer/director (Cory Finley) is one to watch for sure. Recommended.

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

New Netflix Coen Brothers Western anthology film. It's a bit self-indulgent - some of the stories go on a bit, and some of them are stronger than others, but I really enjoyed it overall. Proper filmmaking, nice to see Netflix throwing big money and something so unique and creative. Good stuff.


Quote from: Theblazeuk on 17 January, 2019, 04:11:54 PM

I'm sorry, the spirit of Al Swearinjun compelled me.


Saw a stat once about Deadwood - 36 episodes of the show, [spoiler]cocksucker[/spoiler] is used over 300 times. And [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler] was used almost 3000 times.

Remember kids - swearing isn't big or clever....but from the mouth of Al Swearengen, it's bloody poetry. (And he wasn't called Swear Engine for nothing)
Peas sell. But who's Brian?

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



I enjoyed that. Quite slow paced, but I didn't find it boring, but judging by the bloke who looked like he had dropped off a couple of seats down from me, not everyone may feel the same.

[spoiler]I don't think it was ever explained how Mr. Glass got out of his cells, though. Maybe they figured since he's a genius, we don't need an explanation.[/spoiler]

I have mixed feelings concerning the ending, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. [spoiler]There were a couple of nice little twists too.[/spoiler]

Oh, and it was quite funny in places too, often for the right reasons, although I thought some of the action didn't quite work. To be fair, it's not really an action film, though.

Anyway, worth a watch, but make sure you've seen Unbreakable and Split first.

I, Cosh

Quote from: Tiplodocus on 26 December, 2018, 10:39:12 AM
TOMB RAIDER - the recent one with Alicia Vikander.
...  you get the feeling she isn't in control of any of the action - needed to be more proactive....
I'd completely forgotten I even saw that (it was on a long flight) until I read this. Completely agreee: totally forgettable and the initial gritty, urban Croft setup might have worked if it didn't then turn into her waiting for someone else to solve every problem.

4am on the same flight and I thought Avengers: Infinity War might be the thing to help me sleep. Completely the opposite. I've seen very few of the recent Marvel films but this worked really well as a huge, ensemble piece full of wild superhero space shit and anchored by a great villain. Definitely keen to see part 2 now, which I wouldn't even have considered before.

Some people might have found being dropped into The Monkey King 3 a little disorientating, but once you get that it's the latest entry in a fairly big budget Chinese adaptation of Journey to the West, it soon makes just as much as sense as the tv series. In this episode, our heroes find themselves trapped in the land of the women, with unexpected and hilarious consequences. More expensive special effects aside, the main differences are that this Monkey tries to move more like a monkey and some of those jarring cultural differences like a comedy trip to the lake of aborted fetuses.

The funnest part was trying to explain the cultural significance of the tv series to my girlfriend and then her even greater bemusement when I finally found an episode on youTube.
We never really die.

Professor Bear

Bumblebee - there's a running gag about people on social media wanting to fuck the robot car in this movie, the flimsy justification being that the lead actress in this is too young for audiences to find attractive so they have redirected their disgusting heathen urges elsewhere, but it's a significant plot point that Bumblebee has the mind of a child so now I just have more concerns than ever.
This film is stupid, and not just in a good way, it is also stupid in the bad way, like when the soldiers are driving around doing training exercises on jeeps armed with giant harpoons, which I assume the producers thought is the kind of thing only army nerds would know wasn't general issue equipment for the USMC in 1987, and they seem to be doing this army training and (it is implied) live fire of explosive ammunition roughly five meters away from campers - deaf campers, considering the number of explosions that occur which don't seem to be noticed, at least one of which was caused by a giant fireball from space.
I really enjoyed it.  For all its attempts to dismiss lazy writing as knowing stupidity, including some hilariously on-point Chekov's Gunning of the lead character's high diving expertise that ultimately amounts to absolutely fuck all, it's still a pretty good approximation of the sensibility of the mid-80s dumbass kids' adventure movie in a way that the likes of Stranger Things or Summer Of 84 never quite manage.  A lot of the comedy sequences were admittedly grating and went on far too long, the movie's version of an African American nerd seems to be exclusively into white nerd cultural references, all the "poor people" seem to have fucking enormous houses, and one of the last things we see is a character's selfie portrait but okay.  Nitpicks aside, it's a fun romp and pretty family-friendly, with not a single racist stereotype robot to be seen, the camera doesn't take long lingering shots of the lead female's body, and giant robot testicles don't swing around the screen like a thing from nightmares, so yes, as low as this may set the bar, it is easily the best of the live-action Transformers movies.
One sour note was [spoiler]the mixed-race romance angle which the producers didn't just shy away from, they literally have the lead female recoil in disgust from the touch of a black dude and then laugh right in his fucking face, and this was the last thing we see before the end credits roll.[/spoiler]  Jesus Christ, movie.


I watched Hold the Dark, and I enjoyed it for the atmosphere and thinking how it would make a good Delta Green game rather than the central plot. Which as mentioned, is pretty non-existent.