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Prog 1722 - Beware of the Dog!

Started by I, Cosh, 19 February, 2011, 12:20:00 PM

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Pete Wells

Quote from: Buttonman on 20 February, 2011, 02:15:56 AM
Quote from: Pete Wells on 19 February, 2011, 11:34:54 PM
I know BM is gonna hate me but I'd rather have Star Scans than letters every time.

You mother fucker.

I bet you weren't talking that pish when Progs 1552 1704 and Megs M37/V2.17 & M103/V2.83 were published. No, then you were strutting about like you had two dicks and now it's all 'Oh let's have a star scan' just 'cos your letters mojo has deserted you!

Mo    ther   fu    cker!

Ha, when I am 2000AD's first PowerPoint artist and I've got a Starscan made entirely using Insert>Basic Shapes I will be swanning about like a dog with four dicks!


I am gonna shoot my postman the next time he delivers my 2000AD soaking wet AND folded in half, yet my letterbox is big enough fot it to go thru neatly.  :(
Took me ages to dry it out before I could read it.

Anyone else have this problem????

The only highlight for me in prog 1722  is the artwork by Mr Flint on Shakara.


M V F C. Say it as though you are teaching a three year old letters.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

House of Usher



Plenty of pre-school toys to teach your kids to swear.
Also works with 4 C, and 1 C.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Why, after weeks of stilted 'fantasy realm' speech in Necrophim, is everyone speaking in the manner of a teenage American prick?

"Go team Uriel"? Really? And without the prog to hand I might have got this wrong, but does Lucifer say to Uriel; "Sucks to be you"?

It's a bit late in the day for such clumsy attempts at humour and it totally goes against the tone that the rest of the strip has (failed to) set.

2 weeks without an appearance by Dredd. I'm missing the grumpy sod...

Shakara...don't diiiiiieeeeee!

Kingom continues to be drenched in awesome sauce.

Ampney Crusis is becoming more enjoyable too. After weeks of gurning blue people, Simon Davis' art is suddenly looking fantastic. The enormous tentacled creature is ace.

An ok prog.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


Cover - Would have been great in not so muddy, are my old peepers going or is there trouble at printmill? or, or, do these look great on the pixel screen then rather drab here?

Dredd - Should of had faith in Al, it all comes together and it looks like he was only trying to get us thinking a wee bit, Colours are still flat and a bit muddy (see above whine)

Shakara -  great fun, way, way,way out there

Ampney - great stuff, great scropt and artwork and nice twist too, classic 2k

Necrophim -about time something happened!!! now end it pleaseeee

Kingdom - bit routine this week but only cause the thrill levels are so high

DDT did a job on me


Quote from: JUDGE BURNS
Took me ages to dry it out before I could read it. Anyone else have this problem????

Yup - but happens very rarely so can't complain...


Quote from: Banners on 21 February, 2011, 11:15:02 AM
Quote from: JUDGE BURNS
Took me ages to dry it out before I could read it. Anyone else have this problem????

Yup - but happens very rarely so can't complain...

never happens! our postie is a paragon of virtue and as an added bonus Mrs Huff delivered the prog to me in bed, accompanied by OJ and a cup of coffee ( wasn't happy about the big guy tagging along tho'  :D)
DDT did a job on me



House of Usher

The trouble with having stories that start and the same time and run to their conclusions at the same time is you end up with a feeling of reading the same Prog every week. There's more variety when series are of differing lengths and New Thrills are staggered rather than concurrent.

My thrills of Prog 1722, 'the same Prog as last week but a bit different' in descending order of enjoyment:

1) Shakara. Eva Procopio is very much the star of the show. Shakara gives you nothing to connect with, so the supporting cast has always been a necessary hook for the series. The exploding scientist was consistent with the tone of the strip. One in a long line of Stephen Hawking analogues in comics and cartoons.
2) Kingdom. A good strip that knows where it's going and has believable villains and characters deserving of the reader's sympathy. More doubtful science this week, as the bad guys need Gene captured alive so they can chop him into bits. Huh?
3) Ampney Crucis. Retro sci-fi tech, things on fire, gates into parallel dimensions - all entertaining, goofy stuff.
4) Judge Dredd. What was it they said about Woody Allen in Stardust Memories? I like Dredd's older, funnier material.
5) Necrophim. Whatever it is, this is probably a good example of how not to do it.

Colin YNWA

A strange thing happened on my way to the Prog (or through the Prog that should be). See normally I'm a straight front to back reader. Today when I got home from a parent run I picked up the Prog and went straight to Necrophim to start my weekly thrill dose. now there's no doubting there's better thrills in the Prog at the moment but it was Necrophim that had the 'Can't wait to see whats going to happen-factor' (so much catchier than X-factor I think you'll agree). And okay while I agree with Lee Bates 'Go team Uriel' was a pretty terrible line, aside from that this was a blinder which almost guarantees when I pick up the prog next week the conclusion to Necrophim will be the first thing I read.

As I said there are better things in the Prog namely Kingdom and Shakara both of which are once again superb. The thing is I know they're going to be superb and what they offer. Necrophim has that Saturday morning serial (to hitch-hike onto the back of another thread) thing going were I really want to know whats going to happen next (and its in black and white). Just great fun.

As for Dredd well it was really well done just didn't feel it added anything to the story. Sure it gave me detail on Deller and the cob on he has, just doesn't grip me. I mean am I meant to sympathise with him? Interestingly this is probably better crafted, has finer workmanship than, Necrophim just isn't as gripping. Ampney I actually enjoyed again this week, more than normal at least, meaning over all the prog was one hell of a victory. With another victory in hell, one way or another, next week (and there's enough hints in this one to make me think team Uriel might still have things to cheer) these are devilishly good times for thrill power.

Great Prog


DDT did a job on me


Was it just me- or did the alternate font used for the flashback really stink? I can appreciate that maybe something different was called for, but this looked really rushed and tacked on. I expect this sort of jarring in less experienced letterers, but not in the prog...