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Apollo 18 - Trailer

Started by Goaty, 21 February, 2011, 12:43:27 PM

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New trailer about Apollo 18...

Officially, Apollo 17, launched December 17th, 1972, was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later, in December of 1973, two American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it's the real reason we've never gone back to the moon.




NASA employ astronauts who can hold a camera steady! Huzzar!


Like it! Is this the same film as that one with the exact same plot that was going to be called Dark Moon?

Either way made me think of this here:


"What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission"

Oh dear, so it's Blair Activity on the moon now. I can't wait till they get tired of making these things.

Also, I'm reminded of Hangar 18, if the above isn't negative enough.

Still, I'll watch it in a couple of years when it comes on TV I'm sure :D


Quote from: Lobster Doug on 21 February, 2011, 04:58:26 PM
"What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission"

Oh dear, so it's Blair Activity on the moon now. I can't wait till they get tired of making these things.

I don't mind, as long as they tell a good story and we can see what's going on easily enough. District 9 took that route too for a large portion of it's footage and that turned out well.*

*To be fair they did use more conventional filming style as well, or we'd have never have seen anything from my alien namesake's point of view.** I think this could really work though.

**I'm a Christopher too although I wear my tentacle in a whole different place. Wa-tsh!


True, although I did hate District 9 the first time I watched it. Just really didn't like the fake documentary style. Saying that I watched it again and loved it once it got past that.

I did kind of enjoy Paranormal Activity, umm, the monster one too. I also loved that film about the Russian Roulette game show, which was entirely documentary, but far more of a satire on that kind of documentary I suppose, which made a big difference. Live! it was called, loved it.

So yeah, I'm a bit schizo when it comes to films like that it seems.

O Lucky Stevie!

Quote from: Goaty on 21 February, 2011, 12:43:27 PM
What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission.

But weren't all the Moon shots faked in a studio to begin with?  ;)

Stevie wishes to propose marriage to the suspension of disbelief required in the concealment of the manufacture & subsequent launch of a Saturn V.

"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"
