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Shooting completed for Judge Dredd

Started by Mike Carroll, 21 February, 2011, 05:56:06 PM

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Quote from: helm on 14 April, 2011, 12:37:27 AMMay just be a coincidence but Watchmen (the film) was released spring 2009 - March 6, 2009.

So are many other films every year, not even a coincidence.

We all ready have several posts and threads about this. IMDB really is the last out-post to ever receive news.


I'm just saying Watchmen was released in the Spring so it's like some cosmic connection - Dredd and Watchmen. According to Alan Moore...

"I wish it was never released."

Cheer up, Mr Grumpy.  :D


"It was also most interesting to hear from 2000ad artist Brendan McCarthy(who has done some pre-production design work on the long gestating new Mad Max film)that director George Miller was directly influenced by Dredd and 2000ad when making Mad Max II. "

One of the world's most arsom films just got even more arsom, IMO!  :thumbsup:


I think that influence began with the first film if he's honest.


...yeah, almost as soon  as the film begins when the "Halls of Justice" is shown. ;)



I've been thinking of how the production-design of this film will look in the final product. Last night I was watching "Dark City", and I thought some of the stuff in it could be appropriate for "Dredd". Maybe the look of "Brazil"? What do you all think?


Steve Green

I don't think it will be that stylised.

I'm thinking Robocop, with some massive skyscrapers in the distance.


Quote from: Steve Green on 18 April, 2011, 09:26:24 PM
I'm thinking Robocop, with some massive skyscrapers in the distance.

Not much of a parallel, but I loved the way the arcologies were just hazily visible  in the background of the Iowa scenes in the recent Star Trek movie.  A clever way of indicating vast scale.  Be interesting to see something similar in MC-1, huge misshapen towers looming out of an urban haze.  An alternative to the rain of Bladerunner or the glittering lights of Coruscant.


Quote from: Steve Green on 18 April, 2011, 09:26:24 PM
I don't think it will be that stylised.

I'm thinking Robocop, with some massive skyscrapers in the distance.

Maybe. It could, I suppose, fututristically-wise, look like something in between Robocop and Demolition Man. A little more futuristically-amped than Robocop, but with a more dry, subtle, and gritty feel than Demolition Man.

  Still, I am open to the notion that we could see something of a Blade Runner-type quality. Some fragment, atleast.


In the script, the city blocks are [spoiler]simply described as conventional tower blocks, but vastly bigger in scale - in fact the opening shot of the city is a visual trick - the Mega City skyline looks like any other, then the camera zooms in so that the audience can see just how big they are, regular sized skyscrapers in clusters around them give the sense of scale. Of course this may not be how the final film ends up looking - I'm sure things will have changed somewhat during the production process.

It's a shame that we probably won't be seeing the iconic domed towers of the Mega-City skyline on film, but I'm hoping the design team will have put in a few nods to the source material, like the statue of judgement looming over the statue of liberty.[/spoiler]

Steve Green

The thing that makes me think it won't be as large scale, is the use of the contemporary vehicles we've seen so far.

I'm just not sure those would quite work in the world described in the script.


It'll probably be rather vague when it comes to detail, total scale and the geography of the city, they aren't going to expand on much of anything outside one block, some streets and a skyline. It leaves it open for a greater fleshing-out without being boxed-in if any sequels happen.


Well, speaking of that "one block" in which most of the film will take place, it is that which really I'm actually thinking as to how it will look. Somehow, I think the stark and eerie atmosphere of the John Carpenter films "Assault On Precinct 13", and "Escape From New York" could be something that is given a nod to.