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“Truth? You can't handle the truth!”

Started by The Legendary Shark, 18 March, 2011, 06:52:29 PM

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Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 26 April, 2016, 04:11:48 PM
So anyway, chemtrails and weather modification. Any takers?

I always find when presented with any so-called conspiracy theory and all it's associated "evidence" just type the key word plus "debunked" into Google to find plenty of useful stuff.

The Legendary Shark

Quote from: Dandontdare on 26 April, 2016, 05:10:16 PM

I always find when presented with any so-called conspiracy theory and all it's associated "evidence" just type the key word plus "debunked" into Google to find plenty of useful stuff.



I take it that's a sarcastic wow rather than you being impressed by all that useful information.

When reading about these things on the internet, the "evidence" often sounds very compelling - however it only takes moments and the magic D word to find out, as in that link, lots of reasons why the evidence has been misinterpreted or is simply not reliable or non existent.

Sorry if it doesn't fit with your theories, but unless they can come up with something that isn't easily debunked with basic science, I'll continue to shout BOLLOX!


Alternatively, if you do a google search for 'Rosalind Peterson', the second thing listed is a youtube video of a segment from a radio phone-in, in which she herself says that she has no direct proof of jets releasing anything into the atmosphere other than jet fuel emissions, (and some military chaff), despite a decade of research.

Professor Bear

People were convinced for years that the government, the police, and the right-wing media were in cahoots to blame the victims of a disaster for their misfortunes, and the barmy conspiracy theory took a turn today when they were proven right.



EDIT - completely misread Bear's post ... nothing to see here!

The Legendary Shark

Quote from: Dandontdare on 26 April, 2016, 05:32:09 PM

I take it that's a sarcastic wow rather than you being impressed by all that useful information.

The "wow" was sarcastic, sorry. I'm actually reading through that website now, have been for a while and just came up for air (no pun intended). I'm finding the comments discussions particularly fascinating and through them, and cross-referencing, I'm learning more about the topic. As with most of these things, it's a lot more complex than simply "they are/they are not poisoning us."

Thanks for the link - I'm having fun!


I was just made aware that there's several conspiracy theories regards the government faking the Sandy Hook massacre. That murdered children isn't dreadful enough the internet has to create a business out of harassing the parents for being actors is just plain depressing.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Eric Plumrose

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 26 April, 2016, 03:41:51 PM"You can't come into this toilet, it's for women only."

There is a Gents next door, though. The disabled toilet that also doubles as the baby change is over there.

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 26 April, 2016, 03:41:51 PM"You can't come into this club, it's for members only."

. . . But here's a membership form.

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 26 April, 2016, 03:41:51 PMIn a truly free world, private clubs can make any rules they want - so long as they don't harm other people. As something of a libertarian I do agree with this. If somebody wants to set up a "whites-only" restaurant, they can do so. They can set up a blacks-only, men-only, Jews-only, Christian-only, gay-only, Irish-only or whatever-only establishment they desire. Would I go to such a place? No. Would you? Probably not. It's distasteful, yes, of course it is - but that's the thing about freedom. Sometimes it's ugly.

Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.


I watched part one of a two parter, where Simon Reeve was traveling around the whole of Ireland and the last few minutes showed that Segregation was unbelievably alive and well in the North's schools.
Me and the missus were stunned at the percentages quoted, even after all these years.

The Legendary Shark



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 29 April, 2016, 03:03:58 AM
Quote from: Eric Plumrose on 28 April, 2016, 08:02:49 PM


Thats basically the single argument behind anti-black/ angi-semetic/ anti-LGBT+ establishments and it's fucking bullshit.

Modern Panther

How many organizations run at a massive profit despite treating people badly?   If they acted a bit worse, what's to say they wouldnt still run at a massive profit? 

If Apple don't loose customers despite the condition s in their Chinese factories, do we really think they would loose that many just because they sack all their gay employees, or decide to pay their female employees less.  And once they do it, why shouldn't everyone else. 

We didn't become a more tolerant people because market forces made us so.   

The Legendary Shark

No it isn't. You're failing to take into account the fact of ownership.

Who owns the toilet or the private club?

If a shop, private property, owns the toilets, it's up to the owner how they are used. Segregated by sex, unisex or staff only. Customers only have the right to use those toilets as the owner stipulates. You don't like it, use another shop.

You are free to enforce toilet use in your own home during, for example, a party. Upstairs for women, downstairs for men, both for anyone, one for partygoers and one off-limits. If your guests don't like it, tough. Your toilets, your rules.

Same with private clubs. It's up to the club owner who's allowed to join and who isn't. If you don't like the club, don't join, find a better one or start your own. If you owned a LGBT club, would you allow hetreosexuals or even LGBT haters to join it or refuse their applications? It's your club, it's up to you.

We all practice voluntary segregation all the time. I wouldn't join a Conservative Club, a Labour Club or a Liberal Democrat Club. I willingly and lawfully segregate myself from them.

When "government" decides the associations you make for you, we end up with Nazi rallies, Communist Parties and Fascist states - where everyone is forced to attend and participate and the first person to stop applauding the leader's speech is taken out back and shot.

Disliking people, for any reason, is not a crime. Harming people, any people, based on that dislike is a crime.