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Started by Definitely Not Mister Pops, 24 March, 2011, 12:26:35 AM

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Definitely Not Mister Pops

Recently got a lend of Batman: The Brave and the Bold off my wee cousin. A lot of camp fun. Especially Aquaman (OUTRAGEOUS). I love the retro design too. There's a lot of wee in jokes for us die hard Bat-fans too. Sometimes it's a wee bit childish, but then again, it is a kids' show.

But the main thing I took from it was that, nowadays, it seems that everyone is trying to make comic book adaptations 'dark and gritty'. That's all well and good, but here's a show about, arguably, the Character that started this trend, portrayed as campy and fun, and it's no less enjoyable. There's something to be said for light-hearted, mad-cap madness.

Which brings me to my next point. Adam West. Why oh why has that classic series never been released? I blame lawyers. I have the movie, and honestly, it's my favourite Batman movie of all time. Don't get me wrong, Nolan and Burton's movies are excellent, but they don't have classic lines like 'Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb'. It's probably the only movie I've ever watched with commentary. The commentary from Adam West and Burt Ward is priceless. Every time Julie Newmar is in shot, Mr. West laciviously purrs 'hellllooooo'. It's almost as funny as the actual dialogue.

Come on lawyers, prove you don't hate all of humanity with one small gesture, hash out a deal so I can watch this show without being at the mercy of TV schedulers' whims. Just give us this one thing. I'm not asking you to be steps
You may quote me on that.


recently saw a brilliant doco/movie called Return to the Batcave, it was about the 60's show and all the stuff that went on behind the scenes and was spliced with a narative set in modern times with the brilliant Adam West and Burt Ward solving the theft of the original Batman TV series Batmobile.  Its fricken arsom and any fan of the original show or Adam West should see.
Adam West for me is up there with Shatner for clasic line delivery.

CU Radbacker


Yeah, that's a nice little fim - and apparantly pretty accurate as to how things were.
Yeah, the legal wrangles are bloody annoying as the series needs to be out there and appreciated, especially Mr West for the comic genius he is.
Faint light maybe at the end of the proverbial though - he's mentioned recently in an interview that the wrangles may be over soon and a DVD release will follow.
Which of course would be excellent - just a shame pretty much all the co-stars aren't around anymore for the extras
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


Just watched the Ma Baker (?) Adam West Batman programmes while ironing my workshirts what a wonderful camp and silly thing it was  :D
DDT did a job on me

James Stacey