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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Started by Goaty, 21 April, 2011, 10:37:51 PM

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Quote from: Adrian Bamforth on 27 July, 2012, 12:07:04 AM
I couldn't identify a single moment of CGI - by usual bugbear?

Not even the Stadium collapse?

Adrian Bamforth

Well I guess there was that, though perhaps because logically it had to be, rather that being particularly bad CGI. Perhaps that moment was showing off a little more for the trailer.


My thoughts exactly Ade. I felt the same about Dark Knight( though looking back I think it's a lot better than Rises). They just feel like a collection of scenes where the characters don't speak, instead they just spout plot exposition. They clunkily explain who they are and whet they're going to do, or helpfully recap the plot for you. I don't like the way the action is integrated either it never feels part of the narrative more like a break in the plot exposition just for the sake of it. There was one point in particular this stood out for me when the special forces guys meet Gordon in their hideout. They have a big long chat about the plot and how to disarm the bomb or something and as soon as they're finished some random bad guys break in for a bit of a fight.

I really liked Begins it felt like a proper film with a good shape to it, and I loved the batmobile chase in it, nothing in the other two came close to it imho.

This new one really felt like 2hrs of build up to chase a ticking bomb, there were some good bits but tbh I was just looking forward to it ending.


I agree, it's almost as though Nolan was so preoccupied with wrapping up his trilogy and tying everything together that he forgot to include a film as well.


I got paid to watch batman again today and I liked it a lot better cos i wasn't so confused or expecting things (like venom and the scarecrow) that weren't in it.  In reply to whoever said about the liam neeson bit I didn't reply because that when I fell asleep the first time.  I missed th situps and ghosts but woke up when everyone started shouting rise.   But yes, yes I know what you mean person who's post I can't find x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Quote from: Fisticuffs on 27 July, 2012, 02:31:42 PM
I agree, it's almost as though Nolan was so preoccupied with wrapping up his trilogy and tying everything together that he forgot to include a film as well.

I keep on saying the same thing.
I wan't longing for the film to end, so much as I was longing for Bane to suddenly walk up to catwoman or someone and shout [spoiler]'you think you could kill me that easily'[/spoiler].

Quote from: Judo on 27 July, 2012, 05:36:47 PM
I got paid to watch batman again today and I liked it a lot better cos i wasn't so confused or expecting things (like venom and the scarecrow) that weren't in it.  In reply to whoever said about the liam neeson bit I didn't reply because that when I fell asleep the first time.  I missed th situps and ghosts but woke up when everyone started shouting rise.   But yes, yes I know what you mean person who's post I can't find x

you got paid to watch it! you lucky devil!

Definitely Not Mister Pops


I enjoyed this movie, I really did, I came out of the cinema feeling like I had been entertained.


As much as I enjoyed it I think it'll be a long time before I watch it again. I keep thinking about the plot, specifically [spoiler]Bane's plan to trap the police and cut off Gotham[/spoiler]. The more I try to understand it, the less sense it makes.

Why [spoiler]did the authorities think it would be a good idea to send almost the entire police force into the sewers? Even the desk jockeys? And there was a major sports event happening at the same time? Shouldn't there be at least a token police presence at such a large gathering of people? Y'know in case of a TERRORIST ATTACK. And Bane was counting on the authorities being this stupid and reckless for his plan to work?[/spoiler] Was I not paying enough attention? [spoiler]Did I miss a scene that shows Bane's goons storming all the police buildings? Y'know, in case not ALL the cops were down in the sewers.[/spoiler]

And then [spoiler]Bane gives the cops food and water. He gives his FULLY ARMED AND ARMOURED prisoners sustenance WITHOUT DEMANDING THEY SURRENDER THEIR WEAPONS BEFORE HE GIVES THEM A SINGLE MORSEL OR DROP. And it totally comes back to bite him in the ass.[/spoiler]

I'll stop now. Just had to get that off my chest before I bored the arse off some work colleagues that won't shut up about the thing
You may quote me on that.

Professor Bear

Quote from: Adrian Bamforth on 27 July, 2012, 12:07:04 AM
I couldn't identify a single moment of CGI - by usual bugbear?

I think the Bat-spaceship might have been CGI.

Adrian Bamforth

I'm sure it mostly was... it just seemed what was there was subtle and well integrated enough to not be obvious.


Quote from: Professah Byah on 31 July, 2012, 09:37:18 PM
I think the Bat-spaceship might have been CGI.

Most of the chase sequences were done with a physical mock-up of the vehicle mounted on a rig on the back of a truck -- they just CGed out the truck.


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yeah I remember watching some of the first filming footage to come from TDKR and it showed a reveal of the 'bat-wing' flying through a day-lit Gotham, but it reminded me of seeing similar efforts I'd seen in previous Batman movies so I was dubious as to how the final result would look - plus the 'ship' itself looked clunky and as if it was on pneumatics...but the bat wing worked in the film itself.


just saw it and enjoyed it (although i enjoyed the mini-game of trying to understand Bane also.)

I wasn't a fan of the 2nd film mainly because of the heath ledger gushings which ruined it for me.
In all the first is still my favorite.

Also gutted Dredd trailer wasn't shown.
Also evertyime we see the gorden-levitt chap we always go 'ah tommy's all growd up'


where do i go to get those hours of my life back?
That was painful,dull, muddled, tired, predictable,so full of plotholes there was little left over and it had Tom Conti at his stuttering best, why lord why?
There was just silliness piled on silliness piled on pish, radioactive tsunami anyone?

fourty mins of adverts at the start didn't help either and that's the whitest I've see NY, sorry Gotham since the days of Adam West.
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 05 August, 2012, 04:06:34 PM
where do i go to get those hours of my life back?
That was painful,dull, muddled, tired, predictable,so full of plotholes there was little left over and it had Tom Conti at his stuttering best, why lord why?
There was just silliness piled on silliness piled on pish, radioactive tsunami anyone?

fourty mins of adverts at the start didn't help either and that's the whitest I've see NY, sorry Gotham since the days of Adam West.

I agree with the amount of adverts they had on. I miss the days where adverts were cinematic e.g. in the 90s...or when normal 'tv ads' werent on at the cinema at all. Plus no a Dredd trailer before the screening!!!

As for Adam West nostalgia - I think they should do a Big Daddy film with a cameo from west!!


I've avoided all spoilers for Batman, and saw I tonight for the first time.  It was ok, reasonably entertaining.  The best thing about it?  The DROKKING DREDD TRAILER BEFOREHAND!  Man, seeing that on the big screen almost made me leap up and cheer!  Wasn't it bloody brilliant?!?