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GN for a younger reader

Started by jabish, 05 June, 2011, 08:32:28 PM

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Hey guys,

Listen, the story is that I need to buy a graphic novel as a present for an 11 year old, and I'm a bit stumped. I worry that some of the 2000ad stuff would be a bit too violent for him, or if not him then for his parents to be approving of. He likes super heroes and Sci-Fi. Would be cool if it was a self contained story.

The two front runners at the moment are SKIZZ and Brian K. Vaughn's Runaways that he did for Marvel Comics.

Any ideas or advice from the parents on the board?




DR and Quinch? Halo Jones? Kingdom? Meltdown Man? Ro-Busters?
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Kingdom or Ro-Busters is not a bad idea at all. Keep em coming.

I, Cosh

What about that Mezolith thing that got a write up in the Meg recently?
We never really die.


Second vote for Kingdom - it's violent, but firmly in the 'fantasy violence' area.

It's not 2000ad, but I'd recommend a book of Usagi Yojimbo - perhaps book 1.


Another vote here for Meltdown Man. I just loved it at that age and having just read it again recently can still heartily recommend it today!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.


Another for Meltdown Man, Ace trucking would be worth a spin, and you cant go wrong with Asterix.


Professor Bear

Runaways is an ongoing series and contains a lot of material typical to teen dramas (underage sex, drug references) in an attempt to create something more edgy than the usual teen superhero book, but in the end it's still pretty generic with the occasional decent splash page or cliffhanger like the writer is going hard for a CSI writing gig.  Skizz on the other hand is self-contained, suitable for all ages, and oddly hasn't dated quite as much as Runaways has.

Then again, Runaways is in colour.  I have heard this is a big deal for kids, though they seem to get on well enough with manga so you'll have to judge what your own nipper will tolerate.

Colin YNWA

Yeah I defo think Skizz is up there.

Not sure how 'mature' 11 year olds want their stuff these days but some of the best all ages material out there is done by Jeff Smith. Bone is really a delight for anybody as is his Shazam if you want something more superheroie


non 2000ad stuff--any Tintin or Asterix books or the complete Bone by Jeff Smith

Toni Scandella

The first Dredd Case Files.  I loved all that stuff back in 77 when I was 11 :)


Mouse Guard!  It's beautiful to look at and is a good adventure story...


There's always volume 1 of Akira. It's a bit violent, but I was totally obsessed with it when I was about 11/12.

Or how about book one of The Ultimates? He'll no doubt be familiar with Captain America, Thor and Iron Man from the movies, and The Ultimates is accessible and fun, with top-notch art.


Readers Wives?

I'll get my coat!  :-[
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]

James Stacey